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  • I see. So my crushing disappointment was warranted.
    I've been avoiding the forums for fear of plot spoilers, and so hadn't seen that change.
  • Does anyone have thoughts as to why the Steam store page for this SUBlime game lists a release date of 16 January 2018, rather than 31 October 2017?
    I also also agree that Subnautica is a steal at $25 USD/ $30 CAD. Unknown Worlds has my undyin…
  • (Quote)
    Another big Niven fan here ... love it!

  • I agree and I'm totally on board with that development choice. There's no shortage of games all with no individual shortages of tools of destruction; I love the idea that SN prompts you to play in a different mindset.
  • It's clearly a reaper leviathan egg.

    Things are about to get interesting around the Channel Islands!
  • If the devs need to cut something - for whatever reason - I 100% back them for choosing the terraformer.

    It's cool - don't get me wrong - but it is absolutely not essential to the game.
  • Part of the point of having a voiceless protagonist is that it's easier for the player to immerse him/herself in the character.
    Having The Diver speak in a voice that is obviously not yours breaks immersion.

    I say leave it the way …
    in Fragments... Comment by ChimpX July 2016
  • This thread puzzles me. I've never done anything apart from picking acid shrooms with the 'E' key. Why would you knife them? Are you mycocidal?

    Admittedly I haven't played in a while. Perhaps there's some shroom change I don't know about?
  • (Quote)
    On that subject... does anybody have a feel for how on-target development is? Last I heard they were aiming for an August release.

    I used to follow Trello progress closely, but since seeing a few too many spoilery bits …
  • I saw it featured on Steam, and the ad picture was cool enough to make me click it. The autoplay video ran and I was caught like a hungover hoopfish. I've been gaming for 20 years but had never seen anything quite like it. I never even knew at the t…
  • :'(
    RIP Reapy.
  • Very cool to see actual divers enjoying and appreciating this game. Makes me feel smrt and cool for loving it too. :p
  • I recall seeing a Trello post saying that the Early Access edition of Subnautica would become a "special edition" when the game is released, and that this would include the soundtrack.

    Mind you that was a while ago.
  • (Quote)
    I've always pushed the life pod over to my base just because it serves as a free directional beacon.

    Other than that, yeah, not much point in moving it.

  • I'm all for adding additional 'realism' for Hardcore mode players.
    Or perhaps having a 'diving simulation' game mode that more closely mimics reality in various sadistic ways.
    I'd never use it, but it sure would be cool.
  • It seems to me that having to manually switch out air tanks in your inventory would be a perfect addition to Hardcore mode.

    Having inventory tanks passively contributing to total O2 is probably the way most "non-immersion" or non Hardcor…
  • Hmm... I've having a hard time imagining that nuke reactor inside a Cyclops.... Where would it go?
    in WOAH!!! Comment by ChimpX April 2016
  • If we accept that the 'Clops is ultimately conceived to be a deep-sea exploration vessel, then I would say solar recharging is inappropriate anyway.
    Give it nuclear, or bio; solar is for surface vehicles & emplacements.
  • Yah that white phosphorus mousse has great all-day hold but tends to light up a bit too readily.
  • I expect the only reason we can freely swim at any depth is because the game is still in development mode. The devs couldn't restrict our depth back in the pre-sub days or else we wouldn't have been able to test all the zones for them.

  • (Quote)
    I saw a suggestion sometime back about a seamoth module that adds manipulator arms to the front. I thought that was an excellent idea.

    Perhaps interchangeable attachments to those arms, such as your drill, or laser cutt…
  • I was playing the latest experimental build as of @ 11pm EST 5 April and I didn't notice any life pod drift.

    Once you have the life pod repaired using the welder, one of the items on the status display inside the pod says "Gravity Ancho…
  • Support staff.

    Subnautica is secretly Space Quest VII.

    Look how clean the floors in all our bases are.
  • The way I see it, the best thing that they can do at this point is what they're doing already - that is, make the absolute best single-player game that they possibly can.

    If Subnautica is the critical and commercial success we all know i…
  • Does it really? My apologies if so; it's been a while since I played Hardcore mode in this game.
    Even in that case, I still think Hardcore should include O2 warnings. Seemed challenging enough to me already, and a highly advanced survival dive…
  • I agree with your sentiment, and would like to add that Hardcore mode should also have O2/nutrition/hydration warnings.

    I believe the goal of a Hardcore mode in a survival game should be to ratchet up the realism, and how realistic is it…
  • Just you wait... it'll require 1000 copper to make the thing ;)
  • Big time bump.

    Beacon toggle please. :*
  • I'd really like to be able to toggle off the visual beacon pings. If you're anything like me, you have enough beacons in the water now to walk from the Aurora to the Floating Island without getting your feet wet.

    But all that visual nois…