I started a new save.... saved when I first made some lubricant.... then again when I made silicone... went out collecting quartz and stuff only to have the game lock up and crash.... came back on and there was no save.... even after seeing the "gam…
I've had problems with the world not loading or falling through the bottom of the world in previous game builds...
started over this time... played for about 2 or so hours, when world stopped loading in. was saving before that... so messed aro… -
also... forgot... keep losing my knife after I save and log out, only to come back and it's gone.
same thing happened to my grav sphere as well. -
yeah, lost mine to a glitch where it would fall through the ocean floor with me in it.
was able to get out of it as it sank beneath the ground.... then swam up.... as soon as I got above the ground my prawn was lost.... now it's stuck just und… -
yeah it's quite easy to get it. all you really need for it is of course a scanner, welder and laser cutter... most of the ingredients to make them are very easy to get.... just go to mountain island to get a diamond (which is the m… -
that's fine with me... but I would like to request different shaped rooms as well.... feel like I've been grounded and told to go stand in the corner when I got into the mp room as is (when it's empty)..... would be cool to have sp… -
damn.... just brought back memories of my mom.... she loved to go to garage sales... once bought a table and chairs, they were solid oak and extremely heavy. she some how managed to pack that 8 person table and chairs into a very e… -
Look in your game directory at Subnautica/SNUnmanagedData/Build18/biomeMap_1024.png
it's a map of the game and its updated with the game... and use this a reference to the different Where is grand reef? Comment by Carica June 2016
your not out of date... I have searched into the deepest holes of the internet to see if I can find any info... so far other than tests on mice... found a video talking about it and the mouse looks like it came through the ordeal j… -
yeah... though we don't have that problem of nitrogen narcosis in the game... but if they ever do add something like that to the game. I do hope they add more ways to get around it... like using trimix or heliox. -
yeah, it's more theory than practical use right now... but it is based on the fact that as we are still in our mother's womb. we are breathing amniotic fluid.... it has also been in several movies... Like Abyss which is where I rem… -
rooms I would love to see...
1. hydroponics room - for growing food/plants also would help recycle Oxygen.
2. cooking station/kitchen - place where we can safely store room, food decay is cut in half, also can combine certain edible item… -
that's in the ocean of subnautica now?!?!? oh dear god... I'm going to have to wear a diaper when playing now.... and to think I was afraid to go into the ocean after watching Jaws the first time..... those guys make Jaws look like a cuddly little t…
that's cool to know... here is another idea... if we build a ladder let it always start on the wall of a room/corridor... granted if you widen the opening between the corridor and the connecting tube to accomplish would be the only… -
I can sleep any where.... I'm more concerned about showers.... where do I wash out my swim suit after I use it for a toilet? I don't want to take it off outside... there's things out there that might try to make a part of me their lunch.... and spea…
We can scan fish already, and recipes are learned as soon as you catch them... though not track them like you are stating.... why would we need to track the smaller fish is beyond me, but that's not relevant at this point.
have robot/drones that are deployed from the scanner room that would go out and collect materials that are just sitting out in the open.... IE I've tried to pick up my fair amount of titanium/copper from limestone or other stuff just to be left with…(Quote)
that would be nice... but don't know if that would work... we can already scan limestone and determine what me might get from it..... but it would make things alot easier though!(Quote)
I had an idea for a tether to a exo-suit.... since the exo-suit has no real piloting abilities in open water, other than quick hops and walking on the ocean floor.... the suit would need a way to get back to cyclops if it was being…(Quote)
yeah that's possible... put a over sized dive reel on the cyclops and attach it to the exo-suit.that's good news.... though wish he would be a friendly ally against the leviathan... considering all that transpired to him.a nuclear sub would be a good idea... power that last longer. revamp the cyclops's engine room into a nuclear reactor room. would be slightly faster and agile, longer range... still the same depth and upgrades for it as the cyclops has.
…retractable ladders.... push them up out of your way when not in use.... and when the ladders go down have something like this....a control monitor in the room where the reactor is located showing the status of it would be a good way.I had a similar idea(s) but it was an upgrade module for the scanner room....
one was to turn the camera into a scanner, another was to give the camera an option to tag creatures with a marker of some kind to track them.... (ie know where the …(Quote)bigger question for when he is in the game.... if you release him will he be friendly to you? or will you just be a appetizer on his road to world domination?agreed... been having this problem the last few updates. have to keep holding the space bar to get enough time to do what I want above the water.... either building something or getting my bearings.oh god that's horrorifying!!!! I don't want to leave the safe shallows now.....(Quote)
oooo I like them.... though the one in the water is much sleeker looking.... makes me think of an attack sub. the other looks more like a version of a home than a sub.