I think its been annoying all of us for many years... it was annoying in 2002... it's still annoying today. (2002 was when I got into PC gaming) -
I do have intergrated graphics. But I am quite sure it's not going to be as good as my graphics card. But I am going to for shits and giggles see how slower it is >.> and what excatly my intergrated thing is.
I know for you guys … -
Okay thanks! Ill keep this stuff in mind when I do get a new graphics card in the future. But for all the other stuff i play on it, it works just fine for me. But if my graphics card ever dies.. ill know what to get next time. :P -
Which 750TI do you own? J/W, because those were a bit cheaper than what he has.
LOLOLOL I am not going to waste 130 dollars on a graphics card that wuld only give me 40 FPS at 1280x1024!!!!! If it gave me 60 FPS OKAY yeah AWESOME with all the settings on high! but at 40 FPS? Hell no.
EDIT: … -
Well, if you guys know some nice graphics cards out there that are worth it, please post some for me. I do have the money. I might consider buying.. it's just that I also know how fast technology changes... because in 6 months from now what I will …
Well i get on average 30FPS playing 800x600 right now. So its not bad, but would love to have it so I could play it smooth with everything up and high someday. So meh its my Graphics card. I believe I paid 60 dollars for it on Newegg. And here …
Well I can get a good 30FPS at 800x600, which isn't bad. But the resolution is meh you know? Not sure how it will hold up in game though.. but its still not bad... it could be worse.
But I do agree with you on the FPS being too low eve… -
So my Graphics card is crap or is it my CPU that is? Because I am baffled that either one of them would be... at least for Natural Selection 2.
in Very low Frame Rate with PC, need help Comment by AllanCaesar February 2015