I found the problem with the sound issue, the audio jack got unstuck a tiny bit. its weird that music and other game sounded normal though except ns2.
It wasent on Gplay server.
And if anyone want to know the particular server I mention my tactics were the fallowing:
Location H: Armory (10res) hub, observatory (10) , mines (10), Phase tech (10) > phase gate (15)
Now you… -
Me personally mind if you sold it as new DLC.
Why don't you give the administration right over to the CDT team? then you wont have any expenses. To be fair UWE don't develop anything, so I think the CDT team does deserve so… -
hehe I have the same problem black screen, game wont load
So I found this UWE Unofficial server 1, Dunno what setting you have on this server.
It was only running Shine administration and Shine NS2 stat mod.
And look at that I crashed at exactly 6% precaching was only using 2gb of RAM, NS… -
We did that back in march on the last patch before kodiak patch.
I could join and do mapchange without problems.
All mods was disabled… -
Sucess I could join both Thirst onos server with the changes.
Well server 2 wasent weird since all the consistency check was gone.
Server 1 was also no problem when the model check was gone.
Could do mapchange just fine on bo… -
Well if your server dont have consistency check then I think there is something wrong with the NS2 consistencycheck. Cause ive nuked my entire NS2 several times. NS2 folder including all the appdata under windows.
in "Game files do not match the server's..." Comment by Airwolf_swe May 2014 -
At first I was like NO kodiak release not even more skinmodels so it crash the game.
But i start to doubt its purely related only to the memory.
I mean I can jump on survival of the fattest server and do toons of … -
Just when you though it couldnt get worse. I dunno how they managed it, but now (build 264) I have the crashes on even MORE servers *sigh* Id say like 80% of the servers with people playing I cant even join the servers HURRAY, and not a single UWE s…
I was about to install Win8.1 evaluation version but then again I have an important school course for the coming months and by no means do I wanna jeopardize my system at this moment for a game.
Maybe someone else… -
My system is indeed 32bit winxp. 4Gb Ram.
I am NOT running the Beta of NS2
I will NOT try that 3GB fix again, last time I tried … -
Here you go Tech zip 1 and 2 is crash at mapchange.
Tech 3 is trying to join some unofficial server cant remember if it was DB d u m b a s s or some other server, crash and couldnt even join the server.
I guess Ive been exper… -
GhoulofGSG9 you run the "Survival of the Fattest" server?
If my memory is correct thats also one of the few server I can join and do mapchange on without crashing.
Even though that one do have shine admin installed, along with more mods.… -
Now I figured out the server I cant join are Swe onoz and Woza 40player server. This connection issue seems to be related to Shine mod.
As me and supafred tried out he disabled all the mods then I could indeed connect to Swe thirsty ono … -
Ive tried out a couple more stuff now
I noticed this problem seems to be tied to some servers, some servers seems to do mapchange just fine.
a small amount 1-2 server I cant even join anymore since 263, but I was able to joi… -
Where do I send this tech_support zip file?
Generally it does seems like the game wont crash as often on mapchange when the server has almost none mods installed. Or im just thinking that now that you mentioned it. On some server it does… -
Im not sure if the NS2 team knows but: The load time since patch 262 been increased again to annoyingly at least 5min (time to join a server).
I know NS2 team did work on precaching more. But I cant see any advantages, cause sometimes th…