No, i do not think that mumble has the capability to mess with the games sound engine, so you could hear the players voice in the game itself like "my shrink says i need an outlet for my aggression"
I can only assume why this would be helpful, since i have not seen this in any multiplayer game and therefor lack the insight to see what it might fix or not.
So one reason, as already stated in here would be to have an improved com…
Well sort of. Do you guys remember cs_italy? There was a sound entity in the map, i think it was T start, it was the radio, that could be heard throughout the whole map playing that italian song. Now that was a sound emitter inside the game engine. …
Because right now you cant talk ingame. Which mankind probably has adapted to, but which is pretty much outside of what you'd call immersion. At the moment you can just talk to some teamspeak clone wired to the game.