Question About Leap Attack...
Join Date: 2004-01-21 Member: 25560Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">Bug?</div> I've seen some skulks use leap attack on a marine and he was olny taking abot 3 dmg? I though that leap attack did 80... He olny had like lvl 1 armor or so. <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->
You would be better off using harsh language.
Leap back in 1.04 was EXTREMELY USEFULL. A skilled leaper could kill a still marine in 1 second and then a fully upgraded HA marine in about 2.
was it had as hell to pull off? yes. But like most things that own with skill the noobs cried and so it was reduced to this pitifull pile of bull poop that it is now, same with charge.
Leaps damage needs to be taken back to level of 1.04 at a fps of 60. It would do about 180 damage in 1 second. If a leap conntacts a marine for its full duration (about a second) then the alein deserves the kill. I MEAN SERIOUSLY how does a full throtle charge with slashing claws do 10 damage? from a realism and gameplay standpoint the leap right now makes no sense.
change it... i command you.
Leap back in 1.04 was EXTREMELY USEFULL. A skilled leaper could kill a still marine in 1 second and then a fully upgraded HA marine in about 2.
was it had as hell to pull off? yes. But like most things that own with skill the noobs cried and so it was reduced to this pitifull pile of bull poop that it is now, same with charge.
Leaps damage needs to be taken back to level of 1.04 at a fps of 60. It would do about 180 damage in 1 second. If a leap conntacts a marine for its full duration (about a second) then the alein deserves the kill. I MEAN SERIOUSLY how does a full throtle charge with slashing claws do 10 damage? from a realism and gameplay standpoint the leap right now makes no sense.
change it... i command you. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Having FPS dependacy will bring back when Onos could take down an entire comm chair in one charge.
im saying i want the leap to be changed to what a leap WOULD HAVE BEEN in 1.04 at a 60 fps. understand?
Anyway, leap is a mode of transport, not an attack. Just use bite for damage.
I did not just wait FOR 2 HIVES just to get an attack that SUCKS. Useing leap for mobility isnt even effecient.... i can hear a leaping skulk coming from a mile away -= dead skulk. The skulk is based on steath untill engaged why the hell would you want to break away from this with an annoyingly loud and useless ability. Leap just doesnt seem to fit the way it is now.... its like turning bile bomb into.. "warm love tickle bubble" would anyone want any other class to have a useless ability?? i thought not, Then why give one to the skulk?
you think its hard hitting somone with charge?<!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo--> try it with leap.
ill give you and idea of leap compared to charge in terms of ease of use.
take an onos strap 5 rockets to its back and alow it to stick to walls.. thats leap.
atleast with charge you can stay on the ground and use it to guide you, with leap you almost nothing.. not only that but the collision box is soo small that you often fly right by them dealing 0 damage.
Edit: It took a very very large amount of skill to use the 1.04 leap, so when the noobs couldnt duplicate the damage even with their 100 fps they cried NERF. NERF NERF.
just make a fixed damage value ie. skulk leaps and if it hits a marine it does 60 damage, and thats it.
same for charge, but i think there's a thread on the charge issue allready.
but i know exactly why it is and why it has to stay that way.
leap damage just needs to be at least doubled. A vent camping marine back in 1.04 was leap fodder, but now in 3.0 a marine can camp in a vent and survive agianst waves of skulks.. is this how its supposed ot be? marines controling the vents? Back in 1.04 marines couldnt sit in a corner and camp, because if they did i could leap around the corner and into their face and they would die in under a second, but now a single marine can camp in an area that all aleins know hes in and the only way to beat him with skulks is to give him free kills till he runs out of ammo. Should this be? Allow a marine to camp in a corner or a vent and not fear skulks? WHY? Give marines somthing to fear... make them fear 2 hives, make them fear skulks.
edit: my god you guys take forever to post.... c mon im bored hurry up!
it says in leaps text that its usefull for movement and combat.... what a lie.
change text to:
leap- a poor excuse for a hive 2 ability. When used for movement everyone in a 1 mile radius hears you, not only is this the #1 way you can tell marines you have a 2nd hive but you can also use it to tell marines were you are so they can get free kills. When used for combat big red lettering scrolls across your screen saying "you are a stupid noob for useing leap as an attack", also use this to make marines laff, its a good support skill because while the marines are laughing uncontrolably at the newb skulk useing leap their aim will be thrown off giving your teamates time to kill them.
I remeber playing with you in 1.04 nightcrawler, and most of the time your leap kills could have been had even easier with bite. A good marine won't let you stick to him for long enough to kill him, even in 1.04. That's why you bite while you're in range. This is the reason focus works so well. Marines are always away from you, so focus allows you to make the maximum of the always short time you have in contact with the marine.
Conclusion: leap is fine.
Saying that biting is a more effective attack show you how BROKEN leap really is... for crist sake i spend recources to get a hive up to improve my existing lifeforms with MORE effective attacks. Leap is a step down fromt this. Not only is leap hardly usefull as a movement ability but its also useless as an attack. It seems as if leap should be the primary attack with bite being the 2 hive attack.
Yes back in 1.04 most times biting was more effective than leaping,, even i can admit that i used leap even in stupid situations.. just because i wanted to learn it inside and out. I remeber trying to leap a single bunny hoping marine in viaduct who took almost 40 damage and in the end killed me with his knife. If i had used bite whould i have won? Yes, But that only stresses the potential a\leap could have as an attack. Leap should be used for the campers and the poeple who dont know how to strafe, And then bite being used for the bunny hoping crack ****.
Edit: the delay between switching was indeed unitentional NOT a script preventions thing. Mods have no problem with leap biting and is a viable part of the game
Leap should be used primarily for killing campers and movment, and thats exactly what it was used for in 1.04, untill flay killed it into uselessness
Ummm... explain this quick switch disabling thing to me please? Because last I knew, Max, a developer, said this "anti-scripting feature" (the lag between weapon switching) which was present in NS 2.0 was a bug, and eliminated in NS 3.0...
Supposedly if you don't use "lastinv" to quick switch between weapons (which needs the server to tell it what your last weapon was), and you use a switch such as slot2, then your client will update weapons immediately, and there is no "anti scripting delay" any more...
hell prove me wrong and ill gladly agree.
Edit ::the delay between switching was indeed unitentional NOT a script preventions thing. Mods have no problem with leap biting and is a viable part of the game
hell prove me wrong and ill gladly agree.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ok <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif' /><!--endemo-->
There's a post in the Constellation Member's forums which has the explaination of this "anti scripting delay" thing, which was fixed in 3.0. (If any CM needs a link it's <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>)
Max says this:
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
The delay was eliminated. In 2.01, weapon switches had to take a round trip to the server before they took affect on the client. A lot of people incorrectly said we put this delay in 2.01 as some sort of way to prevent people from using scripts.
If you switch weapons with lastinv you will still have this delay because lastinv is a server command. Hopefully we'll be able to replace that with a predicted version in the future. In the meantime I would recommend using hud_fastswitch 1 and the number keys.
With this new code you should theoretically be able to hit people with leap/bite or leap/xenocide regardless of your ping.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You may, however, be confusing this with the "mp_blockscripts" server variable which will block scripts which contain "wait", "_special", "exec", or a semi-colon if the server admin activates it (by default it's set off, and most servers keep it off).
Now, back on topic...
Leap sucks for damage, yes. Leap, however, more than makes up this sucking of damage with the insane speed which it sends you flying. In 3.0 beta 1 for combat, when spent levels determined your respawn time, I would buy only leap until about level 8-9 (then go lerk and get all my upgrades). Why? Simple, for a couple reasons:
Faster transportation around the map
Easier access to some vents
And probably the most important:
You can take marines who don't have absolutely perfect aim head on and most of the time walk away victorious, especially if you get your leap/bite timing down.
ill add an edit to my other posts stating so.
Leap shouldnt be a suplementry skill to bite thats not what "I" want.
I want leap to be another indivdual viable attack. I have to be moving fast all thetime and leap in 1.04 alowed me to be the fastest land animal thile getting kills at the same time. Nothing since has matched my 1.04 leaping skulk joy. Dont turn leap into complementry skill.
Heres my idea to keep leap as movment ability and make leap bite still possible WHILE making leap its own SKILL!!!!
Make it so you have to press and hold the attack button with leap to get it to deal dammage. So just a tap will make you leap ( for leap biting) But if you press and hold you'll leap and then start dealing damage with it. OMG ISNT THIS A PERFECT FIX?<!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo--> tap attack- makes you leap only ::::::: press and hold - makes you leap plus deals damage after.
Please i jsut thought of this idea and would really like it if i got some feed back on this possible and viable fix for me and YOU <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Say the onos goes 300 max speed (which it most likely doesn't, but this is just an example). he runs into a group of marines in a hall. he hits the first marine, 300 damage is instantly done to the marine and the onos move speed is reduced to 0 (for how long can be tested, but NOT THAT LONG) he then continues towards the next marine building up speed.
Another thing you would have to change is change how the onos picks up speed. Right now i believe it takes literally seconds to reach full speed... now something as big as an onos would seem to me something that would take some distance to pick up speed. This can be changed (IE: speed up or slow down acceleration for the onos) to balance the "ultimate" ability for the onos.
The same thing for leap can be implimented, leaping onto a marines face now RIPS IT OFF... thus killing him, like it should be. If you miss the marine and you run into him right after missing, you wont be moving that fast, thus not do much damage (that is, if the leap is still in effect)
Also, cerelity will up the damage done by charge, as you move faster (and possibly pick up speed faster if you decide to slow the onos acceleration) leap i think is not affected by cerelity, you always leap at the same speed.
I like Charge the ability, it really fits the onos... but right now it sucks. Please realise that damage over time abilities suck unless you can shoot them (spores) and run away letting the damage soak into the rines.
Leap is also a fav of mine. How many alien type movies have you seen an alien LEAP onto a marine killing him? tons of times! CHANGE THE LEAP AND CHARGE!
Blink is slower than leap, and does no damage at all!
1.x blink = go from A to B instantly. (yes it was buggy as hell, but it was still COOL)
Since then it's gone down to the point where a skulk would beat a fade in a race down tram tunnel. Is this right?
*use arrow keys*
*presses page down for leap*
*leap + press delete for bite*
is it really that hard? no, not really. leap is a great attack assistant. leap in bite bite leap out, heal(maybe) and repeat. It also works great for xeno. It's either me though, or there's a delay bewteen leeping and actually biting than from 1.04, but no worries because that just makes focus easier to use <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
blink is in slot2, so you just need 1 hive for it. that's probably why it doesn't deal damage <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
keep leap how it is. keep blink how it is. imo they are fine.