Opening Com Placements

AvitarAvitar Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20760Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Opening Com Placements for marines</div> Here it is...

For all mraine commanders in games of 4 vs. 4 or higher; follow these steps for a strong lead:

1) Place 1 IP (2 in large games like 9 vs 9)
2) Place Turret factory
3) Place 4 to 5 turrets which idealy have line of fire over IP's Turret factory and com chair
4) Aliens will usually rush after 2 turrets are made built, be sure to keep an eye out for who is good.
5) After you beat the rush send 1 Marine (2 as squad 5 in big games) as Rambo units
6) regroup your other players, divide them into squads of 2-4 and assign them numbers... send them to Cap Res
7) make com chair Squad 1 for quick jumps back to home
8) build your own armory, give yourself a welder.
9) If your rambos are good, have them harrass the hive

<b><i>You may ask why i wait to build an armory?</i></b>
- Most marines die before they burn through 2 clips! ...and if they are good, they will pick up a dead's marines gun ad use it. Also early in the game you can use your pistol for decent damage to finish an alien.


  • Kid-AKid-A Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 10908Members
    Marines are perfectly capable of holding off the initial rush.

    TF in base = lose. Not as much as 1.04 but it just starts with completely the wrong mentality.

    IP, IP, Armoury, Obs, RT, RT... FOREVER!!!!!
  • LitoLito Join Date: 2003-09-04 Member: 20560Members
    edited September 2003
    I agree with Kid-A, Tf in the beginning is next to useless and a waste of res. You said it yourself: you can only get about two turrets up in the beginning whne they rush. that means you can't cover the blind spots. Furthermore, your marines will be building when the skulk rush comes and your marines are more likely to be 0wned. If they are owned, the turretfactory will go down in seconds, rendering the two pitiful turrets you built absolutely useless.

    Have all but one marine building the below stated build order. Have that one marine listen very well to alert the team when it hears footsteps. make sure your marines stop building and pull out thier guns. If the marines are ready, the skulk rush will fail miserably, every time. But you will need turret factory for quick electrification and turrets later in the game for protection when your marines are away

    However, I agree with you on the armory situation. while what you say is true, the real reason that I don't build an armory is for one simple reason:
    ->No armory humpage, meaning
    ->More objectives completed.

    The only time i build an armory is for small games to pass out shotguns because if you don't shotgun rush in small games, the aliens <b>will</b> win. They just get res too freaking fast.

    If worst comes to worst, you can always spam ammo, which pays for itself for the res nodes you can take in the saved time.

    1 ip is almost never enough, even for smaller games. Its not about if its 'enough' but 'how fast can i get my marines back into action'. I always build 2 ips, no matter what.

    From hereon, its up to you. The two obvious choices are: Obs, or Arms Lab.

    Obs gives you quick phase gates whch enable you to lockdown your first hive extremely fast and effectively.

    getting an arms lab will allow you to get an easy 1 weapon 1 armor upgrade. and let me tell you, those level 1 upgrades can make a HUGE difference.

    after you've built one, save res for res nodes + electrify.
    I advise you to immediately from the start make about 2-3 marines to take a res node if you think that your base marines are good enough to handle the skulk rush, 1 marine if you don't.

    Electrify is an extremely good investment, and its cheaper and faster than turret factory with turrets. Though it will be useless once gorges get the money to oc your res nodes, it'll keep the skulks off them for quite a while.

    However, there are points on the map where turret factories are absolutely needed. These res nodes are near or beside hive location, and are the hardest to protect. Thus gorges will walk in safely and place down a few ocs. Though it will still go down, it is alot harder to take down (which is why i reccomend phase gates at all outer res nodes, and turret factory electrification with turrets and phasegate at hive locations). Inner res nodes do not need to be turreted up, electrification will fend off the lone skulks who **** by and its so close by to the marine base, that if a gorge comes by, you can send respawned marines there too.

    I think rambo units are completely useless. Once they touch the hive, every alien in the vicinity will own them, good. This gives them an easy 2 - 6 RFK. I'd rather have them staying in base doing nothing (or if you'd like to call it defending) than giving the aliens some res.

    Sorry for the long post. Hope i didn't forget anything
  • SirusSirus Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8466Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    Don't rule out psychology. Place 1 IP in plain view, preferably next to the armory, and the other one, hidden behind the Comm chair. This will help prevent the times in which skulks camp the IP, you'll be able to reinforce if they cant find the other one.
  • LitoLito Join Date: 2003-09-04 Member: 20560Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Sirus+Sep 11 2003, 06:56 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Sirus @ Sep 11 2003, 06:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Don't rule out psychology. Place 1 IP in plain view, preferably next to the armory, and the other one, hidden behind the Comm chair. This will help prevent the times in which skulks camp the IP, you'll be able to reinforce if they cant find the other one. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    holy crap O_O, thats genious
  • MadcapMagicianMadcapMagician Join Date: 2003-04-07 Member: 15265Members, Constellation
    I like to get a turret factory up right away but I dont' build any turrets. I place the turret factory and then place all my structures tightly around it. Then I electrify the tf when the marines start moving out. Now a lone skulk won't be able to sneak in and eat anything. Its much cheaper than turrets and doesn't suffer from blindspots. Works well until they have onos, but by that time the game is pretty much decided anyway.
  • StoneburgStoneburg Join Date: 2002-11-11 Member: 8174Members
    edited September 2003
    <!--QuoteBegin--Avitar+Sep 11 2003, 05:17 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Avitar @ Sep 11 2003, 05:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Here it is...

    For all mraine commanders in games of 4 vs. 4 or higher; follow these steps for a strong lead:

      1) Place 1 IP (2 in large games like 9 vs 9)
      2) Place Turret factory
      3) Place 4 to 5 turrets which idealy have line of fire over IP's Turret factory and com chair
      4) Aliens will usually rush after 2  turrets are made built, be sure to keep an eye out for who is good.
      5) After you beat the rush send 1 Marine (2 as squad 5 in big games) as Rambo units
      6) regroup your other players, divide them into squads of 2-4 and assign them numbers... send them to Cap Res
      7) make com chair Squad 1 for quick jumps back to home
      8) build your own armory, give yourself a welder.
      9) If your rambos are good, have them harrass the hive

    <b><i>You may ask why i wait to build an armory?</i></b>
    -  Most marines die before they burn through 2 clips! ...and if they are good, they will pick up a dead's marines gun ad use it. Also early in the game you can use your pistol for decent damage to finish an alien. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Are you serious?

    You're spending half your starting res or more on static defense.. in your base? Meaning, where your Marines actually *spawn*?

    Here's a starting setup that might actually make you win instead of dragging out losing:

    1 IP
    1 Armory
    1 pack of mines
    3 RT's
    1 IP
    1 Armslab

    Divide the team into one big and one small group. Hav ethe big group pressure aliens, the small one cap resource nodes.

    Instead of building a TF in base, yell "INCOMING!" when/if the skulks rush base. Assuming your Marines are dumb enough to all be humping the armory at the same time.

    Really, the kind of "strategies" like the one you posted is the reason Marines lose so much on pubs. If you play any other strategy game, are you going to START by fortifying your base, or are you going to expand?

    <span style='color:white'>All comments but this one were good points. Teach the newbies, don't bash them. And correct the blind leading the blind when they try </span>

    Oh, and that isn't even a good strategy for *small* games. In small games you need to hand out shotguns and go for the aliens first res nodes.

    Ps. Nice one Sirus. I'm gonna try that <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • tankefugltankefugl One Script To Rule Them All... Trondheim, Norway Join Date: 2002-11-14 Member: 8641Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    <!--QuoteBegin--Kid-A+Sep 11 2003, 05:29 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Kid-A @ Sep 11 2003, 05:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Marines are perfectly capable of holding off the initial rush.

    TF in base = lose. Not as much as 1.04 but it just starts with completely the wrong mentality.

    IP, IP, Armoury, Obs, RT, RT... FOREVER!!!!! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Or, my favorite: IP, CC, IP, IP, RT, RT, TF, RT, RT, RT, RT, RT ...

    Insert some Obs and Armoury when apropriate, and feel free to recycle the first IP. The TF is for electrify, and a couple of turrets at base later in the game.
  • LitoLito Join Date: 2003-09-04 Member: 20560Members
    i'd sacrafice more RTs for less electrified RTs anyday, because with skulks, those things go down fscking fast
  • LachdananLachdanan Join Date: 2003-06-04 Member: 16995Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Onos
    my fav is always

    double rts and tf ,or hivert with tf
    armory,cc,ip a reloc
    perhaps obs near the other soldiers ?

    provides u with much starting res,
    tfs can help ur soldiers survive a the lockdown or a double
    the reloc can be done by 1 <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> ,cause most alien attacks heading to the tf, but consider the buildingtime
    next head for pgs and u controll the !Parts of the map
  • AshkajioniAshkajioni Ashkajioni Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 13995Members
    I think stoneburg was alittle rude with his post, but he is right in this case.
    The early game can win or loose the entire game for you. It is VERY important.
  • KeyserKeyser Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13591Members
    edited September 2003
    I generally build the IPs as far away as the commchair as possible such that I can jump out and easily shoot a few skulks munching on the IPs. Actually I try to keep everything away from my CC for that reason. I also build the IPs as far as possible from each other, so spawning marines have a chance to fight off the skulks. So I get a rough triangle formation with the Commchair and 2 IPs (third one goes in the center), and an armory between the 2 IPs. (but a little forward so spawning marines get a clear shot at the other IP)

    Of course on certain maps there will be different issues, *coughlostcough* but this build configuration allows you to defend your base without mines or turrets, and that gives you a nice boost in the beginning.
  • AshkajioniAshkajioni Ashkajioni Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 13995Members
    All to often i see people placing IP's right next to the armory, or the phase. Ive seen many allie's tele-fragged in this way and it can cost you money later when HA's and JP's come into play.
    I always place in this kind of pattern

    ----------IP---------- (optional)
    ------tur-tf-tur------ (tf elect)

    Of course, this is how it is around mid-game.. Never drop TF at game start- you need that start res for RT's not turtling. I always drop 1 extra IP behind the CC, incase the front 2 are being camped by a bunny hoping skulk- or Fade.
  • taboofirestaboofires Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9853Members
    edited September 2003
    It's nice to have a TF around so you can electrify your nodes, but more than 3-4 turrets at the start of the game is a waste. Mines aren't really worth using most of the time, since they can't really stop skulks (which will run in and eat something expensive). I can't stand to leave my base empty, because once the kharaa notice this they can really hurt you once you finally leave the base. Making you fear leaving the base is just as bad; you won't win by camping MS either. As for leaving a marine to guard base: this can be impractical. Not only does it usually suck to be the base-monkey, a bunch of skulks can still take him out pretty easily, and you still lose the base. I'd rather have the marines on the field, and turrets + phase at home.

    Still, any plan that leaves the base somewhat defended and leaves enough res left over for 1 rt + a second one by the time your marines get there is fine.

    Picking up another marine's gun is a horrible, horrible thing to rely on. Much of the time a marine death comes because his clip is empty, which will leave a nice empty gun on the ground. On top of that, sometimes you can't spare the few seconds it takes to find and pickup the other marine's hardware.

    Then, there's the other side of the issue. Early game skulks are really, really wimpy. It's not hard to take them out, or waste a bunch of ammo laying down suppressive fire. You can go through 2 clips like nothing.

    Both your good and trigger-happy marines will need more than 2 clips of lmg ammo. Drop an armory. Marines without ammo are next to useless.
  • AvitarAvitar Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20760Members
    While I have tried not to build a TF early in the game i found the ideal placement.

    Below are screenshots that give 2 turrets 100% coverage of both IP's and both sides of the TF. Seing how you start with 100 res as marines on most servers, and you gain res from killing aliens, much more important is they don't get the res from killing your marines. You pay the tradeoff up front and trust me its worth it, especially if they spent res on traits at all.

    You also get 60% coverage of the com chair.. in which a third turret will take care of.

    It is the best formation to take out an anti-rush strategy that is prevelent in the first 2 min in 95% of the
    games i have played. Although a relocation can through them for a loop (and is better in a couple maps)
    and a Com Chair Wall can do wonders in some maps... I prefer this opening layout, which almost always
    provides solid defense in a minmal time.

    Below are two screen shots illustrating this example. Even better if you can place the IP against the TF after you electrify it
    ...just keep it away from the armory.

    THe main problems i tend to have is rambo aliens & rushes on pub servers, so building a bunch of undefended rts early is a bad idea... just like sending out all you marines (or all but 1) without building defenses at home; food for thought.

    <img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
    <img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
  • Da_Kine_GuyDa_Kine_Guy Join Date: 2003-03-11 Member: 14362Members
    I've seen the strat in the first post used many times and it almost always led to complete RT domination. Unless the alien team organizes with skulks and gorges your res nodes with stay up for a long while because you'll have the res to electrify. We went on to a dual arms lab after we secured and electrified some 5 or 6 res nodes on eclipse. The initial tech hit was not that bad as we were able to straight upgrade without waiting because of the insanely high res flow. You should try this before knocking it. Now if you team dies a lot then of course you'll probably lose, but you'd probably lost using a lotta other strats as well if that's the case.
  • Psycho_SquirrelPsycho_Squirrel Join Date: 2003-08-29 Member: 20359Members
    i was playing as aliens a couple of days ago and found the most annoying marine strat. the com built a ip armory obs all that stuff real close together with a tf in the middle. he then proceeded to elec. the tf so you couldnt take out anything because you would die from the elec. of the tf. very annoying. although if i had a gorge with me it would be easy to take it out. sigh but it was a pub server.
  • TrevelyanTrevelyan Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14834Members
    It is not hard to eat stuff near an a elect TF... just try to figure how how much range the TF has and get outside of it... your bite has SOME range.
  • MintmanMintman Join Date: 2003-05-30 Member: 16866Members
    Referring to base layout.


    Assuming you've played as alien, you sit munching one IP whilst looking at the other one, then as soon as someone spawns NO MATTER WHICH IP you can munch them at least twice before they have a clue of what is going on. Making the marines instantly re-enter the spawn cue.

    It is so easily avoidable, you just have to put them 4 'hours' apart in the green 'clockface' and your 'rine has at least a second to react to an incoming skulk. You could even put a structure between to hinder the skulk's movement.
  • GaerislGaerisl Join Date: 2003-09-16 Member: 20936Members
    i say screw the TF alltogether until later. really, if you think about it... turrets are completely useless... they deal uhmmm... lets see... single digit damage? that's... pathetic. on bullet from a LMG fireing at... well.. more than once or twice a second can deal just as much if not more damage than a turret. the only things turrets are good for is blocking things like onoses (oni?) letting the marines shoot at them from a safe distance. so here's my theory.

    relocate if needed
    build 3 ips
    arms lab
    (etc for mid-game)

    since there are 3 ips, marines can come in realy really fast.
    leaving the base open to attack should be no problem. just tell 3 marines to type in "/kill" and 10 seconds later, they got a free ride back to the base to defend it. not to mention... skulks can't take out 3 ips' in 10 seconds. armory is a must, since more or less 1 skulk attacking close = 1 clip lmg + some pistol. (or so seems the case...) the obs is one of the most inportant things. for 3 reasons- PHASE GATES, motion tracking, and distress beacon. the latter 2 are easy to see why the're so useful. but phasegates.... many coms overlook them. marines probably die more getting to a place than at the place itself. hence, a phase gate would eliminate the kills and the other team's benefit, and allow for faster reinforcements... becuase turrets are USELESS... (except for blocking). and arms labs... i would actually consider building 2 of them for faster research if you're rich.... no wait... does that work? 2 of them at once? or was that in a dream? anyway.. upgrades are really important... REAALLLYYY inportant.. and as everyone knows HA's are good defense and jetpacks allow bases in really really really strange places...

    "this doesn't look good...." --> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::sentry::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='turret.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • TyrsisTyrsis Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8804Members
    While all this talk about no armory is great to stop armory humpers, it does something else that is really bad. It really hurts good players who can actually kill skulks quickly. My start is pretty standard now. And I am seeing it quite often:

    1 TF
    (following items placed close to TF)
    (depending on size of game. > 6 players on team beside myself)
    (at some point in the future electrify the TF, stops random skulk attacks near base, if one skulk gets smart and sits outside of elect range, I jump out and kill him, simple as that)

    The other major start I see is this:
    (res rush, then about 4 minutes in, a few turrets, and rely on marines to stop skulks, sometimes a little too risky)

    Then it's a resource rush. Get 5 including a hive, start electrifying them afterwards. (< 4 minutes in) You may lose one in the process, send someone back to get it. Meanwhile you have a group pressuring their start hive. This will occupy a lot of aliens, and usually result in a few gorge deaths. Afterwards it's a tech race (Armory up, Arms lab, armor 1, gun 3). If you see a fade, sacrifice an upgrade for 3 shotties. If the fade is real good (someone who knows how to avoid a group of shotties and still take out electrified RTs), then drop a mine bomb near an RT and pray you kill it. From there it's just playing it by ear. Aliens will be trying to get the 2nd hive up. You pressure either the start hive or the new hive constantly, while also pressuring/killing alien nodes. Shotties, phases, sieges etc. Try not to sacrifice too many upgrades. HA/JPs should be out after 3/1 gun/armor, and the armory is upgraded. At which time the aliens usually should have an early onos out. Though lately, with a lot of pressuring, I've seen aliens concentrate so much on defence that no one saves for onos. At that point it's a total marine domination. In my experience, if there isn't an early onos and the comm hasn't sacrificed too much res on useless turrets/TFs, then the aliens will be so outteched after 8 minutes it's not funny. Though it's hard to say what always works simply because as a comm now you have to be able to adapt quickly. If you're losing too many nodes, you need a wanderer to rebuild them. If for some reason they have an early onos and you just can't stop it from killing nodes, then have a lone guy follow behind the onos and rebuilds the nodes. It's surprising how aliens just ignore nodes after they kill them as an onos.

    I play only in pub servers so that's why electrifying is useful. Obviously this won't work in clan games. I believe they don't even use electrify, and instead tech real fast to fight early fades, since usually clan marines are uber killers against skulks.

    While I'm sure at some point a lot of the starts mentioned in this thread may have worked at some point, you have to realize that you would have probably won anyways due to a total skill imbalance towards the marines. The great thing about 2.01 is that the balance is finally getting real close to perfect, and skill is what swings the game. As a rule of thumb, try not to waste money on turrets. They are pretty much useless now. Two (sometimes one) skulks can take down a TF + 3 turrets (at a huge cost), while electrifying a RT only costs you 30. By not electrifying RTs at all, you run the risk of res shortage. You may have teched, but you won't have the res to use it properly. Also now with the fixed phase gates (no more blocking), don't be stingy with them. Place them at key RTs around the map for quick travel. Don't bother with turret farming the first hive you get, waste of res early on.

  • taboofirestaboofires Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9853Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Trevelyan+Sep 22 2003, 01:33 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Trevelyan @ Sep 22 2003, 01:33 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> It is not hard to eat stuff near an a elect TF... just try to figure how how much range the TF has and get outside of it... your bite has SOME range. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    It's not so much that the electricity will kill you, but that it forces the skulks to stand away a bit into the open, where you can be shot very easily and get zapped if you try to dodge.

    It also buys you some time as the skulk figures out the right place to stand. The window between being zapped and biting the IP isn't large at all since the range increase (to 120?).

    Dropping a TF at the start of the game is useful even if you do not build any turrets, because you will need it to electrify your rts.
  • cid1cid1 Join Date: 2003-04-17 Member: 15592Members
    i dont know about you guys, but i perfer going with my 1.4 starting strat : ip, armory, observ/mt's pretty costly but it pays off real soon considering my rines tear through aliens like knife through butter.
  • MuntermanMunterman Join Date: 2003-09-25 Member: 21215Members
    I think it should be ip --> armoury --> obs --> tf -->phase tech --> arms lab

    obviuosly you need res, thats just my setup in spawn, prolly a res after armoury and another after tf.
    I like to lump my structures around a tf (electrified) and I dont actually have any turrets in spawn, and 1/2 in base (shottys maybe) depending on the competance of aliens and your rines.
    phase is god, if you have 1 rine build a phase near a hive while the rest of your team wait by a phase at base, you can have an entire team at a hive in an instance. Then tf and seige, with plenty of defenders.

    However, I havent got the best comm success rate, so it may not work as well as I think it should >.<
  • AvitarAvitar Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20760Members
    Im not saying there isn't room for diffrent opening placements, however this is the best all round defensive one I have used in Pub games. (note the distance between structures in the pictures is exaggerated so you can see the layout easily)

    First you say why don't you want an armory? most pub players haven't got a clue how to shoot. They just end up armory-humping instead of building rt's. If on the other hand they can shoot, they are generating res to drop them ammo so it all works out.

    Why TF? If marines cant shoot to save an rt, rine spawn is usally rushed and killed fast if even 2 decent alien players rush. In addition you can easily counter the "gorge rush" where a few gorges run up with health spray and drop oc's all over your base. It offers a quick siege which has definately saved me several games.

    Also as some have you have mentioned I like to place the TF between two IP's... then electrify the TF for extra saftey.

    Keep in mind you wouldn't build a tf at all for a shotty rush.. it would be more like IP, IP, Armory, Shottys like mad

    Also in a siege map I typically don't have any res problem, but i wait for the first 4 rt's to go up before making anthing else... it forces n00bs on pubs to build them instead of armory-humping.

    One of the most important skills a great com has is flexability, and accuracy dertemining marine ability levels. The worse your marines the more turrets you usually need to help them out.

    Just remeber that ever kill your turrets & maries make you get res, if your maries die too frequently because of poor defenses you will have an early game fade or ono's to deal with.

    Keep in mind that the psychology of seeing a few active turrets keeps away most aliens because they know it will be a hard spot to deal with. If you have your base undefended with everyone in the feild placing rt's it will waste your maries opportunity to advance forward to a hive if they need to keep running back every couple minutes, or on firepower if you keep a marine at base.

    Also the com can build at base without much fear in early game which keeps more marines in the feild longer. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • GeronimoGeronimo Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11056Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Lito+Sep 11 2003, 06:25 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Lito @ Sep 11 2003, 06:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I agree with Kid-A, Tf in the beginning is next to useless and a waste of res. You said it yourself: you can only get about two turrets up in the beginning whne they rush. that means you can't cover the blind spots. Furthermore, your marines will be building when the skulk rush comes and your marines are more likely to be 0wned. If they are owned, the turretfactory will go down in seconds, rendering the two pitiful turrets you built absolutely useless.

    Have all but one marine building the below stated build order. Have that one marine listen very well to alert the team when it hears footsteps. make sure your marines stop building and pull out thier guns. If the marines are ready, the skulk rush will fail miserably, every time. But you will need turret factory for quick electrification and turrets later in the game for protection when your marines are away

    However, I agree with you on the armory situation. while what you say is true, the real reason that I don't build an armory is for one simple reason:
    ->No armory humpage, meaning
    ->More objectives completed.

    The only time i build an armory is for small games to pass out shotguns because if you don't shotgun rush in small games, the aliens <b>will</b> win. They just get res too freaking fast.

    If worst comes to worst, you can always spam ammo, which pays for itself for the res nodes you can take in the saved time.

    1 ip is almost never enough, even for smaller games. Its not about if its 'enough' but 'how fast can i get my marines back into action'. I always build 2 ips, no matter what.

    From hereon, its up to you. The two obvious choices are: Obs, or Arms Lab.

    Obs gives you quick phase gates whch enable you to lockdown your first hive extremely fast and effectively.

    getting an arms lab will allow you to get an easy 1 weapon 1 armor upgrade. and let me tell you, those level 1 upgrades can make a HUGE difference.

    after you've built one, save res for res nodes + electrify.
    I advise you to immediately from the start make about 2-3 marines to take a res node if you think that your base marines are good enough to handle the skulk rush, 1 marine if you don't.

    Electrify is an extremely good investment, and its cheaper and faster than turret factory with turrets. Though it will be useless once gorges get the money to oc your res nodes, it'll keep the skulks off them for quite a while.

    However, there are points on the map where turret factories are absolutely needed. These res nodes are near or beside hive location, and are the hardest to protect. Thus gorges will walk in safely and place down a few ocs. Though it will still go down, it is alot harder to take down (which is why i reccomend phase gates at all outer res nodes, and turret factory electrification with turrets and phasegate at hive locations). Inner res nodes do not need to be turreted up, electrification will fend off the lone skulks who **** by and its so close by to the marine base, that if a gorge comes by, you can send respawned marines there too.

    I think rambo units are completely useless. Once they touch the hive, every alien in the vicinity will own them, good. This gives them an easy 2 - 6 RFK. I'd rather have them staying in base doing nothing (or if you'd like to call it defending) than giving the aliens some res.

    Sorry for the long post. Hope i didn't forget anything <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    1. You can cover blindspots with two turrets as: T ::: TF :::T
    2. Your marines will still be building as IP, TF, T,T or IP, Armo, Obs is quite similar.
    3. Remeber if you got two turrets up, you are most able to kill the skulks IF they kill your marines first.
    4. Stopping to build when youre attacked works in both strats.
    5. Your maines will be out fighting after they built the last of the start setup. If they skulkrush comes at 5 mins, youll have either NO defence or one marine guarding and then youre screwed.
    6. Armouries should be mae quicker to avoid this godforsaken humping!
    7. You really do need an armoury after the initial rescapping is done, to get adv. weapons and adv. Buildings?
    8. 1 IP is enough in clangames of 6v6, and I usually build the second after the firstwave of maines died, to save even more time.
    9. The lvl 1 weapon uppgrade to the Lmg decrease shots needed to kill a skulk by one.
    10. 2-3 marines will get owned and the RTs will get killed unless you either got the aliens pinned down in a hive or playing 6v6 games. RTs First, THEN armouries, extra ip etc.
    11. Elecrifying lategame unless you got resoverflow is really pointless...since fades and gorges can destroy them to real fast.
    12. Why defned RTs with tfs, when thoseres could be spent on either securing or sieging the hive?
    13. Rambos are NOT useless. THey can spawncamp, sneaksiege and kill RTs. Most importantly they divert attention. If you shoot one clip at the hive, most aliens will rush home to kill the people attacking the hive. If you attack RTs, skulks dont attack yours, or if they do they loose one themselves. I agree that rambos are a pian at times but a good one can do serious damage.

    Feeling you got more to add?
  • DelphiDelphi Join Date: 2003-04-02 Member: 15134Members, Constellation
    Having played RTS games for a long time, I can honestly say that NS is one of the more strategy-based games I have come across.

    However, whenever I'm a marine that actually starts when the game starts, I always go out towards one of the hives. If I hear skulks, I kill one, maybe two, get owned, we know where hive is. If I don't find skulks, I usually cap two RTs and whack a gorgie on my way to the hive on the opposite side of the map.

    It usually wins the game, unless my fellow marines are complete IDIOTS.. and let's face it, this is an HL mod. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • BallistoBallisto Join Date: 2003-05-19 Member: 16503Members
    a few things about arranging your base that can help
    - put the ips in the back of the base and out of the way so marines running around dont get telefragged
    - like the other guys said, spread out your ips so spawning marines have a better chance
    - PUT THE ARMORY TOWARDS THE FRONT OF THE BASE, AND ALWAYS IN FRONT OF IPS!! It drives me crazy when comms hide the armory in the back of the base, and people get telefragged while going to pick up more ammo. Also, an armory in the front can be good defense, hopefully some of the humpers will start fightingi
  • CrowCrow Melbourne Join Date: 2003-01-16 Member: 12376Members
    I was just thinking about Stongburgs defence tatic of just yelling "Incoming". I know from previous pasts and obviously his post count that he's quite exp. However if you have two groups, one harrassing the enemy and the other capping rez, how are you suppose 2 stop a couple of skulks with not even an electd tf? Do you assume your mines are going to get lucky?

    As commander i can rarely tell where the aliens are, sometimes i get little circles and give my rines heads up but half the time i don't. Thus i can't see a alien rush approaching. Mt should do this quite easily for marines and marines should call the rush for the team.

    This could be a good strat due to the high casuality rate of rines harrassing aliens and thus a automatic defence of spawning rines, but i do think phases would have to get up pretty quick for those times when marines don't die.

    Expanding is important and much better than static defence, however expanding too quickly will leave your structures relying on either static defense to cover them*ironic* or a quick game which doesn't always happen.

    I donno, I have never seen mines work really well for anything except softening onos and thus probably not seen them used probably.

    Perhaps this is why i always lose as com <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--> *sorry for the splattered ideas*
  • c0mpleXc0mpleX Join Date: 2003-09-17 Member: 20945Members
    i like that setup a lot.. cheap and effective, apart from the pointless relo of the comm chair about 20 metres up <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • blanketblanket Join Date: 2003-09-04 Member: 20544Members
    well, the electifed tf/ip has a WEAKNESS
    2 skul wif regen can constantly spawn kill the marine. i had try it on my local server <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
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