About Alien Oc Stacking...
Harbinger of Suffering Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8359Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Please read...</div> I see this countlessly happen...People build ?(4) OC in a line then build ?(2) on top of the (?)4 OC..
If you build something on top of an offense chamber does the OC stop working? I used to trust this but now I'm unsure..please update me...people do this and then tell me.."its to stop Jetpacks"...it makes me think why dont you build DC under then Build OC above...
If you build something on top of an offense chamber does the OC stop working? I used to trust this but now I'm unsure..please update me...people do this and then tell me.."its to stop Jetpacks"...it makes me think why dont you build DC under then Build OC above...
Also I agree with Dread, I too would like a correct answer to this by a DEV or VET
so im not entirely sure how it works when theyre stacked, but chambers seem to block shots.
so im not entirely sure how it works when theyre stacked, but chambers seem to block shots. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yes the building it self does, that is a given fact. What I was saying is that if you can see even just a part of an OC, it CAN hit you.
I think the spread them around method works best, also dont sue web unless you have an oc near place the web in front of the oc (on the groud and on the walls not going up and down in teh middle) that way a marine wont see the web, stand on it and get killed/hugely injured by the oc
"comm medpack plz"
Wrong, do not propagate that lie. OC spit is definitely projectile, not hitscan.
> If I am not mistaken even some of the OCs <b>behind</b> other OCs can hit marines if they have LOS.
Two conditions: 1) They have LOS, and 2) if the path they travel is wide enough for the spit to not clip the hitbox of the OC in front. LOS is usually not enough, since the hitbox for OC spit is actually quite large. You can't count on OC's from behind being able to hit those in front.
Here's the thing... I believe OC's may have splash damage. It is for this reason why OCs can kill welders through unopened grates. This also explains why crouching right behind an RT will not save you from taking damage by OC's (without LOS), and it may be the reason why a blocked shot from an OC in the back appears to have hit you.
> I have created WoL that killed marines nigh instantly after the Chambers started to shoot.
Chances are they had low health, but since they do a hefty 50 damage a hit, it's not all too surprising. Any inconsistency with the spit you see on clientside is because of lag and player prediction.
Now to answer the question of OC stacking: The bottom OC's <b>do fire</b> perfectly. The shot originates at the top center of the OC tower. If you can somehow pile an OC perfectly on top of the other, both OC's will hit any target unless the target is hovering over them, in which case the bottom OC will hit the top OC and be blocked.
However, since most people are not able to pile 2 OC's perfectly on top of eachother, the OC on top generally is on one side or another. Whichever side the top OC has more of its hitbox on will block the bottom OC's shot in that direction.
From a side view (Thanks Wheeee):
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Let's say X's are OC's stacked on eachother, and A and B are marines standing near the OCs. Both OCs will hit target B, but only the top one will hit target A because the bottom's shot is blocked by the hitbox of the top OC, which is in front of its line of fire. Try it yourself offline.
- OTs are NOT hitscan, you can JP high above a ton of OCs and never get hit.
- OTs UNDER other chambers CAN fire, and in other cases CANNOT.
\ they can fire if their little spikey heads are sticking out. so if you build the one on top slight off center the bottom will still be able to fire
\ they CANNOT fire if the top chamber FULLY covers the spiky part of the OT
hope that clears up things.
Try this offline..
1. Build a marine RT.
2. Place lots of mines on one side, but spread them out.
3. Go to aliens, and gorge up.
4. Place an OC on the same side as the mines.
5. Watch the mines detonate despite the fact that the spit doesn't have appeared to hit them.
If you want further proof, try this..
1. Build a marine RT.
2. Place mines close to the base of the RT, but put it all on one side.
3. Go aliens, and gorge up.
4. Place an OC on the side of the RT opposite to the mines.
Theoretically, the RT should block every shot from the OC, and thus no mine should be detonated.
5. Watch as the mines explode when the OC attacks the RT.
Mind you, you have to place the mines pretty close to the base shaft of the RT, but it does work. Admittedly, you might have to place several OC's on the other side before a shot triggers the mines.
EDIT: I realize someone's going to point out that mine hitboxes are outrageously large, so here's one final thing you can do.
Set up the RT/OC stuff. Go back to marine, walk right up to the RT, using it as a shield against the OC projectiles. When you're close to the RT, crouch and slowly walk towards it. Note the distance from the RT when you first take damage.
If you could *somehow* (ie: dropping 2 oc's over a cliff without moving your mouse) stack two OC's directly on top of eachother, I guessed that both the bottom and the top would fire.
However, according to your theory, the bottom would not since the "head" is covered. You may be right.
The only reason I thought the bottom would fire is because the point at which the spit spawns is inside the top OC, and from what I know of colision detection on the Quake engine, it only checks for colision if something's travelling towards the inside of the hitbox, and not if it's traveling out of it.
For example... Let's say a marine spawned inside the enormous hitbox of the Onos. In that case, the marine would not be able to hit the Onos, since no inward collision is detected. I could easily be totally wrong.
Something I'll have to check out.
btw anyone that cant build a stack of ocs that are only one wide by one long needs to practice more
<!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
Eh, it's pretty hard to get OC's to stack to the exact pixel without either getting yourself stuck in one, or without having a balcony to drop them over.
gorged for months, and never once got stuck...
<a href='http://dsa.onestop.net/images/bug.mpg' target='_blank'>http://dsa.onestop.net/images/bug.mpg</a>
gorged for months, and never once got stuck... <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
As I said, to the exact pixel.
Standing in one place and trying to stack 2 OC's will not give you much accuracy. When you look slightly up, the OC is dropped a couple of pixels closer to you.
5. Watch the mines detonate despite the fact that the spit doesn't have appeared to hit them. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
..I disagree with this part...spit does NOT have splash damage like the Fades Rocket..try this...:-
1.be marine place a mine downwards so the trip line faces up wards
2.be a gorge and do not shoot at the mine itself as it wont be harmed..but shoot the trip wire instead..the mine is then trigger then exploded..
I believe this is what made you think Spit had splash damage..so Spit does NOT have splash damage
BTW cr3am nice sig <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Coil is going bust your ****.
LIES! <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
I'm not a big fan of the Wall of Lame, more the Field of Lame. Dot the floor with OCs interspersed with healing DCs, even if they jump the first few they have to get through a huge bunch of them, and it just doesn't happen. And there's nowhere to hide since the DCs are surrounded. Add overhead webs for JPs, and maybe a surprise OC at the far end should they make it over with a few hp remaining, Muahaha
BTW cr3am nice sig <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Coil is going bust your ****. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
thanks, i made it... btw, why is coil gonna bust my ****?!?!
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Sig images must be no more than 400 pixels wide x 75 pixels high, and they must also be no more than 22KB in size. No exceptions.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That sig was pwn.
P.S. Field of lame owns wall of lame.
2.be a gorge and do not shoot at the mine itself as it wont be harmed..but shoot the trip wire instead..the mine is then trigger then exploded..
I believe this is what made you think Spit had splash damage..so Spit does NOT have splash damage <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Never said anything about gorge spit. I've never seen gorge spit hit a rt and kill a marine hiding behind it. OC's on the other hand, do it all the time.
And yes, I, along with almost every player, am aware that the detonation "hitbox" of a mine is much higher than where the mine's model is.
But that's not my point.