My Magical Keyboard Controls
I hunt the arctic Snonos Join Date: 2003-01-09 Member: 12097Members

<div class="IPBDescription">no WASD movment for me lol</div>
WHAT YOU USE ARROWS and not WASD? keys??!?!
yes indeed I do use arrow keys
arrows to move forward and back and strafe mouse to look
Enter is use key
numpad 0 INS is my jump and my right side ctrl is crouch and right side shift is walk
\ is my primary, delete is pistol , end is knife and so on with weapons, if im alien and i need more weaon keys i can bind the insert, home and page up keys as secondary alien weapons.
insert is flashlight page up is drop weapon. mousewheel up is scroll weapons, and mousewheel down is reload
Numpad End is my voice chat key and NUM pad del is my dsiplay scores. The remaining numberpad keys are my binded sayings and request/oders etc buttons
look at that all my controls are right with in my easy reach.
I can easily see them, they are separated. no more fumbling around pressing the wrong keys after u moved yer hand off the keybaord and an incomming skulk suddenly appears lol
All my specialty keys are aranged right around the movment arrows in a nice semi circle, weaons/euipment to the top, commuication to the right.
Ive used this since i first bought half life (my first FPS) way back in 98.
WHAT YOU USE ARROWS and not WASD? keys??!?!
yes indeed I do use arrow keys
arrows to move forward and back and strafe mouse to look
Enter is use key
numpad 0 INS is my jump and my right side ctrl is crouch and right side shift is walk
\ is my primary, delete is pistol , end is knife and so on with weapons, if im alien and i need more weaon keys i can bind the insert, home and page up keys as secondary alien weapons.
insert is flashlight page up is drop weapon. mousewheel up is scroll weapons, and mousewheel down is reload
Numpad End is my voice chat key and NUM pad del is my dsiplay scores. The remaining numberpad keys are my binded sayings and request/oders etc buttons
look at that all my controls are right with in my easy reach.
I can easily see them, they are separated. no more fumbling around pressing the wrong keys after u moved yer hand off the keybaord and an incomming skulk suddenly appears lol
All my specialty keys are aranged right around the movment arrows in a nice semi circle, weaons/euipment to the top, commuication to the right.
Ive used this since i first bought half life (my first FPS) way back in 98.
(takes practice to get use to it)
IJKL - movement
H - use
; - reload
space/shift/enter - jump/crouch/walk
ctrl - voice comm
Up - Arrow Up
Down - Arrow Down
Strafe Left - Arrow Left
Strafe Right - Arrow Right
Duck - Keypad Insert
Jump - Right Control
Next Weapon - Shift
Reload - Foward Slash
Use - Enter
My Mouse:
Left Button - Fire (duh)
Right Button - Last Weapon
Thumb Button - Popup Menu
Can't tell you how much having that Last Weapon key so close has saved my life, plus I hit the popup menu alot less often on accident <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
I tried WSAD, since it would be more egronomic....but I just couldnt get a feel for it at all <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--> Wish I could though, its a pain having both your hands on one side of the desk, you don't notice it after awhile but it looks uncomfortable.
I use a laptop, using the directional arrows would be suicide (although they are layed out correctly, nothing else is in the corner)
LEFTARROW - Strafe left
RIGHTARROW - Strafe right
DOWNARROW - Move backwards
Mouse1 - fire
Mouse2 - Move forwards
Mouse3 - Menu
Mouse4 - Slot1
Mouse5 - Slot2
KP_END - Slot3
KP_INS - Slot4
CTRL - crouch
SHIFT - Use (As marines) Quick-bind (As aliens)
RETURN - Reload (Marines) Use (Aliens)
K - kill
J - "say_team JOLLSEY!!!!11"
The uparrow/mouse2 thing probably looks strange. It dates back to doom and i never managed to break the habit.
Down Arrow: Backwards
Left Arrow: Strafe Left
Right Arrow: Strafe Right
Right Shift: Jump
Right Ctrl: Crouch
Return: Use
] and Mousewheel Up: Next Weapon
[ and Mousewheel Down: Previous Weapon
#: Last Weapon
R: Reload
F: Flashlight
Keypad_Ins: Voice Comm
Fire: Mousebutton 1
Menu: Mousebutton 2
This is an amalgamation of the Half-Life and original AvP controls, which I have used ever since.
q = forward
w = backward
a/d = right left strafe
Thank you NS Team for my new addiction. I play 24/7! <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
LOL! Look who's talking <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
I have nealry the same keyboard settings as the first poster.
BTW: I have a problem with my 'nextweapon'-key, it just doesn't let me switch to my next weapon when reloading, using etc. And if it does, then it switches as a fastswitch. 'Previous Weapon' works fine though... (without fastswitch)..
and was literally FORCED to use W.A.S.D. I must admit that I found
W.A.S.D alot easier after 10 minutes. Everytime I try to use the arrow
keys it feels like one of my fingers is gonna fall off or something.
I guess, whatever's most comfortable for you.
Same for Mouse Sensitivity, I use 3.5 and my cousin (who uses this
PC for WarCraft and occasionally Day Of Defeat) uses 7.0.
I can't go past 4.0 without freaking out and going into 360 spins.
voice communication is mouse button 4, too.
I use my arrows for movement and strafing, the thumb on my mouse to jump, my wheel for use (click) and weapons (scroll), and my second mouse button for the menu. Works rather well.
Look at WSAD, you have Q, E, R, T, G, F, V, C, X, Z, alt, ctrl, shift, tab, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 all within EASY reach. With the whole arrow keys thing you would have to stretch to hit your keys, or at least let go of your movement keys/mouse, which is a BIG nono.
I don't understand what would make you want to use the arrow keys anyway? Can't be comfort, most wrist rests don't extend far enough on that side of the keyboard to offer any support and it would generally be too close to the mouse, certainly can't be ease of use since the keys are too awkward to hit quickly.
Familiarity I can understand, but if you move to WSAD it'll take at most a day to get used to it and you will realise it is so much better <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
I don't understand what would make you want to use the arrow keys anyway? Can't be comfort, most wrist rests don't extend far enough on that side of the keyboard to offer any support and it would generally be too close to the mouse, certainly can't be ease of use since the keys are too awkward to hit quickly. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I have my first 3 fingers on up/left/right arrows, and rest my little finger on right shift. I find this more comfortable than WASD and prefer having a bit of a stretch to reach other keys around my fingers. I can hit all the additional keys i need to without having to let go of anything, with my index finger and little finger. I slide the keyboard out a bit on my desk so there is plenty of space between the cursors and my mouse. I've never used a wrist rest, my wrist rests happily on the desk, seeing as the cursors are so close to the bottom of the keyboard.
I've tried WASD, and +forward on the keyboard instead of mouse2 many times and found it clumsy.
When I played Quake mods, I came up with a cunning TFGH setup, the principle being that those keys were more central, and thus I'd be able to reach them quickly.
I think if you cannot actually rest a finger on a key, it doesn't make much difference where it is.
Now I just use a standard WASD layout.
[ - Strafe left.
] - Stafe right.
Return - Forward.
O - Voice comm.
Left arrow - Use.
Down arrow - Reload.
Mouse wheel - Next/previous weapon.
Mouse 3 - Crouch.
My left hand sits very comforatbly on the keyboard this way. I always found WASD and similar methods too cramped.
you have shift, control, alt, and space all with in non straining use for you unsued fingers
if you lay your hand down flat with the middle finger on W you will see how everything else just falls into place, now if you keep your finger tips in the same places and then slightly bend your fingers you end up with everything just right <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
also with ussing Q and R for lastInv and reload you can always move fowards/backwards
I then use Z, X, C for quick binds (menus I need acces to, team_say binds, or things like need hp, ammo, orders, etc)
I also use alt for the menu and mouse2 for jump <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> (space is use, cntrl is duck, and shift is walk/sprint depending)
kp_7 - voice command thing
kp_8 - Move forwards
kp_9 - another voice
kp_4 - turn left (in case i'm eating/scratching and want to turn a corner, w/o using mouse <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> )
kp_5 - drop weapon
kp_6 - turn right
kp_1 - strafe left
kp_2 - move backwards
kp_3 - strafe right
kp_0 (ins) - crouch
kp_del - jump
kp_enter - reload
kp_plus - use
kp_/, *, and - are all alien upgrade keys.
Mouse1 - fire
Mouse2 - reload
Mouse3 - not bound
Mouse4 - lastinv
Mouse5 - +speed (walk)
for weapon switching i use an alias i came up with that i've been using since my cs days it's like fastswitch except, faster/easier.
(I wont list the arrows, those are obvious)
Right Control = Jump
Right Shift = Walk
Enter = VoiceComm
Delete = Crouch
Insert = Flashlight
Home = Scores
End = Use
Page Up = Toss weapon
Page Down = Reload
(all the rest are numpad keys)
NumPad Insert = Next
NumPad Delete = Previous
NumPad End = lastinv
Thats pretty much it. I think mousebutton3 is chuckle, but 1 and 2 are the defaults. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
the only bad thing about this is my actual key binds don't make any sense because it doesn't matter what letter you bind things to. It's also very addicting because the keyboard seems too uncomfortable.l
Got one, don't use it :/
As far as mouse sensitivity, I'm a twitcher. Anything less than 10 is far too sluggish. Comes from playing the old AvP game. You know, the one where an alien moved twice as fast as a celerity upgraded skulk. That kind of speed will spoil you.