Subnautica Xbox Update Released - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Xbox adventurers, we have a tiny little update for you today. adds support for Japanese & Korean fonts, which means Japanese & Korean kanji will now display properly in...
They still haven't fixed that shit?
How can the GAME PREVIEW version be more playable than the FULL RELEASE version? How is that A ) acceptable and B ) possible in the first place?
I wish I could uninstall this broken mess and install the last game preview version. At least it was playable.
Will be able to choose the language in the future updates?
I really want it. Thanks
- @crandyman656 - Not on Xbox, but we've narrowed it down from PS4 specific save we fixed in the last
- @Nicksalot I believe we have specific turnings already dialed in for Xbox One X but we may have made the conservatively so I'll add that to our list to review.
- @Cyborgarmy324 I'm looking into adding this back in for our next patch(still want to make sure it is clear that using the menu can adversely affect gameplay/trophy progression) but I think it will be a net positive for most people who choose to use it to work around some of these bugs so players can continue progressing/not have to restart their games.
- @TheEnderMaster I hear you, this is one of those things that I don't see being improved anytime soon but if we improve it for Below Zero I would definitely look at bringing any improvements we make back to Subnautica.
- @TheEnderMaster for the patch size, the way the patches are generated relies heavily on the structure of the game, and without getting into too much detail unfortunately some parts of the game are structured so as to always come along with the patch(hence the larger than expected patch size). Sorry about this, I know not everyone has a fast network connection. I'm doubtful we'll make any improvement here unless it came with an update to Unity(which is also not on the roadmap).
- @subtlestan I've got the world streaming on our list, when you say rendering I'm attributing this to the world terrain loading in as you move through biomes.
- @subtlestan Frame rate hitching in Aurora to the point where it appears to freeze the game should not be happening, I'm suspecting that I need to look into scenarios that may be contributing to a degradation of performance over time. I'll follow up with a DM to get more details from you on your setup/save game.
- @BallisticGunner Which resource specifically are you missing that you need more of?
- @amazonske I think I replied in another thread to you, but I've got adding the language picker into the console version of the game on my list. I'll reach out to you in DM once that is in the game.
patch.I couldn't care less about save and load times as that's just nitpicking, but I want the game to be as smooth and enjoyable as the Game Preview version!
The best way to find more resources to use the scanning Room