Current Bug List for PS4 Console Release of Subnautica
Colorado Join Date: 2019-02-14 Member: 250919Members

In an attempt to make an organized effort to help bring awareness of the ongoing or current bugs in the Playstation 4 release, I want to list the bugs that I have encountered in the game. So with that being said if you personally have experienced any bugs that I haven't listed then please feel free to add them. If you have information, clues, screenshots, or videos to share that may help the developers pin down, find the source of, or duplicate the problem, please share those as well.
Current PS4 Bug list (post 1.06 update)
1. Screenshots disappear when saving game.
Cant share anything. Makes bug reporting less useful. Cant use Picture Frame (nothing to put in it).
(Rumor is this will be fixed on next update)
2. Fabricator wont list HUD Thermometer even when Blueprint unlocked.
Item is listed in Blueprints but you cant create it. When swimming or building thermal power plants we have no way of knowing if we are even in hot water till you take damage, at which point it becomes very obvious.
(Rumor is this item was removed from the game, so it must be a ghost of a very useful item)
3. Aggressive fauna glitching into base and into alien containment, then going about a killing spree.
I have had this happen numerous times mostly with Biters. Only once I had a Sandshark in my base but he didn't make it into the alien containment before I discovered him.
(Seems to be an ongoing issue)
4. The Lifepod beacon icon floats onscreen when shut off in beacon manager after restart.
This happens every time game restarts. You have to turn beacon back on, then turn it back off every time you play.
5. Base and Lifepod can be seen across entire gaming area.
Seems like a waste of resources, the RAM should be focused on local video instead of rendering something you should not possibly even be able to see. Could be affecting framerate drops as the size of your base gets larger.
6. Schools of fish swim right through base.
(Seems to be an ongoing issue)
7. Door to Prawn room (Aurora) would not open from upper access.
Not sure if this was an intentional change or glitch because you can still access the Prawn room from a lower access point, but when i played the PC version this door worked when panel was repaired.
8. Bladderfish extinction.
This is NOT due to over use as a resource. Even if you immediately use salt and coral for water, and they are still abundant, they still vanish. As a result you cannot build Air Bladder.
9. Cuddlefish vanishes.
This usually happens within probably 30 to 40 mins. After being gone for a couple weeks (probably 2 to 3 days of game time). Reappears then vanishes again... This seems unavoidable on the PS 4.
10. Fauna suddenly for no reason bolt off like an arrow at unrealistic speeds. Non provoked.
I have seen this with Bonesharks, Jellyrays, Gasopods, Rabbitrays, and even a Reefback Leviathan. This seems to happen more and more as you progress in the game.
I am going to mention a couple things but not put them on the list because they are not bugs:
The PS4 Bug/Feedback window doesn't let you know when the text has reached its limit. Almost every time I have reported half of what I said was lost and cut off mid sentence. Its been very frustrating with no ability to save a screenshot to explain these bugs in detail when you are limited to 190 characters of text. This is not a sufficient amount of space when trying to convey the bug itself and the circumstances of how to recreate the details of the bug.
I would also like to add that it is also a frustration to know that with all the bugs that haven't been fixed we are still limited to one save slot in a survival game. This just seems unreasonable when days of progress can be ruined with one wrong save that makes a glitch or bug permanent. Nothing to fall back on.
Current PS4 Bug list (post 1.06 update)
1. Screenshots disappear when saving game.
Cant share anything. Makes bug reporting less useful. Cant use Picture Frame (nothing to put in it).
(Rumor is this will be fixed on next update)
2. Fabricator wont list HUD Thermometer even when Blueprint unlocked.
Item is listed in Blueprints but you cant create it. When swimming or building thermal power plants we have no way of knowing if we are even in hot water till you take damage, at which point it becomes very obvious.
(Rumor is this item was removed from the game, so it must be a ghost of a very useful item)
3. Aggressive fauna glitching into base and into alien containment, then going about a killing spree.
I have had this happen numerous times mostly with Biters. Only once I had a Sandshark in my base but he didn't make it into the alien containment before I discovered him.
(Seems to be an ongoing issue)
4. The Lifepod beacon icon floats onscreen when shut off in beacon manager after restart.
This happens every time game restarts. You have to turn beacon back on, then turn it back off every time you play.
5. Base and Lifepod can be seen across entire gaming area.
Seems like a waste of resources, the RAM should be focused on local video instead of rendering something you should not possibly even be able to see. Could be affecting framerate drops as the size of your base gets larger.
6. Schools of fish swim right through base.
(Seems to be an ongoing issue)
7. Door to Prawn room (Aurora) would not open from upper access.
Not sure if this was an intentional change or glitch because you can still access the Prawn room from a lower access point, but when i played the PC version this door worked when panel was repaired.
8. Bladderfish extinction.
This is NOT due to over use as a resource. Even if you immediately use salt and coral for water, and they are still abundant, they still vanish. As a result you cannot build Air Bladder.
9. Cuddlefish vanishes.
This usually happens within probably 30 to 40 mins. After being gone for a couple weeks (probably 2 to 3 days of game time). Reappears then vanishes again... This seems unavoidable on the PS 4.
10. Fauna suddenly for no reason bolt off like an arrow at unrealistic speeds. Non provoked.
I have seen this with Bonesharks, Jellyrays, Gasopods, Rabbitrays, and even a Reefback Leviathan. This seems to happen more and more as you progress in the game.
I am going to mention a couple things but not put them on the list because they are not bugs:
The PS4 Bug/Feedback window doesn't let you know when the text has reached its limit. Almost every time I have reported half of what I said was lost and cut off mid sentence. Its been very frustrating with no ability to save a screenshot to explain these bugs in detail when you are limited to 190 characters of text. This is not a sufficient amount of space when trying to convey the bug itself and the circumstances of how to recreate the details of the bug.
I would also like to add that it is also a frustration to know that with all the bugs that haven't been fixed we are still limited to one save slot in a survival game. This just seems unreasonable when days of progress can be ruined with one wrong save that makes a glitch or bug permanent. Nothing to fall back on.
The Bladderfish extinction is hard to track, I have noticed a trend that the Stalkers seem to move out of the Kelp forests and move into the areas of the safe shallows that have scrap metal. Then they start eating any fish in the area that are slow enough to be caught. Seems like the Bladderfish don't move at all at night. So possible the Stalkers are eating them all in the beginning of the game. I deleted and gave up my first game after 4 days of game time. I thought i would get the alien containment this go around and preserve the Bladderfish. On this play through I went straight to salt and coral to make bleach as a source of water so i didn't affect their numbers. By the time I got everything together to build a base with the containment they were already extinct. Was very frustrating. I didn't think they would be gone so fast if I wasn't using them. Not the case.
The Cuddlefish vanishing act as far as I can put together he is still in the game somewhere. I thought maybe he glitched to the opposite side of the environment landscape at first where he cant be seen similar to how the biters were getting into my base, but later found reasons to think its is something else. I also thought possibly he was attacked and raced off, but that seems to be ruled out too. The Cuddlefish may be suffering from whatever is plaguing other Fauna in the game to dart off in a random directions at ludicrous speed to eternity. When he disappeared the first time there was nothing I could do because there is ONLY ONE SAVE SLOT and I used it not knowing he was gone, making the glitch a permanent part of my game. I had just found his egg and hatched him in containment I only had him for about 30 maybe 45 mins of game time. I had put him in "Don't Follow" mode and left him at my base (Edge of Safe Shallows) while I went to the Jellyshroom caves for resources. When i got back I docked in the Moonpool unloaded the Seamoth storage into my lockers and saved the game, I went outside to discover he was gone and that there was nothing I could do I because of this one and only irreversible single save. He was gone for 2 weeks of real time in which I had probably played 3 days of game time. All the sudden he was back, not sure what triggered the return, but there he was as if he had never left. At first I was excited, but then leery and not wanting to get attached as I knew he was just a fair water friend. Right away I made a game save with my eyes pinned on him. So this is where my game was swallowed into the abyss of no progress for days.... Every time I played... no matter what trick i tried he always vanished.
First I searched entire area around my base for predators that may attack and trigger the disappearance. I didn't want to just murder the whole neighborhood for just one pseudo pal who just showed up when he was hungry, but I had a couple of Stalkers who would come to my base and steal my cameras right off of my scanner room. So i had a couple reasons to dispose of these bandits. When they came to my base to get the camera they seemed to both be fighting over who got it. I put long range mods on the scanner room and from inside I ran the camera in reverse and watched as both of them followed the camera to their ultimate demise. As they followed the camera to their final destination we passed through the tip of the Kelp Forest and three other Stalkers joined the pursuit (would have been a great opportunity for a screenshot... GRRR *see bug No.1*) . 5 Stalkers all followed the coveted camera to the edge of the Underwater Islands where Bonesharks did the rest of the work for me. Those 5 were never seen again as they sank out of sight. Next I had a couple Sandsharks to deal with as one had already glitched his way into my base and two others were getting closer too. For them I used the Repulsion Cannon and pushed them all the way to the edge of the Grassy Plateaus along with a few of their friends, now the ledge is the border to the Sandshark pit. Then I cleared out the Biters. I just swam up and attached floaters to them and watched them struggle as it took them to the surface. The whole time I was doing this I had my ever so evasively faithful friend (Cuddlefish) in "Don't Follow" mode in a safe corner of my base. He disappeared twice causing me to go back to the save point and redo much of this clearing of the area. But at least this time I had him in the save point.
So after all danger that I could find was gone, he still disappeared. I brought him back through the magic of 1 single game save and tried building a fortress around him. I built a huge outdoor play area that was walled off almost completely to the surface. It had 6 foundations for floor and tube compartments for walls stacked 7 units high. It is while he was inside this that he disappeared and has not been seen since. During the building of this colossal play area he disappeared probably 3 more times, also causing me to struggle with the progress because he would disappear while i was collecting resources to build it. I would have to go back to the save point again and start collecting resources from scratch. But I did learn some more clues. While he was in the outdoor containment I would have him in "Don't Follow" at the very bottom of the containment. He never came close to the top of the walls, just swam around the center of the area rarely getting close to the walls. I was working on some outdoor gardens when I found him sitting in the North/Western ish corner of his area. He wasn't moving just sitting still in the corner with a blank look on his face. Just floating. It was creepy. I started thinking maybe he had a fit the way other fauna seemed to be having. Maybe he darted a straight line and hit the wall and stopped, stunned. So I saved the game and rebooted. He was back to normal. But I got me wondered about the darting fauna. I captive breed 6 Jellyrays and let them lose right outside the base in a clearing. Within a minute one of the Jellyrays immediately took off in a straight line at a speed I never could have kept up with. Now I was down to 5 Jellyrays. I needed a grappling arm for the Prawn suit and went to the Grand Reef wreck. There was a Warper that was in a cave near the base of the wreck last time I was there but I had to come back with the Laser Cutter to access a room. This time the Warper popped up right in front of me at the top door of the wreck and I saved the game before I tangled with him with Stasis Rifle and Knife in hand. All went well got the arm and got back to the base to find sure enough Cuddlefish had actually walked through walls and vanished. Once again being held to the confines of a single save point the glitch was now again a part of my game. No more save magic for my fair water friend.
So from all my experimenting I have seen my original 6 Jellyrays dwindle all the way down to 1 Jellyray then all at once there were 6 again. Now back down to 2 for the past couple days. The same way the cuddle fish returned they seem to do the same thing. Again, not sure if they blip to the opposite unseen side of the landscape barrier or if it is this strange darting effect. The darting off I have seen on 3 occasions now. There is never any visible reason for it though it sometime appears as if they perhaps bump something hard like a wall or rock, then immediately dart off, straight as an arrow and fast. But the darting off seems the most likely because of something I just discovered this week, I found a Jellyray in a Kelp Forest, because they are normally only seen either at my base or in the Mushroom Forest, i stopped to watch it. It moved in the direction of my base which was still 400 meters away. As I followed it I realized this was one of my missing JellyRays and I followed it the 400 meters to my base were it settled in with the other 2 that were there. So then I jumped in my Seamoth and scoured the area found another random Jellyray in the Underwater Islands and had to get him passed some Bonesharks but followed him all the way home as well. But I noticed as they went back to my base, they would go right through terrain as if it didn't exist, till they got home, then the laws of boundaries and terrain went back to normal. Now I was back to 4 Jelly rays. Then 1 took off in the normal straight dart fashion going faster than I could have even gone in my Seamoth. Now I am back down to 2 Jellyrays again as 1 disappeared when i wasnt looking.
But it seems like a possibility that if the missing Cuddlefish is doing what the Jellyrays are doing. I think the last time he showed up it may have been a coincidence that he followed me back home as I blindly passed by him somewhere. He is black and hard to see. I tried roaming the map but so many dark places and I don't know how far away to even start. And to what end, such a waste of time when he is sure to leave again anyway. I think he already left 6 or 7 times with me bringing him back with save files. No chance he will stick around unless the bug is fixed. Obviously not a rare occurrence.
I have since found more eggs but am hoping there will be a fix before I hatch them or they may as well be any other fish in the game. Ill just have to leave them in containment where there is no interaction.
Point of all this is its possible that bug #9 and #10 may be the same bug.
Boost mode off
System Software version: 6.20
Subnautica Update 1.06
Pictures can be saved now....
It loads faster (used to take about 128 seconds, over 2 minutes) now it loads in about 78 seconds. This never bothered me. but obviously something was changed.
Maybe people with a regular playstation are noticing better video but the PS4 pro doesn't seem any different.
Now the Video freezes when traveling around in Seamoth then pops back into motion not sure if this is new or I got so used to it before that I wasnt seeing it. Stopped playing for a while thinking this update would be the one...
This should not be visible. The system should not be rendering it at this distance. I have heard comments that the bigger you make you base the slower the game gets and the more glitchy things get. I can see why...
It never moves, just stays fixed just above seamoth dash. Seems like this would be an easy fix.
To fix it yourself you have to turn the beacon back on. Every game...
Then turn it back off. before you play
Current PS4 Bug list (post 1.07 update)
1. Fabricator wont list HUD Thermometer even when Blueprint unlocked.
Item is listed in Blueprints but you cant create it. When swimming or building thermal power plants we have no way of knowing if we are even in hot water till you take damage, at which point it becomes very obvious.
(Rumor is this item was removed from the game, so it must be a ghost of a very useful item)
2. Aggressive fauna glitching into base and into alien containment, then going about a killing spree.
I have had this happen numerous times mostly with Biters. Only once I had a Sandshark in my base but he didn't make it into the alien containment before I discovered him.
(Seems to be an ongoing issue)
3. The Lifepod beacon icon floats onscreen when shut off in beacon manager after restart.
This happens every time game restarts. You have to turn beacon back on, then turn it back off every time you play.
4. Base and Lifepod can be seen across entire gaming area.
Seems like a waste of resources, the RAM should be focused on local video instead of rendering something you should not possibly even be able to see. Could be affecting framerate drops as the size of your base gets larger.
7. Schools of fish swim right through base.
(Seems to be an ongoing issue)
8. Door to Prawn room (Aurora) would not open from upper access.
Not sure if this was an intentional change or glitch because you can still access the Prawn room from a lower access point, but when i played the PC version this door worked when panel was repaired.
9. Bladderfish extinction.
This is NOT due to over use as a resource. Even if you immediately use salt and coral for water, and they are still abundant, they still vanish. As a result you cannot build Air Bladder.
10. Cuddlefish vanishes.
This usually happens within probably 30 to 40 mins. After being gone for a couple weeks (probably 2 to 3 days of game time). Reappears then vanishes again... This seems unavoidable on the PS 4.
11. Fauna suddenly for no reason bolt off like an arrow at unrealistic speeds. Non provoked.
I have seen this with Bonesharks, Jellyrays, Gasopods, Rabbitrays, and even a Reefback Leviathan. This seems to happen more and more as you progress in the game.
12. When traveling in Seamoth screen freezes then bursts back into motion.
13. Japanese and Korean subtitles no longer show up.
14. Cyclops/ Prawn/ Seamoth upgrades disappearing when saving game.
Fabricator wont make it, not even on the list
I don’t expect the base “infinite” visibility quirk to be fixed soon, it is one of the hacks required to keep the base running even when you are not near it. You can actually see that power transmitters do get deconstructed along with terrain, which creates a lot of issues when trying to bring in power over a long range. But who knows, I might get surprised !
Again Thank you for your help. Wasn't aware that this was announced. I do think if they are going to remove an item then they should remove the Blueprint. Its misleading people. Frustrating trying to build something the game says you should be able to build. I also think if they are just going to remove the ability to build an item to tell us temperature then they should just put the temp in the HUD without crafting an item. If we were physically there for real our senses would tell us if the water was getting warmer or colder. Now unless we are in a vehicle we have no sense of temp at all. Even my phone tells the temp and this is suppose to be a highly advanced paradigm where items are materialized from individual atoms. I think the HUD should just say the temp as a given that our senses would be telling this to us anyway.
Strange thing though is I can't build an air bladder. I may never know what it is, because every time I have played the game Bladderfish go extinct before I built one. I would have to abandon a 10 day investment of game time and start again to find out because no fix for the extinct bladderfish has ever been mentioned. So its seems it must not be an important enough item if devs dont want to fix the glitch that causes it to be unavailable. But its still in the game. I would rather have a thermometer if the air bladder has no use.
As far as the base goes, I can understand to a point. But you would think there would be a way for the power consumption, water filtration, battery charging, med kit fabricating, etc... to be calculated with coded timers and counters without the video actually having to render the action. It really does seem like the more I build (even just adding the cyclops) seems to cause more buggy gameplay. Creatures taking off like darts is getting more and more frequent. I am constantly fixing my base now because of random fauna darting across the landscape and colliding with my base.
1. Fabricator wont list HUD Thermometer even when Blueprint unlocked.
Item is listed in Blueprints but you cant create it. When swimming or building thermal power plants we have no way of knowing if we are even in hot water till you take damage, at which point it becomes very obvious. If your gonna remove it then get it off the Blueprint list so people aren't mislead to believe they should be able to build it.
2. Aggressive fauna glitching into base and into alien containment, then going about a killing spree.
I have had this happen numerous times mostly with Biters. Only once I had a Sandshark in my base but he didn't make it into the alien containment before I discovered him.
(Seems to be an ongoing issue)
3. The Lifepod beacon icon floats onscreen when shut off in beacon manager after restart.
This happens every time game restarts. You have to turn beacon back on, then turn it back off every time you play.
4. Base and Lifepod can be seen across entire gaming area.
Seems like a waste of resources, the RAM should be focused on local video instead of rendering something you should not possibly even be able to see. Could be what is affecting framerate drops as the size of your base gets larger.
7. Schools of fish swim right through base.
(also an ongoing issue)
8. Door to Prawn room (Aurora) would not open from upper access.
Not sure if this was an intentional change or glitch because you can still access the Prawn room from a lower access point, but when i played the PC version this door worked when panel was repaired.
9. Bladderfish extinction.
This is NOT due to over use as a resource. Even if you immediately use salt and coral for water, and they are still abundant, they still vanish. As a result you cannot build Air Bladder.
10. Cuddlefish vanishes.
This usually happens within probably 30 to 40 mins. After being gone for a couple weeks (probably 2 to 3 days of game time). Reappears then vanishes again... This seems unavoidable on the PS 4.
11. Fauna suddenly for no reason bolt off like an arrow at unrealistic speeds. Non provoked.
I have seen this with Bonesharks, Jellyrays, Gasopods, Rabbitrays, and even a Reefback Leviathan. This seems to happen more and more as you progress in the game.
12. When traveling in Seamoth screen freezes then bursts back into motion. Swimming in Lost River and it was constantly/ continuously freezing then popping back into motion.
13. Japanese and Korean subtitles no longer show up.
14. Cyclops/ Prawn/ Seamoth upgrades disappearing when saving game.
Hoping the regular PS4 users are getting better results. Seems like PS4 pro is actually worse than before the update (see #12) I have always assumed Unknownworlds would optimize for PS4 pro so i don't use Boost mode.
You can see what the colors should be.
And this is what it looks like after you get in and it resets.
Prawn does it too...
After you get in and it resets...
Better luck with other posters.
But It seems like the Cyclops itself has similar problems. No photo yet.
1. Fabricator wont list HUD Thermometer even when Blueprint unlocked.
Item is listed in Blueprints but you cant create it. When swimming or building thermal power plants we have no way of knowing if we are even in hot water till you take damage, at which point it becomes very obvious. If your gonna remove it from the fabricator then get it off the Blueprint list so people aren't mislead to believe they should be able to build it. And Maybe just give us the temperature while in the Dive suit as a given, since our senses would be telling us what the basic temp would be anyway.
2. Aggressive fauna glitching into base and into alien containment, then going about a killing spree.
I have had this happen numerous times mostly with Biters. Only once I had a Sandshark in my base but he didn't make it into the alien containment before I discovered him.
(Seems to be an ongoing issue)
3. The Lifepod beacon icon floats onscreen when shut off in beacon manager after restart.
This happens every time game restarts. You have to turn beacon back on, then turn it back off every time you play.
4. Base and Lifepod can be seen across entire gaming area.
Seems like a waste of resources, the RAM should be focused on local video instead of rendering something you should not possibly even be able to see. Could be what is affecting framerate drops as the size of your base gets larger.
7. Schools of fish swim right through base.
(also an ongoing issue)
8. Door to Prawn room (Aurora) would not open from upper access.
Not sure if this was an intentional change or glitch because you can still access the Prawn room from a lower access point, but when i played the PC version this door worked when panel was repaired.
9. Bladderfish extinction.
This is NOT due to over use as a resource. Even if you immediately use salt and coral for water, and they are still abundant, they still vanish. As a result you cannot build Air Bladder.
10. Cuddlefish vanishes.
This usually happens within probably 30 to 40 mins. After being gone for a couple weeks (probably 2 to 3 days of game time). Reappears then vanishes again... This seems unavoidable on the PS 4.
11. Fauna suddenly for no reason bolt off like an arrow at unrealistic speeds. Non provoked.
I have seen this with Bonesharks, Jellyrays, Gasopods, Rabbitrays, and even a Reefback Leviathan. This seems to happen more and more as you progress in the game.
12. When traveling in Seamoth screen freezes then bursts back into motion. Swimming in Lost River and it was constantly/ continuously freezing then popping back into motion.
13. Japanese and Korean subtitles no longer show up.
14. Cyclops/ Prawn/ Seamoth upgrades disappearing when saving game.
15. Seamoth/ Prawn/ Cyclops color changing issues.
16. Moonpool legs show up where they shouldn't be.
17. Lost River Lab Cache door always locked. Even after unlocking. Save game, turn off, turn on, reboot, and come back..... locked again...
Hoping the regular PS4 users are getting better results. Seems like PS4 Pro is actually worse than before the update (see #12) I have always assumed Unknownworlds would optimize for PS4 pro so i don't use Boost mode. I have seen people post that they were using it but it is suppose to only be for games that were made prior to the release of the PS4 Pro.
On the other hand, I've never run into the "black seamoth" issue - so I guess I can call me lucky.
Finally, if you are getting worst performance on PS4 pro, you could try running at 1080p instead of 1440p (if you have a 4K-compatible TV, that is).
Even the safe Shallows weren't safe.
But you could at least let us have some tools to keep our game safer against things out of our control. Why should we be afraid to save the game and be afraid when we come back if we will have lost Seamoth/ Prawn/ or Cyclops upgrades. Or worse what if we are unknowingly on the wrong side of a hole in the landscape while exploring the Lost River with our cyclops when we save. We may come back to find ourselves trapped in stone.
Some things on the list can be considered general clean up. Just following through with changes you implemented. Like the HUD Thermometer. If you are taking it out of the game... THEN TAKE IT OUT OF THE GAME!.... Take it out of the blueprint list so we aren't wasting time searching the fabricator and modification station wondering what WE are doing wrong.
Shouldn't be difficult to find out why when we shut off the lifepod beacon, it floats on your Seamoth dash.
Give us more than 190 characters on the ingame feedback/ bug reporting, or at least let us know when we are cut off so when we are painfully searching and pecking out the Alphabet with a console controller one letter at a time we don't find out 20 minutes later that we have just wasted our time.
You may never be able to keep the shoals of fish from swimming through our bases or may never figure out a way to keep the aggressive fauna from glitching into our containment units. Or the little things like the Prawn or Seamoth color registry not changing till you get in the vehicle, may not be worth chasing. But when an entire species that players need for water or to build items (Bladderfish needed for air bladder) seemingly goes extinct, and 3 updates later has never been mentioned?
And why is it So many people have gotten to enjoy this Cuddlefish and have adventures with it on other platforms, Because on the PS4 Pro this guy is just another fish when you set him free he is gone...... and its not just a 1 in 1000 occurrence.... Its every time in my game.
Sorry to bring all this here, I wish I was just posting a wonderful gameplay experience, It truly is an amazing game, Its hard to just give up on it and away from such a beautiful game, but also hard to ignore some things that don't seem to be changing. Frustrating seeing so much energy going into Below Zero, and making it feel like UnknownWorlds has decided to focus on new things and just leave us and our money and time investments to ourselves. I bring this here because the ingame feedback is not an easy tool and leaves something to be desired, along and the feeling that it doesn't matter anyway. This forum is my last attempt to bring attention to an unfinished game and I am beginning to feel like all this is also wasted efforts.
I hope we don't wait another Month for PS4 update 1.08 to find out it's just fixing some subtitles and telling us things will look better...
Even if there are still many bugs around, 1.07 improved one of the biggest issues of the game, which was end-game crashes.
Based on this forum feedback, the most urgent issue to fix now seems to be save game corruption. I have not encountered it personally, but it has been widely reported.
And personally, I can't wait to see the day when the "terrain tile texture not being loaded" issue will be put to rest.
In any case, I am quite curious about your "Fauna suddenly for no reason bolt off like an arrow at unrealistic speeds" issue. I certainly did not encounter it, and I do not remember seeing it mentioned elsewhere on the different forums.
As far as the Fauna, its in every game play on my system. I have seen Gasopods just suddenly dart off faster than a Seamoth. I have seen a Reefback hovering half in and half out of the water and going just as fast as Seamoth. I just happened to be in my Seamoth to witness this one. I followed it to clock it and barely kept up. I took screenshots of the Reefback but lost them as soon as I saved before the fix. They go straight as an arrow and apparently don't stop till out of sight. I don't remember it in the beginning of the game but it seems to happen more and more as I progress. So its either because my base is getting bigger and having negative impacts or something like the extinction of the Bladderfish that eventually happens. I had a Gasopod dart into my base and just crashed and crashed till he got around. Leaks everywhere from a Gasopod.... When a firecracker farter can wreck your base something don't seem right. And I think that is why I have no Cuddlefish that stick around. I haven't witnessed it, but but it seems like a logical explanation because of the way my experimental Jellyrays are acting. They do the same thing and will come back to my base from 100's of meters away. It has to be happening to other people, I just don't think anyone is paying attention. Or don't think it is worth mentioning. Now I am aware of it I see it every time I play. Hard to miss when a Reefback does it though. I have seen 2 Reefbacks do it now. The second one was deeper and crashed right through the Safe Shallows. I have seen Bonesharks, Jellyrays, Gasopods, Reefbacks, Peepers, Stalkers, etc... probably would be easier to list the ones I havn't seen doing it.
I would probably try to capture the event and post it but after 2 weeks of posting all of this is feeling like a big waste of energy.
I did not personally encounter save game issues or late-game crashes (caused by out of memory errors), but those two issues have been widely reported by other people. At least, the crashing situation is now improved.
12 Mornings Later......
1) There seems to be a general graphics issue now where parts of the ceilings and walls of my base will "flicker." That's exactly what it sounds like. It did not happen before the 1.08 update was released.
2) Trying to build a large base in Creative mode causes the game to slow down and eventually crash, which destroys the entire purpose of Creative mode. I should be able to, as the game says, build what I want without constraint.
3) All of the major structures of the game (the Aurora, alien bases, etc.) completely reset themselves when I reload my save file. This is somewhat useful for gathering more supplies (batteries, med kits, ion cubes), but for the alien structures it means having to craft more tablets to re-unlock the gates. This is especially disconcerting when one factors in the blue tablet requiring Kyanite, the rarest and most difficult mineral to mine in the entire game, and which itself is a very limited resource (they and other minerals don't respawn unless the developers release an update). I should not have to build a new tablet every single time I reload my file if I want to go back to an alien base.
To be clear: I love this game to pieces. The marine and geological lore make for a very entertaining story, and the aforementioned bugs aren't going to prevent me from enjoying the game wholesale. I just sincerely hope that the devs are listening when we report little things like these as well as the big problems.
The native resolution on my TV is 1080P so i leave it set to that by default.
I have the same flickering going on since 1.08 Got some pics...
And more...
Ceiling too...
Almost every little accent on the base...
When you move it all goes crazy glitch, if you stop and look it just stops and looks torn.
I am playing survival mode and its the same thing, seems like the bigger you make your base the worse the game behaves....
And I posted a picture of one of the Alien doors that always relocks on me too. The first base I went to with the Quarantine BFG was always unlocked, havn't been there since the update but every door I go through now is always locked when I return.