Inventory system needs to be overhauled!

RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
edited December 2018 in Ideas and Suggestions
Okay, I put this up so everybody that needs this can upvote. The inventory system gets incredibly tedious in later (although arguably already in early) game when you have lots of cabinets and wall lockers. How much time and running up and down isn't wasted just to check what's in all those lockers? A combined inventory over like 30m radius or so. So I can access all stuff in my vehicles and on my person at once. And make this applicable to the crafting necessities as well. Suggestion is that all what you've got on person + all stuff that's in all lockers at the BASE you ARE IN (certainly NOT from the entire map) + everything in DOCKED vehicles + everything in the Cyclops (stuff in vehicles preferably in seperate Pop Up window but in same screen) is all visible AND accessible form the same screen! Believe me that when you've got lots of cabinets, the running up and down to access your stuff takes at least 30% of your gaming time.


  • QuafferQuaffer Broadview Heights Ohio Join Date: 2018-12-24 Member: 246947Members
    edited December 2018
    Label your lockers. Put stuff in them per the label. Put signs over the big lockers, though it would be nice to be able to label them too.

    It's not that hard.
  • RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
    edited December 2018
    Quaffer wrote: »
    Label your lockers. Put stuff in them per the label. Put signs over the big lockers, though it would be nice to be able to label them too.

    It's not that hard.

    Why do you need to do this? Typical Reddit behaviour. Instead of just filling out the poll, giving your opinion and telling how others need to live their life. I put up a poll. Answer the poll, do not give me your passive-agresive inventory directions. Like wow now, I did not think of that myself, labeling the lockers. That should end the running around then no?
  • ryansearcyakryansearcyak Alaska Join Date: 2018-03-01 Member: 238451Members
    I honestly feel mixed about it. While it would be nice to remotely access items from storage inside your base, I never had an issue finding items, because I kept everything organized. Granted, not everyone is organized, nor does everyone want to be organized. It was never tedious for me to do. While some people would see this as a great convenience, others would see it as lazy. I have my own thoughts on both sides, why it would work and why it wouldn't work, but it would be a lengthy process to explain it all. It is not a bad idea, but I don't think it would be that much of a time saver.
  • QuafferQuaffer Broadview Heights Ohio Join Date: 2018-12-24 Member: 246947Members
    edited December 2018
    I honestly feel mixed about it. While it would be nice to remotely access items from storage inside your base, I never had an issue finding items, because I kept everything organized. Granted, not everyone is organized, nor does everyone want to be organized. It was never tedious for me to do. While some people would see this as a great convenience, others would see it as lazy. I have my own thoughts on both sides, why it would work and why it wouldn't work, but it would be a lengthy process to explain it all. It is not a bad idea, but I don't think it would be that much of a time saver.

    Wrong post quoted..
  • QuafferQuaffer Broadview Heights Ohio Join Date: 2018-12-24 Member: 246947Members
    I honestly feel mixed about it. While it would be nice to remotely access items from storage inside your base, I never had an issue finding items, because I kept everything organized. Granted, not everyone is organized, nor does everyone want to be organized. It was never tedious for me to do. While some people would see this as a great convenience, others would see it as lazy. I have my own thoughts on both sides, why it would work and why it wouldn't work, but it would be a lengthy process to explain it all. It is not a bad idea, but I don't think it would be that much of a time saver.
    Rbox wrote: »

    Why do you need to do this? Typical Reddit behaviour. Instead of just filling out the poll, giving your opinion and telling how others need to live their life. I put up a poll. Answer the poll, do not give me your passive-agresive inventory directions. Like wow now, I did not think of that myself, labeling the lockers. That should end the running around then no?

    The poll you put up has an obvious bias. When you're ready play it straight, come on back.

    In the meantime I provided a helpful suggestion to the community on dealing with storage.

    Have a very pleasant day.
  • RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
    Quaffer wrote: »

    The poll you put up has an obvious bias. When you're ready play it straight, come on back.

    In the meantime I provided a helpful suggestion to the community on dealing with storage.

    Have a very pleasant day.

    You fucking did it again . What's wrong with you?
  • RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
    Quaffer wrote: »

    In the meantime I provided a helpful suggestion to the community on dealing with storage.

    No you did not. You gave your guideline (and labeling is already obvious to everyone) with a distinct undertone that we should follow it and not ask for change. And then you began patronizing.
  • RealRobRealRob United States Join Date: 2018-12-26 Member: 247204Members
    I would like to see a large locker that can be added on to (not increase it's physical size) and those additions would add tabs that you can label. Say the size of the current large locker and each tab is 48 slots as well. Small lockers could have a tab system as well.

    But on top of that you can place more of those large/small lockers a you please, just like you currently can.

    Being able to see and use all your stock from anywhere, even a docked vehicle is a bit unrealistic. I think we should have to physically go to the locker(s) locations. Being able to see it from anywhere is fine, but not access it too.
  • GonDragonGonDragon Join Date: 2018-12-26 Member: 247236Members
    The inventory system is OK as it is.

    Leting the crafting stations acces certain close cabinets to gather ingrediens, sounds like a nice QOL improvement. But leting player having acces to the whole inventory of the base from one place, sounds like a big mess.
  • AC_AwesomeCraftAC_AwesomeCraft USA Join Date: 2018-12-12 Member: 245501Members
    I think the system is fine, but i wouldn't use the word 'idiot'.
  • TriosTrios Join Date: 2018-12-27 Member: 247293Members
    Quaffer wrote: »
    Label your lockers. Put stuff in them per the label. Put signs over the big lockers, though it would be nice to be able to label them too.

    It's not that hard.

    So point taken that in this game you're a survivor and you don't exactly have access to the shiniest of things...But if we have a device called a fabricator which breaks entities down into their constituent elements and then remolecularizes them into either a modified or completely different arrangement (cooking fish vs making a bottle of water from a bloater.) I refuse to believe that they would not have created a system that just has the fabricator store the constituent molecules in an electrostasis which conveniently enough would allow for a storage unit of elements that can be called upon through the instead of overhauling the inventory system...I suggest 1 new item, and 1 new habitat structure. give us a fabricator storage room that we can select to send things into as broken down molecules and recall at a later date from any fabricator that is connected to that storage unit (conveniently creating a reason to have an actual base. Then create a simple pipe system with a logic sorting pipe that makes it so we can just drop our inventory into a large cabinet when we enter our base, and it sorts it into cabinets as we tell it too.....great examples of this being very well implemented are the pipes and Applied Energistics mods in the expanded mine craft would lower the start curve a little bit...make a lot of players happy since I am obviously not the only one who thinks the system could be improved, & finally this allows the player who for some reason voted they like running back and forth continue to do things the way they want....all they do is just not take advantage of the new update....
  • RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
    edited December 2018
    RealRob wrote: »
    I would like to see a large locker that can be added on to (not increase it's physical size) and those additions would add tabs that you can label. Say the size of the current large locker and each tab is 48 slots as well. Small lockers could have a tab system as well.

    That could be a nice compromise
    RealRob wrote: »
    But on top of that you can place more of those large/small lockers a you please, just like you currently can.

    That's just it. Again another cabinet to go to.
  • RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
    GonDragon wrote: »
    Leting the crafting stations acces certain close cabinets to gather ingrediens, sounds like a nice QOL improvement. But leting player having acces to the whole inventory of the base from one place, sounds like a big mess.

    Not the whole inventory, just the cabinets in the base you are in. Or all in the Cyclops. I have 20+ wall lockers in my Cyclops. They are all labeled. Still I have to run around accessing several of them when I want to craft something. That gets annoying real fast. And don't forget: you have to put the stuff in them first too. In the correct locker too my good sir. And when you're about to build outside, you first have to stock up on the ingredients. Flipping craft screens as well as lockers to be sure you don't forget anything. And then you did! You're away to build a base + scanner +fabricator and you miss the table coral. Great.

    Lets say that a nice compromise would be that the fabricator has access to all lockers in a 6m or so radius in a base. And all lockers that you put in the Cyclops when you're in it.
  • RboxRbox Belgium Join Date: 2018-03-17 Member: 239227Members
    edited December 2018
    I think the system is fine, but i wouldn't use the word 'idiot'.

    Well, I like to build. So I build a lot and thus always have to stock up on ingredients. Dreading the fact that I forgot one but now hundreds of m apart from where I stocked it or from where I know to get it anew. Doing this often makes the 'running around like an idiot' to feel spot on. And note: it's 'running around like' and not 'you are an idiot if you do this' Or did I miss something and is idiot the new PC word to avoid? Which I will never be concerned with BTW.
  • HongChongDongHongChongDong Join Date: 2018-12-23 Member: 246766Members
    edited December 2018
    The ability to label normal lockers would be nice, but even then it doesn't really matter as long as you don't have 100 different lockers that you aren't keeping track of. It just seems like a change that'd waste alot of time and resources to implement, especially considering how many bugs could pop up as a result. Though something like a mega locker in the form of a stand alone sea base room with folders for categorizing would be cool and easier to do.
  • TriosTrios Join Date: 2018-12-27 Member: 247293Members
    The ability to label normal lockers would be nice, but even then it doesn't really matter as long as you don't have 100 different lockers that you aren't keeping track of. It just seems like a change that'd waste alot of time and resources to implement, especially considering how many bugs could pop up as a result. Though something like a mega locker in the form of a stand alone sea base room with folders for categorizing would be cool and easier to do.

    So Hong, exactly what I proposed....I fail to see the difference in coding between a new habitat structure that allows storage via the fabricator, and a room that does the same thing without it...So seems to be we would all like a larger and more versatile storage solution.
  • JunkerJunker Russia Join Date: 2018-12-29 Member: 247492Members
    Great idea. New additional internal module in which you can see all your items - it sounds cool.
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