Concept Art

X3nonX3non Zagreb Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217601Members
This is my take on the huge skull/ribs in Lost River biome. As wiki states this leviathan class should be eel-like so i took that approach in "reviving" it in my vision how it should look in game. Hope you all like it and dev's. Thanks.



  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    edited April 2018
    Eels dont have fins like that but otherwise great art
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited April 2018
    Very nicely drawn and colored, although I do believe it's ribcage/spinal cord is the wrong side up in your creature. We've got ourselves a gargantuan alien "upsidedown bellly spinal cord creature" :D

    Eels dont have fins like that but otherwise great art
    Well, what makes you an expert on alien eels with upsidedown bellies hmm?

    @X3non what are the shiny things on it's head, lures or paralyzing tentacles or something? The Kharaa Onos also has paralyzing tentacles on it's head :D
  • X3nonX3non Zagreb Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217601Members
    Take a look of a Gulper Eel and Angler fish both deep sea dwellers which i took inspiration from. This concept art is semi portrait look so tail part looks abit weird which is probably my mistake, and fins are my addition since its alien planet :).

    @Kouji_San yea something like that basically this Leviathan is ambush class or stalker class type of predator which hunts mostly with luring other large creatures with its lures like angler fish, since all Subnautica creatures have bioluminescence and also hunt by it.
    Basically what i wanted from this leviathan type of predator is that its alpha predator or ultimate one. The bioluminescent appendeges potruding from the back of its head have mind of their own and act as both lure and part of digestive tract simmilar to periwigs feeding stlye and also as defensive since it can produce high voltages, they also serve to detect small electric discharges like other appandeges, the down part is simmilar to that but also serves for sensing small electric discharges from other creatures while they move when its hunting like sharks. The appandeges potruding from tounge works simmilar to Xenomorph, they lure and also impale prey which try to escape with high velocities so basically smaller prey is also on the menu, but its main diet are largest leviathans like the size of full grown Sea Emperors (who existed by the time this leviathan was alive) and other ancient Leviathan's.
    Because of this. these alpha predators have been probably eradicated by Precursors or died out because of shortage of large enough food. And as we all know Subnautica fans the ancient creatures were weirder before than theyre now (by the Wiki ofc) and their leftovers (bone fields in Lost River).
  • Isummon_DurtIsummon_Durt Lower MiddleEarth Join Date: 2017-12-09 Member: 234349Members
    Kouji_San wrote: »
    Very nicely drawn and colored, although I do believe it's ribcage/spinal cord is the wrong side up in your creature. We've got ourselves a gargantuan alien "upsidedown bellly spinal cord creature" :D

    Well, what makes you an expert on alien eels with upsidedown bellies hmm?

    @X3non what are the shiny things on it's head, lures or paralyzing tentacles or something? The Kharaa Onos also has paralyzing tentacles on it's head :D

    Naw, this is Precursor trolling. The skeleton is right. The thing which isn't is the spinal chord XD
  • Isummon_DurtIsummon_Durt Lower MiddleEarth Join Date: 2017-12-09 Member: 234349Members
    X3non wrote: »
    Take a look of a Gulper Eel and Angler fish both deep sea dwellers which i took inspiration from. This concept art is semi portrait look so tail part looks abit weird which is probably my mistake, and fins are my addition since its alien planet :).

    @Kouji_San yea something like that basically this Leviathan is ambush class or stalker class type of predator which hunts mostly with luring other large creatures with its lures like angler fish, since all Subnautica creatures have bioluminescence and also hunt by it.
    Basically what i wanted from this leviathan type of predator is that its alpha predator or ultimate one. The bioluminescent appendeges potruding from the back of its head have mind of their own and act as both lure and part of digestive tract simmilar to periwigs feeding stlye and also as defensive since it can produce high voltages, they also serve to detect small electric discharges like other appandeges, the down part is simmilar to that but also serves for sensing small electric discharges from other creatures while they move when its hunting like sharks. The appandeges potruding from tounge works simmilar to Xenomorph, they lure and also impale prey which try to escape with high velocities so basically smaller prey is also on the menu, but its main diet are largest leviathans like the size of full grown Sea Emperors (who existed by the time this leviathan was alive) and other ancient Leviathan's.
    Because of this. these alpha predators have been probably eradicated by Precursors or died out because of shortage of large enough food. And as we all know Subnautica fans the ancient creatures were weirder before than theyre now (by the Wiki ofc) and their leftovers (bone fields in Lost River).

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