seamoth sink in sand
the Netherland Join Date: 2018-02-10 Member: 237301Members
my seamoth is not to see like see in pic but I cannot get in also how do I get it back
my seamoth is not to see like see in pic but I cannot get in also how do I get it back

Press F3, the F8 to give you a mouse. Untick the "disable console" box. Press F8 and F3 to close the menus. Press enter to open command menu, then and press enter again.
sorry that donot work
I did that I get that open and type left low the code item 514 notting happens 3i3333 get now MS/frame lines to see yesterday not
yes it work only I at to be close the the seamoth only know I see it but cannot get in it
you donnot see the ground but it is stil there and donnot let me enter the moth
If you're new to the game, like myself, this additional bit of detail may help:
Enabling the console and request Item 514 as @narfblat states. Equip the Terraforming tool (it's thumbnail will be ?) to one of your quickslots and use it to punch hole in to surface until you expose and free your Seamoth. Don't worry about the ugly mess left by the unfinished Terraforming tool, just retrieve the Seamoth, put in an open space and save the game. When you reload, the terrain will be restored and your Seamoth will be free!
Thanks @narfblat!
that item 514 code donot work for me
wil seamoth come in to pad then
Iam not on a Xbox Iam on computer and yes that code work but then I cannot enter the seamoth
With the "dig" code 0x6A7232 gave, were you able to swim through the area it dug out?
We really need more information to help. If you want, you can just spawn a new seamoth:
I did all non of the code work only one that let me see the seamoth but cannot get in it
I give up on that I make new seamoth all thanx for the help