Fps drops

SubGamer1233SubGamer1233 Croatia Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214651Members
Hello, I have an 8 hour long save now, I have a cyclops im fully infected etc. But now, as i progress, Im losing fps. I was playing on texture 3 and high quality. Now I play on texture 2 and low quality. But I still Have big fps drops. I got from like 50 fps to 10. And now its stuck around 10. I updated my driver. DELETED THE CELLS CACHE FOLDER. It worked for a while but then in stopped.. I started losing fps again. Please help me


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    If you have an SSD, you can try using that. Make a new Steam Library on it, restart Steam, move Subnautica (local files tab) to the Library that's on the SSD.
  • lordoffilinglordoffiling Join Date: 2017-08-10 Member: 232342Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    If you have an SSD, you can try using that. Make a new Steam Library on it, restart Steam, move Subnautica (local files tab) to the Library that's on the SSD.

    That shouldn't be necessary.

    @SubGamer1233 Is this only happening in certain areas, or everywhere you go? Also are you just at 10fps constantly or does it bounce up and down?
  • SubGamer1233SubGamer1233 Croatia Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214651Members
    edited February 2018
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    If you have an SSD, you can try using that. Make a new Steam Library on it, restart Steam, move Subnautica (local files tab) to the Library that's on the SSD.

    That shouldn't be necessary.

    @SubGamer1233 Is this only happening in certain areas, or everywhere you go? Also are you just at 10fps constantly or does it bounce up and down?

    Where ever I go my fps goes down, And its on 10 fps then it gets to 15-20 and then falls again. But still Before I got 50 fps

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