Idea: Legendary Creatures



  • BossblasterBossblaster None Join Date: 2017-02-17 Member: 228004Members
    If you were to kill them, maybe the creature that they represent will be extra hostile towards you
  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    depending on their position/story yes!
    for example: Killing a matriarch or a pack leader would make them hostile towards you while killing good ol' hunter the reaper (who attacks other reapers) wouldn't make them anymore agressive towards you than they already were.
    i do like the idea to punish the player for killing them. since like kitche mentioned: this game isn't about killing
  • BossblasterBossblaster None Join Date: 2017-02-17 Member: 228004Members
    I had a good idea for once!
  • SkopeSkope Wouldn't you like to know ;) Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218212Members
    edited April 2017
    Didn't know this was still going, but I might as well add some more to this.

    NUMBER 32: Exhaurire Vitae
    Species: Lava Larva
    Location: The Hive
    AI Type: Defensive (Instead of draining the power of vehicles, it damages them.)
    Appearance: Instead of the red highlights, they're a dark brown. Slightly smaller

    NUMBER 33: Signum Lux
    Species: Rockgrub
    Location: Sparse Reef, near to the void.
    AI Type: Passive (Simply a sign to a specific artifact)
    Appearance: Red instead of green, slightly smaller.

    NUMBER 34: Antiqua Crocodilum
    Species: Lava Lizard
    Location: Farthest Kelp Forest from the center of the map.
    AI Type: Hostile
    Appearance: Simply a Lava Lizard (A nod to the fact that the Lava Lizard was the old model for the Stalker.)
  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    Number 35: Shrimpy
    Species: Reaper leviathan
    Location: The hollow (crash zone)
    AI Type: Hostile
    Appearance: A Reaper but smaller and all the dark red is replaced with lighter shades of red
    (A reference to the glorious time when reapers weren't the size they are now and they weren't as scary)

    Again, more of a location than an actual creature
    Name: The hollows
    Location: Crash zone
    Subareas: The nuclear hollow, the hollow
    Appearance: A small tunnel system with multiple small rooms and in case of the nuclear hollow: Filled with radiation since the entrance is right under the broken aurora reactor

    Number 36: Arcaedron defense system
    Species: A flying variant of the repair drones
    Location: The security room (The G.U.N.)
    AI Type: Hostile
    Appearance: (Again) A flying variant of the repair drones but instead of green lights they have a yellow lights when undisturbed but once they notice the player a *Beep* Sound goes off and the yellow turns into Red
  • ImmortalHunterImmortalHunter Surrey BC Canada Earth Join Date: 2016-10-04 Member: 222853Members
    Number 29 "The all seeing eye
    "Species: Peeper
    Appearance: Massive.Brown and Red Skin.Giant Green Eye
    AI type: Agressive
    Location: The Mountains Cave System
    Attack: Charges and uses its giant beak to grab and crush you the player or the seamoth & P.R.A.W.N

    So this?
  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    And now your daily dose of nightmare fuel
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    @ImmortalHunter lol i love your Peeper Leviathan :smiley:

    @CaptainBarbeque Maybe once in a while those named creatures could path to a more recluse location where special loot could be found, so there would be even more points into finding then studying those special creatures? food for thoughts

  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    @rainstorm so the player would stick around a bit longer instead of just bailing as soon as they have their loot
  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    The fauna scanner!
    What does it do: After some time it would give the signal and approximate location of one of the (Then spawned) Legendary creatures together with a small message like:
    -Hunter: WARNING! Large leviathan class creature detected. Further observation suggests agressive behaviour against other leviathan class creatures. Avoid at all costs
    -Mountainback: Detecting large stone mass moving south at approximatly 1.2 km/h. Scans suggest stone mass includes minerals like gold,silver and even diamond. further investigation is advised

    etc. etc. you get what i mean
  • NecrovoreNecrovore Twisty Bridges Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231359Members

    Finding a way around the tiger plants would be an interesting idea!
    and by the way:

    NUMBER 9: ''Gorebag''
    Species: Floater (Or anything else but heavily mutated)
    Location: The Nuclear Hollow (Crash site)
    Character/AI Type: Agressive
    Appearance: Imagine a floater, but bigger,more eyes, a malformed mouth and green!

    This was just something i came up with when i imagined what effect All the radiation from the aurora would have on the local fauna
    Since it's heavily mutated by the radiation and nuclear waste who knows what might happen to it!

    I thought that it would attack you by pulling you at him and draining you (a bit like a regular floater if you're not careful)

  • tommy21toestommy21toes Subnautica Join Date: 2017-05-21 Member: 230666Members
    Very good ideas and I don't thnk anyone here had anything negative to say about the idea of legendary creatures.

    So my two cents on how it might work. Maybe when a cell is loaded it's a one in 1000 chance (but it's probably like 100 critters) or 1 in 10,000 chance that one of the loaded guys is changed to legendary.

    My negative however is how many assets would have to be created on a game that's on it's way to trying to be a completed game (I think they said September).

    Don't get me wrong, I would love to see this happen. I want to see the game continue to develop and this sounds either Mod related or DLC.
  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    @tommy21toes i am happy that everyone is so positive on this silly little idea i had a while ago.
    On the topic of assets and how much work will go into this: i know that when/if they do it, they will do it after 1.0 (naturally) and that not every legendary creature needs to be a heavily detailed custom model, some can be recolours as well.

  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    edited August 2017
    Number 37: ''The Fanatic''
    Species: Warper
    Location: Spawn in the Junkyard (Tunnel near the disease research facillity) and then slowly moves up towards the grand reef
    Character: Highly agressive, be it towards the infected or uninfected
    Appearance: Brown and partially broken down (One of the eyes isn't working and it has some minor damage done to it)
    Lore: 'A prototype Generation 2 warper. Just like all prototypes or failed models he was locked away in the junkyard. Now that the Junkyard has reopened he escaped, only to find a world filled with the disease he was meant to destroy, and thus starts his 'crusade' to wipe out all that is ''tainted'.'

    Number 38 ''The junkyard'
    Location: A tunnel near the disease research facillity, you enter it throught a giant open door
    Species: Warpers, Repair droids and even a few Gen2 Warpers
    Loot: It's filled with all things precursor, and even though most of it is broken down/destroyed some is still usable
    Lore: 'As the Research went on, the precursors found their Gen1 Warpers ''lacking'' in some parts and thus they decided to make an upgraded version of the warper: The generation 2.
    Meant to neutralize infected units before the infection really started taking shape, these warpers were build with only the most valuable technology, however they soon found this new generation to be TOO agressive after they started attacking creatures that weren't even infected in the first place. Seeing as they had to quickly lose a large amount of warpers (among other technology) they simply dug out a system of chambers, dumped the technology in there and forgot about it'

    This basically came with the idea of 'I wonder what the precursors did with any old/faulty tech' and it seemed logical to me that since the precursors are...well...the precursors, that they would simply rid themselves of it somewhere and then just go on with their day.

    Once again: Cheers
  • PhantomRider187PhantomRider187 Join Date: 2017-08-28 Member: 232692Members
    I have a really cool idea that I have been working on for quite a while but right now, it is only a drawing on a piece of paper. I don't have a clue when I'm going to finish it, though.
  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    Take your time lad.
    I'd be happy to see it once it's done
  • SkopeSkope Wouldn't you like to know ;) Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218212Members
    Yeah, this a thing again. :)
  • SatanspawnSatanspawn Join Date: 2017-03-08 Member: 228719Members
    This game is 2 jacked up to add more creatures....they need to focus on performance
  • Quiet_BlowfishQuiet_Blowfish Join Date: 2017-09-11 Member: 232955Members
    For a final boss showdown I don't think the devs could do better than the terrible Bovinious Mare:

  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    Truly the terror of the seas
  • kingkumakingkuma cancels Work: distracted by Dwarf Fortress Join Date: 2015-09-25 Member: 208137Members
    Anyway more ideas:

    Number 39: "SNEKZILLA"
    Species: Crabsnake
    Location: Jellyshroom caves, near lava geyser.

    A giant freakin' crabsnake. That's basically it.
  • AkuMasterofMastersAkuMasterofMasters Join Date: 2017-09-10 Member: 232934Members
    edited November 2017
    Number 40: Metal Mouth
    Species: Stalker
    Attitude:Aggressive to everything, just generally seems to hate life.
    Description: A Stalker twice as big as normal, with jaw strength exceeding that of other stalkers. It also is a lot smarter than most other Stalkers, as it bends metal salvage and creates a sort of metal armor for itself, increasing its defense, its teeth are covered with sharp metal, meaning the attack does significant damage
    Attack:Normal bite, but thanks (or not thanks depending on your perspective) to the metal, doing a lot more damage and having more health than normal
    Drops:lots of metal and teeth
  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
    edited November 2017
    To still see people commenting on this thread is just great.
    Which brings me to...
    Number 41: Bigtooth
    Species: Stalker
    Location: Bigtooth's grotto (Kelp forest)
    Behavior: Defensive as soon as anyone gets close to his giant pile of metal...and teeth
    Look: A Purple-ish stalker with multiple giant teeth sticking out of it's maw
    Loot: As soon as you either 1) Get rid of him or 2) Sneak past him, The pile is filled with stalker teeth and scrap metal as well as a Degasi PDA.

  • PhantomRider187PhantomRider187 Join Date: 2017-08-28 Member: 232692Members
    The one thing I would like to see in the game before Subnautica is finalized is a new leviathan class predator that has some similarities to the dead gargantuan leviathan in the Lost River and to the sea dragon leviathan in the lava zones so we know what it COULD have looked like. That is what my idea is for legendary creatures in Subnautica.

    Going back to my previous comment on this thread, the artwork for my idea (which is a new leviathan) is finished. Right now, I'm debating if I want to go so far as to start designing the computer 3D animations for it. I really don't know how to make computer animations, though. Wish me luck!
  • CaptainBarbequeCaptainBarbeque Hell Join Date: 2017-02-25 Member: 228247Members
  • RadiantBladerRadiantBlader Join Date: 2018-01-23 Member: 235431Members
    Having locations with unique loot and blueprints is something the game already does, so yeah, I think having more valuable items guarded by unique creatures would be interesting. Getting the PDA entries on all those guys would be a nice challenge, too.
  • UmbralDragonUmbralDragon Join Date: 2018-01-27 Member: 235989Members
    damn alot of good ideas XD
  • AkuMasterofMastersAkuMasterofMasters Join Date: 2017-09-10 Member: 232934Members
    Sea Reef Cory Treader Ghost Back Dragon RockGrub Emperor Cuddle Leviathan
    and knuckles
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