What's new in 1.0?
Join Date: 2018-01-10 Member: 234929Members

I'm unable to find any information about what, if anything, is new in 1.0. Other than the ending being in, finally. Is it worth playing the game again, or should I just watch someone build the rocket on YouTube and watch them end the game? Honestly, if it's just a matter of gathering the resources needed to construct the rocket and then pressing the button to watch some kind of end cinematic, I'll probably just watch someone else do it.
Is there any other new content in 1.0? New stuff to build, new places to explore? Anything?
A thousand apologies if the answer to this question is easy to find and I've missed it. Please let me know so I can commit seppuku.
Is there any other new content in 1.0? New stuff to build, new places to explore? Anything?
A thousand apologies if the answer to this question is easy to find and I've missed it. Please let me know so I can commit seppuku.
Going through the story including the ending myself is so much more fun for me personally.
Really amusing
I guess I didn't spend as much time on this game as many others have. I only built a single base and basically tried to work towards the end goal the entire time. As a result, I've never restarted. I just play all the way to the end. If I load the game now, I will have all the resources needed to build a rocket (or two), so there's not really any real gameplay involved. It's not like a final boss you have to kill, or a final puzzle, or a final adventure of some sort.
If there's nothing else, I guess I'll just... wait for the expansion DLC.
I really did not get the launch stream at all. I skipped through it, and all I saw were a bunch of interviews about a game I already played. Everyone looked really happy, which is cool. But it didn't do anything for me personally. I was hoping for a presentation of the last content they had added to the game, and a reason for me to get back to it. But in the end, it was just "so long and thanks for all the fish".
What do you expect from the game since it just came out with the rocket. Of course there is always going to be bugs in games, you can't get rid of them all and the game is finished along with the story so I don't get why your so upset considering that the rocket did add a ton of new things to the game to go do so that you could see the hole world again before you leave and never come back. But I only wish that after you beat the game you can do things when you get back to the Alterra base and maybe see what is in the base and mess around with things in the base. But for the artic biome being added in(maybe) they should add in a couple more vehicles for it.
I have seen a lot of performance increases over the years. Is it perfect? No. Could this be someones pc? Sure.
I actually think its much more cpu capped then I initially thought even though I was impressed recently with the multicore usage.. Testing shall follow.
Please, don't start this here.
I do not believe they added any new things other then Time Capsules and the Rocket. That's mostly it.
I also do enjoy the experience of fully playing through the game.
I won't spoil the ending, but that last message cracked me up!
Buyers remorse has never been so apt.
They also did a bunch of things like tweak cave entrances to make it easier for players to get around on the floating island (it used to be one way onto the island, and one hidden entrance into the teleporter room - now it is three ways onto the island, and a very obvious entrance to the teleporter room).