UWE is making too little to advertize their game.
YES Join Date: 2017-05-02 Member: 230194Members

I realy love Subnautica and when I was searching through games, that will be released this year, it was nowhere. I was searching on multiple sites. No Subnautica. There are no ads. Maybe there will be after 1.0, but other companies ar making ads for their games even months before release. Maybe it costs a lot money, but the game is so perfect that it would return it quickly. If someone is reading this, I hope that a lot of people would know this game. Please, do something about this UWE. Please.
Markiplier brought me to the game.
I think he's planning another let's play after full release, and Jacksepticeye has already started his "full release" let's play (I hope he is aware we don't have full update yet, lol).
Yes it is, but I think that there aren't that many YouTubers playing Subnautica. I saw max 10. Some of them weren't even English. Maybe this will change after 1.0 release. I hope so. The devs are making amazing job, and taking so little money for that game(little for that amount of content)! I wish more people would know about Subnautica!
If all else fails, Twitch it up
And with the latest YouTube policies, removing partnership features from smaller YouTubers. The bulk of smaller gaming channels are probably going to migrate to Twitch anyway...
It would cost literally millions just to get that sort of advertising in a store like that
Exactfly. And the very first step toward even selling the game in retail stores is retail packaging. I haven’t heard. Have they even talked yet about creating retail packaging for physical sales in retail stores?
I still remember how I got convinced to buy Subnautica. I heard about it from people I trust as a game that did exploring a planet really well and I bought it. And those first few minutes swimming in Subnautica made me certain it was a great purchase. Building on that, I think some sort of free demo version of Subnautica would be a good idea. I'll still leave it up to UWE to decide whether to do that.
I so want this to be true, however there are a lot of examples of very good games being completely out shined by the "famous" cookie-cutter games backed by huge marketing artillery.
But hey at least we have the YouTubers, although I'm starting to dislike YouTube as a company with their dick moves against the smaller content creators, it still is the main source for exposure to most PC gamers regarding indie devs, alongside Twitch. But we also have the Xbone release some time after the PC release, I hope the release marketing will seep into the Xbox Live market as well...
Retail is just way too expensive in terms of production, distribution and setting up contracts with them and physical stores nation wide (USA), let alone world wide. Money I'd rather see go into UWE's development of new games and support for their release games.
Yeah, I was going to say, tell that to FreeSpace 2 (1999, still rated as one of the best Space Combat sims) -- they had a marketing snafu so it never got marketed in time for launch, and then Interplay used the poor launch numbers to justify pulling marketing completely. Unsurprisingly, it didn't sell well, even though, as I said, it continues to shop up in top charts once in a while, and had an active modding community (Volition released the source code for the game). What has helped it stay alive even today, is easy modding support -- it was relatively easy from the start, and the community has kept making it easier for almost twenty years now.
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You can get FS2 on GOG or Steam, but it's not strictly necessary to enjoy content, as there are Total Conversion mods for FS2 that don't use any of the assets (like BattleStar Galactica, Babylon 5, Wing Commander Saga, etc tec sooo many mods). However, I would buy it as then you can enjoy the original story, the prequel (Descent / Conflict: FreeSpace), and all of the mods based directly on those assets.
Plus with Early Access much of the revenue was likely already created, so UWE will have found a way to manage the budget in a way that will allow for further support and hopefully a new project as well.
Edit: SteamSpy says the following about Subnautica:
Well just a bit off-topic
That third one is getting actually getting hit by this demonetization. So here's the thing, that channel actually gets most of its views from external sources and has only ~50 subscribers, because most of the audience don't have a YouTube account, the target audience aren't "YouTubers". The money earned pays for websites and in return the accompanied website and other social media (Facebook/Twitter) provides the viewers for the videos.
That self contained system is no longer going to work, because of the removal of partnership features on this valid channel (4,000+ viewing hours per year easy), just because it doesn't have 1,000+ subscribers. And there are plenty of smaller channels like this, but are self contained and also use all those YouTube Partner Program features in a legit way.
The more annoying thing for me, if I understand this correctly. The partnership features like end screen annotations, cards and probably thumbnails, live streaming and 15+ minute videos, external links, super chat, content ID appeals and sponsorships are going to be revoked as well. Which are also really good features to have to grow your channel. Giving it a more professional look, to stand out from the crowd.
These might actually be connected to a "Verified" account instead of a "Verified Partner" account though, but it's not really clear... I do see these options on those first two channels, but they aren't eligible for monetization. Which was true even before this new change. Sooooooo, it might just be the monetization being revoked, leaving the rest of the options active...
All I'm saying is, I'd better still at the very least have my end annotations and thumbnails and maybe live streaming for future ideas
BTW 4,000 viewing hours looks like a small number, but it is in fact 240,000 minutes or ~4,600 min per week. I find it kinda weird (misleading?) they used hours, because in analytics it's shown as minutes
I realize that a retail release of Subnautica, as awesome as it would be, wouldn't be feasible to do what with the cost of production and all. Even in this modern age of digital download and access platforms such as Steam, physical retail copies of games are becoming less prevalent as time goes on. But that aside, I would gladly pay hard cash for a physical copy of the Subnautica soundtrack on CD. I know Early Access players will get the soundtrack 'for free' but it likely will be accessed online... I'd rather have a disc I could take with me on the go and listen to, rather than ripping the files from online and resorting to burn a disc myself. UWE wouldn't even need to make it themselves; the devs have mentioned they use RedBubble as a third-party vendor to sell merchandise, they could just use them to take orders as they come and then print as many (or as few) discs as the demand wants. It's win-win for everyone!
However, we are still dealing with the console crowd who use a gaming system built around this archaic media. Regardless, it would still be friggin' cool to own a Subnautica in box form. And I do mean BOX FORM with artwork, a manual and neat pictures and maybe even a keychain or other stuff
For Subnautica it just does not make sense, people who will want to buy it will mostly be on steam anyway and not new to the concept of downloading games. And pressing DVDs is just so damn costly.
Here's a better one
So I'd say it's been awhile.
I once got into a heated devate with a friend for how physical media (me) is better than digital download (him). He stated that he can buy a game online, download and install it, and have it ready to play in just a few hours. Meanwhile I countered I could buy the game from the retail store and install it (zero download time) and have it ready to play in less than an hour.
Of course, there are different factors in play: travel time and gas to/from the store, or download speeds (T1, cable, DSL) and such. Then there's the issue of your hard drive/storage device fails, or if your internet service goes down. Then heaven forbid, if your game service ever decides to shut down (I'm looking at you, Nintendo Wii Shop service...)
I guess I'm old fashioned, but if I pay hard money for a game, I would prefer to physically own it. If the disc gets lost or damaged, I know I've got to buy a new one. But it's better than suddenly finding out that my virtual copy is no longer available, with nothing to show for my investment. But, for what it's worth Subnautica was the game that brought me to Steam, and ever since I first watched Markiplier play Subnautica, I've never had such a great time playing this wonderful gem from UWE.
Here's to a great launch, and to many more wonderful hours of playtime and long-lived support for this love we call... "Subnautica."
I couldn't resist, so I made an improved version with better shading and simulated a DoF