Hull, England Join Date: 2013-03-27 Member: 184473Members, Forum Admins, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, NS2 Community Developer

Welcome ladies and gentlemen... Lentlemen if you please... to the release of ns2_unearthed (aka ultimate ns2_trash version 2.0 competitive...delux...you'll get a black marine skin I promise...Nah you won't only kidding edition!)
So, if you're unfamiliar with ns2_trash, first of all SHAME ON YOU!, but also, you can find the original map here - https://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/145621/ns2-trash/p1
ns2_trash itself is a "nicely" balanced, if pretty bland/ugly map that I built (therefore am aloud to call it ugly as hell... you're not! :P)
I worked "long" and "hard" on creating said map and am very happy with the outcome, I wanted a little more, but I didn't want to ruin what I already had... soooo
Here is ns2_unearthed, its ns2_trash... but not.
I'm rebuilding areas (yet again with the help of my beautiful assistant @Mephilles) based almost solely off of the feedback from @herakl3s and other high skill competitive players.
You can expect to see potential layout changes, detail changes, room changes and all in all... well... "changes" that hopefully make the map more balanced for 6 vs 6 play.
Workshop link - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162834732 (mod id in the comments)
That's right Lentlemen, you buy one, you get one free, you sub to ns2_trash, you get ns2_unearthed absolutely free... whether you want it or not! (this temporary offer is now over!)
SO, COME ON DOWN AND Tell your server admins to set up their servers to run both trash and unearthed because if they don't... THEY'RE SCUM!!! (note: server admins that do not run this mod are not scum)
Please for the love of god, leave feedback and join the Spark Crafter Collective for Testing purposes every Sunday @21:00 CEST/CET.
Enjoy the map, and keep an eye out here for future updates!
Map layout -
So, if you're unfamiliar with ns2_trash, first of all SHAME ON YOU!, but also, you can find the original map here - https://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/145621/ns2-trash/p1
ns2_trash itself is a "nicely" balanced, if pretty bland/ugly map that I built (therefore am aloud to call it ugly as hell... you're not! :P)
I worked "long" and "hard" on creating said map and am very happy with the outcome, I wanted a little more, but I didn't want to ruin what I already had... soooo
Here is ns2_unearthed, its ns2_trash... but not.
I'm rebuilding areas (yet again with the help of my beautiful assistant @Mephilles) based almost solely off of the feedback from @herakl3s and other high skill competitive players.
You can expect to see potential layout changes, detail changes, room changes and all in all... well... "changes" that hopefully make the map more balanced for 6 vs 6 play.
Workshop link - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162834732 (mod id in the comments)
That's right Lentlemen, you buy one, you get one free, you sub to ns2_trash, you get ns2_unearthed absolutely free... whether you want it or not! (this temporary offer is now over!)
SO, COME ON DOWN AND Tell your server admins to set up their servers to run both trash and unearthed because if they don't... THEY'RE SCUM!!! (note: server admins that do not run this mod are not scum)
Please for the love of god, leave feedback and join the Spark Crafter Collective for Testing purposes every Sunday @21:00 CEST/CET.
Enjoy the map, and keep an eye out here for future updates!
Map layout -

LOL, spelling mistakes rock... Thats meant to be "purification" I'll get that changed asap XD
- Renamed Incinerator to Furnace
- Renamed lookout to overlook
- corrected the spelling of Purification
- Rebuilt Routing from scratch
- tweaked the powernode location in West Route
- Altered the entrance to the western side of Transfer (this is an early version of what the room will become so that travel times and basic routing are in place... it doesn't look good atm)
I have a bunch of bugs to send your way (in snapshot form). After they are fixed I think we might add it to the DMD servers for a trial run and see what people think. Map looks really good, btw. Can't wait to play it!
1. Onos/exo stuck spot.
2. Onos/exo stuck spot.
3. Mac will not build power node.
4. Onos/exo stuck spot.
5. Not enough head room for onos/exo. Recommend removing collision on top prop.
6. Onos can get into the vent from both entrances.
7. Mac will not build power node.
8. Mac cannot get to power node area (pathing issue).
9. Difficult for onos/exo to get around extractor.
10. Difficult for onos/exo to get around extractor.
#2 shouldn't be a stuck spot, I will double check to make sure, but the props in the bottom right of the picture should allow for a boost out, if that isn't the case I will definitely adjust this asap.
#10 will likely not be fixed, The reason is that Drainage will eventually be rebuilt, it is currently a placeholder room, but I will make sure that the future RT will be clear enough for exos/onos.
- Fixed multiple pathing issues throughout the map
- Fixed multiple stuck spots for onos/exos
- Rebuilt Mining Tunnel from scratch
- Fixed some texture issues throughout the map
- Moved the power node in Furnace
- Fixed occlusion issue in the Purification vent
- Added pipe props to Newall to prevent getting stuck beside the staircase
Keep the feedback coming guys!
I'm always happy to see it played wherever, Just because it is being made with 6 vs 6 in mind, that doesn't mean it can't/won't work in other environments... and i'd love SCC feedback on some of the changes.
We played it. I like the changes a lot, both from an aesthetic and gameplay point of view. I think moving the third alien RT further away - to transfer - is a good decision. Junction might have a bit of a line of sight issue, but I think you can play around it. It's not a huge deal. I also like the version of that corridor on the leftmost part of the map better than the one in regular trash.
And, of course, the whole new lava area looks and feels amazing.
However, beige correctly predicted that that area specifically is much too alien favored, especially considering it's right outside of marine start.
We saw two easy alien wins tonight; although in the first round, aliens just had the better team, and in the second round, marine commander made odd decisions and marines didn't play very smart. We'll have to play it some more.
Overall I see no reason why these changes shouldn't be integrated into regular trash.
White, light blue and even green ligthing will accentuate the orange very nicely
ns2_unearthed that vent and ... lighting
ns_mineshaft, perhaps inspiration for ns2_unearthed (ft. ns_machina ready room Kharaa Hiveship)
The orange lighting is the lighting that happens when the power is destroyed... you need to activate cheats and have autobuild on to change the lighting.
But I get what you mean about the vent and i'll adjust the vent for the next build.
However, hem oldschool NS maps still have some neat visuals and lighting ideas. Always good for inspiration nonetheless
[edit]Just had a look around the map again, your lighting makes a lot more sense now
I agree that Lava Pit might be just a bit too hard for Marines, but removing that red container crate when coming from Furnace side should already help with that.
How did Transfer work out during your high elo playtests? Seems like it's too easy to control a lot of map, since it is so close to Testing, and also too easy to block lanes to all the res nodes on the west side of the map. On top of that it also offers a res node. At the same time it might be too easy for Gorges to bilebomb the power node in Transfer
@WiseChoices please put your pictures into spoiler tags
Also feel free to join us on SCC each sunday around 21 cest
My confusion stems from playin' this game WAAAAAAY back (last year) and also seeing the uprise against the "atmospheric lighting for nanogrid locked areas" suggestion. Which, if I'm honest, looked way better than this orange soup thing they've got going now.
So I assumed the entire idea was scrapped, only to see it partially implemented merely to confuse me
Oh the orange soup is at least a bit better than the red lights district. That dark red alone just made stuff annoying in terms of visibility mostly, this new orange looks nicer... But I was talking about @McGlaspie's project called Atmospheric Territories.
Aso let's not derail the thread any further
Why not putrefication? x)
Thanks @Kasharic , you made me check back on NS for this map!
Thats great to hear, I hope it was worth the return
- Removed Transfer to West Route vent
- Added Transfer to Mining Tunnel vent
- Removed some of the Overlook vents
- Rebuilt the Elevator ceiling to reduce complexity
- Altered some aspects of Routing to make routes more clear
- Added collision geometry to the Transfer staircase
- Blocked one of the archways in overlook to stop the vent being abusable by gorges
- removed the "death pit" in Furnace
- fixed a few stuck spots and awkward "I should be able to fit through here" issues
Updated Minimap -
Changelog: -
- Rebuilt Lookout from scratch (now named Hallway) (Big thanks to @pSyk0mAn for input and additions, making this room look and feel better)
- Rebuilt Elevator from scratch (now named Overlook)
- Rebuilt Junction from scratch
- Rebuilt Power Supply from scratch (now named Crevice) (Big thanks to @Mephilles for bringing my ideas to life and adding some spice of his own here)
The above rooms now show the theme that will be slowly brought mapwide.
- changed layout of Routing to make flow feel more natural
- Opened the connection from Furnace to Lava Pit to reduce visual cluttering in the area
- altered the northern part of Testing, reducing the overall size of the room and swapping the RT and TP locations.
- Altered the West route RT platform to allow marines to see underneath
- added props and grating to Support to make Line of Sight on the RT more difficult
- Increased Transfer to mining tunnel Vent height to allow marines to bunnyhop through (marines can get in through the transfer side via a few jumps)
- altered Expansion cover around the RT
- Changed vent textures to make them a little more interesting (emphasis on the "little")
After discussing changes and ideas with Herakles, he mentioned adding a vent from Lava Pit to the newly built Power Supply (Now called Crevice)
Due to the power of this vent we decided it should come with a risk and we settled on it being a "lava-vent" that will cause damage over time while you're in it.
Marines WILL need medpacks to make it through, you cannot survive.
Skulks "can" make it through, but you need to be fast and even then, expect to be very low on health.
Lifeforms can all make it through (not including the onos) but you may want to think twice if you're low on HP and trying to escape.
Due to the experimental nature of the vent, I would appreciate feedback on it, good and bad.
It does indeed sir, The first 4 changes (rebuilt rooms) are the changes you've all seen sneak peaks of.
Hallway also looking into Overlook (1 pic)
Overlook (2 pics)
Junction (2 pics)
Crevice to Junction (1 pic)
Looking into Crevice from the Crevice/Junction connection (1 pic)
Looking into Crevice from Routing (1 pic)
Crevice from Purification side (1 pic)
Occlusion geo is overlapping into the playable area causing stuff to disappear.
Quick thing, please use the spoiler tag for pictures, a lot of people get annoyed by pictures being out in the open like that.
That bug is already known and will be fixed in the next build of unearthed, there is also a stuck spot under the staircases in Entrance that is known about which, again, will be fixed in the next build.
Thanks for the report and keep the feedback coming guys, its really helpful!