More decorative craftable/collectable items.

Goldscale001Goldscale001 Ohio, United States Join Date: 2017-03-22 Member: 229109Members
Right now base building may be awesome, but its pretty limited. Perhaps it just coming from my time playing way too much Fallout 4 settlement building, but there just isnt enough stuff to personalize our bases with in my opinion. Maybe make it so we can place objects like diamonds, ores, tools, or alien stuff similar to how collectables from the Aroura can be placed. Or maybe make stuff like posters and those collectables scan and craftable with the habitate builder. Also new objects like maybe small fish tanks that can hold one fish at a time about the size of the small planters that can be placed on tables. Craftable moddles of the various creatures and plants in the game once you've scanned them. Moddls of the various ships that can be unlocked after you've crafted one. Trophes that one can be collect from the bodies of the creatures they've vanquished, like a stalker's tooth with a base to be displayed. More posters and collectable found in wrecks or lifepods or the ship. Maybe some cool alien stuff. Also some small wall planters for small plants. Place able screen shot posters would be really nice. Ceiling and floor windows for multipurpose rooms would be awesome too.


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    There's some good concept art in this regard (check out @NepsterCZ s stuff).
  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
    the stuff now is nice but when it comes to your galley/ kitchen and dinning room the deco is lacking. you can find dishes and cups in the abandoned bases and the aurora

    i think we should be able to pick up some of the things like the drinking cups and dishes and place them around your base like on the table in the galley

    i also think we could use a few of the existing items in game as decoration such as placing a few copper spools and wiring kits on the wall shelf in the workshop or having some batterys and tools like the stasis gun or a few med kits on the lab counter the models are already in the game they just cant be equipped and placed inside your base like the bag


    also why cant placeables like the bag and the microscope be set in the cyclops?


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