Flares: Does anyone use them?



  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    @kingkuma That is an awesome picture! Also, I didn't know that flares would distract creatures. I'll have to experiment with that because I get tired of having to knife every crabsquid that gets in my way when I'm doing more than passing through an area.

    @Rezca Floodlights draw from base power? Not just spotlights? Though I've taken to planting lots of kelp around my base to act as lighting, having the floodlights would be cool, too.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    elfcrisis wrote: »
    @Rezca Floodlights draw from base power? Not just spotlights? Though I've taken to planting lots of kelp around my base to act as lighting, having the floodlights would be cool, too.

    Yeah, one of the recent updates made it so. The placement hologram will be red when unplaceable, yellow when they can be placed but won't receive any power, and green when they can be placed and powered. Planting them onto the ground they'll power up and a line will be drawn from the base to the floodlight like solar panels do currently.

    I'd been suggesting that for ages, pretty sure others have too, so it's really neat to see it finally happen ^^
    The downside though is now you can't use them for assisting with building a base in the dark or for exploration in the dark, since they're no longer battery-powered.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    Rezca wrote: »
    elfcrisis wrote: »
    @Rezca Floodlights draw from base power? Not just spotlights? Though I've taken to planting lots of kelp around my base to act as lighting, having the floodlights would be cool, too.

    Yeah, one of the recent updates made it so. The placement hologram will be red when unplaceable, yellow when they can be placed but won't receive any power, and green when they can be placed and powered. Planting them onto the ground they'll power up and a line will be drawn from the base to the floodlight like solar panels do currently.

    I'd been suggesting that for ages, pretty sure others have too, so it's really neat to see it finally happen ^^
    The downside though is now you can't use them for assisting with building a base in the dark or for exploration in the dark, since they're no longer battery-powered.

    Huh! That's really neat. I hope they don't draw too much power like the spotlights do, though. Also, I guess building a base in the dark could be assisted by... flares! ;)
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    edited September 2017
    elfcrisis wrote: »
    Rezca wrote: »
    elfcrisis wrote: »
    @Rezca Floodlights draw from base power? Not just spotlights? Though I've taken to planting lots of kelp around my base to act as lighting, having the floodlights would be cool, too.

    Yeah, one of the recent updates made it so. The placement hologram will be red when unplaceable, yellow when they can be placed but won't receive any power, and green when they can be placed and powered. Planting them onto the ground they'll power up and a line will be drawn from the base to the floodlight like solar panels do currently.

    I'd been suggesting that for ages, pretty sure others have too, so it's really neat to see it finally happen ^^
    The downside though is now you can't use them for assisting with building a base in the dark or for exploration in the dark, since they're no longer battery-powered.

    Huh! That's really neat. I hope they don't draw too much power like the spotlights do, though. Also, I guess building a base in the dark could be assisted by... flares! ;)


    Yeah, I didn't really check to see how much power they draw, but I'm guessing that they're kinda best used once you have a few solar panels + a bioreactor going, rather than for when your base is a corridor and a pair of panels ^^

    Speaking of which, I've grown quite fond of the simple corridor-bases. I've made it a habit to delay visiting the Floater Island as long as possible so to enjoy the 'early game life' a bit longer, and delay building MP rooms until I visit the Jellyshroom Base (Again pacing myself rather than rushing there). There's a certain charm to that cramped living space I think.


    Put the hatch on the top this time around rather than on the sides like usual. I first tried that with a Blood Kelp base I made way back in the Silent Running update, and it's pretty interesting. I love the new animation for that too, going in and out from the top is pretty neat :D


    I added the MP and Scanner room only recently. Originally it was just the two corridors on that platform (Which was added after the corridors were placed, since I needed somewhere to put my garden and it wouldnt let me put it on the ground there). Also pretty cool how I can see the Jellyshroom caves and a bit of the Crash Zone (Trench?) on the scanner's map haha. Caves being visible sometimes makes me wish we could crouch in this game. Or at least raise/lower the holographic map so we can get a better view of things.


    The old base I mentioned...


    Unrelated, but the Jellyshroom Degasi base doesn't seem to be all that vital to visit. I think other than the Water Filteration Machine, you can get the other fragments from the Floater Base. So it's pretty much just the PDA logs there; easily skippable?
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    @Rezca Thanks for posting the pics. Very cool!
  • gamer1000kgamer1000k Join Date: 2017-04-29 Member: 230121Members
    I don't use flares either. The flashlight is so easy to craft at the beginning of the game that there's really no need to bother with them. Especially since gathering crash powder requires dealing with suicidal living bombs.

    Maybe they could be repurposed to attract/distract/repel certain creatures? That way they could be used as handheld creature decoys to create a temporary safe zone.
  • JarinJarin Los Angeles Join Date: 2013-12-16 Member: 190184Members
    I never craft them, but I'll use one of the two you start with for the first night or two of a new game. Throw it, pick it back up (don't even have to be outside, just toss it on the floor of the lifepod), you have a free hand-light that's brighter than a flashlight. Granted, the color overlay is annoying, so I craft the flashlight eventually anyway.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    edited September 2017
    garath wrote: »
    @Rezca Thanks for posting the pics. Very cool!

    Aaah thanks~ I don't know if I'll end up making another custom "map" for my bases in the future though haha, I restart the game far too many times for me to really grow attached to a base enough to warrant making one, even though that one only took me an hour or so to make. I end up roleplaying some of my games, so I'm more likely to put the effort into things like that if I end up running into that mindset during a playthrough. Like this one involved my imagining some of the Aurora lifepods and their crew made it out, and this base was set up as a research outpost for descents into the newly discovered lost river ^^

    I never did finish it though; there was going to be a few more compartments here and there, but I ended up deciding to drop out to shield myself from spoilers as the game began updating again, so the base vanished :(
    gamer1000k wrote: »
    I don't use flares either. The flashlight is so easy to craft at the beginning of the game that there's really no need to bother with them. Especially since gathering crash powder requires dealing with suicidal living bombs.

    Maybe they could be repurposed to attract/distract/repel certain creatures? That way they could be used as handheld creature decoys to create a temporary safe zone.

    Well we already have the Creature Decoy, and that doesn't require dealing with the crashfish to make. I agree though it'd be nice if the Flares could have a secondary function though.
    I read that Bonesharks are attracted to lights, but even with two flares on the ground they really prefer going after my Seamoth with its lights off :/ Flares don't seem to be that effective - at least for me - in drawing their ire... Maybe they just really hate me xD
  • JarinJarin Los Angeles Join Date: 2013-12-16 Member: 190184Members
    edited September 2017
    Rezca wrote: »
    Maybe they just really hate me xD
    You know what you did.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Jarin wrote: »
    Rezca wrote: »
    Maybe they just really hate me xD
    You know what you did.

    I took their eggs and brought them back to my aquarium to hatch, that might be a part of it xD
  • kingkumakingkuma cancels Work: distracted by Dwarf Fortress Join Date: 2015-09-25 Member: 208137Members
    elfcrisis wrote: »
    @kingkuma That is an awesome picture! Also, I didn't know that flares would distract creatures. I'll have to experiment with that because I get tired of having to knife every crabsquid that gets in my way when I'm doing more than passing through an area.

    @Rezca Floodlights draw from base power? Not just spotlights? Though I've taken to planting lots of kelp around my base to act as lighting, having the floodlights would be cool, too.

    Only crabsquids react to light, I think. Reapers might as well, but I'm not sure. Use the propulsion cannon to launch the flares farther than you could throw them.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    Just tested the flares against Stalkers. They were not interested in the least.

    One easy way to get crashfish powder, I mean if you care after making the repair tool, is to use your Seamoth to run through a cave real quick. They can't catch you and sometimes you can lure out three or four of them at a time.
  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    Once you have the Swim Charge Fins, the Light Stick might be usable. However, you'll almost certainly have the Seaglide and its light doesn't consume power.

    And even without painting the Seaglide red, you'll go fasta! :)
  • Zongzi99Zongzi99 Join Date: 2017-09-21 Member: 233161Members
    Flares seem to be good for the first night if you're a new player and don't know where to look for the essentials yet. I think they're not so much useless as they are meant for people who've never played before.
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    In the last place I was in, I desperately needed flares and used cheat codes to add maybe a dozen to my inventory. Man! It was dark there.
  • Hulkie2345Hulkie2345 New York Join Date: 2017-08-23 Member: 232598Members
    elfcrisis wrote: »
    Rezca wrote: »
    elfcrisis wrote: »
    @Rezca Floodlights draw from base power? Not just spotlights? Though I've taken to planting lots of kelp around my base to act as lighting, having the floodlights would be cool, too.

    Yeah, one of the recent updates made it so. The placement hologram will be red when unplaceable, yellow when they can be placed but won't receive any power, and green when they can be placed and powered. Planting them onto the ground they'll power up and a line will be drawn from the base to the floodlight like solar panels do currently.

    I'd been suggesting that for ages, pretty sure others have too, so it's really neat to see it finally happen ^^
    The downside though is now you can't use them for assisting with building a base in the dark or for exploration in the dark, since they're no longer battery-powered.

    Huh! That's really neat. I hope they don't draw too much power like the spotlights do, though. Also, I guess building a base in the dark could be assisted by... flares! ;)

    4 flood lights use a fair chunk of power. I can't keep the base topped off with two Nuc reactors, and 10 solar panels. Using one water filtration unit, kills 70% of power, without the solar panels. The game just needs a way to auto turn them on and off. Or set a light requirement for auto off.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Hulkie2345 wrote: »
    4 flood lights use a fair chunk of power. I can't keep the base topped off with two Nuc reactors, and 10 solar panels. Using one water filtration unit, kills 70% of power, without the solar panels. The game just needs a way to auto turn them on and off. Or set a light requirement for auto off.

    Those must be some serious heavy-duty floodlights to require nuclear power to fuel them! Quite an upgrade over needing a single battery.

    Though to be serious... Do they really use that much power per second of operation? D: I mean I've only had one up so far with a handful of solar panels, but eeesh that sounds a bit lopsided for something that's pretty much just decoration.
  • dork42dork42 Michigan Join Date: 2017-03-30 Member: 229307Members
    I've never really used flares, flashlight or light sticks, i guess i never needed more that what the seaglide offers. Inventory space wins every time. I usually don't even bother to grab that flashlight on the way out of the Aurora.
  • narfblatnarfblat Utah, USA Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216799Members, Forum Moderators, Forum staff
    I don't usually use flares, but I imagine they would be nice for marking a path in certain wrecks. I haven't played since I had this idea, as I'm done with all current content, and waiting for v1.0 for new game.
  • Hulkie2345Hulkie2345 New York Join Date: 2017-08-23 Member: 232598Members
    edited September 2017
    Rezca wrote: »
    Hulkie2345 wrote: »
    4 flood lights use a fair chunk of power. I can't keep the base topped off with two Nuc reactors, and 10 solar panels. Using one water filtration unit, kills 70% of power, without the solar panels. The game just needs a way to auto turn them on and off. Or set a light requirement for auto off.

    Those must be some serious heavy-duty floodlights to require nuclear power to fuel them! Quite an upgrade over needing a single battery.

    Though to be serious... Do they really use that much power per second of operation? D: I mean I've only had one up so far with a handful of solar panels, but eeesh that sounds a bit lopsided for something that's pretty much just decoration.

    Yeah. Basically anything light related, that runs off habitats, just drains the base of power. Spotlights, Floodlights, and the Water Filtration seem to use the same power requirements. It be nice to have a power room that can calculate what you need to keep the base topped off. When using all equipment.
  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    I guess I'm in the minority here but I've always used a flare over the light stick/flashlight since the beginning. Once you pick up a lit flare it stays lit, so you can carry it in your inventory and pull it out for a handy hand light whenever needed.

    The main upsides are it takes up only a single inventory slot compared to other items, give a much brighter and wider light radius, and better illuminate some areas that seem to just swallow the light from the glowstick. (Flare light has far better reflectivity, especially in wrecks.) They will eventually burn out even when held, but the burn out timer only runs when you have it out and being used, so one flare can last for a good long time when not overused.

  • MuovipulloMuovipullo Join Date: 2017-03-24 Member: 229158Members
    You get flashlight too easily, so you don't really need flares. If the flashlight fragments were found somewhere deep/dark place, the flares would be much more used, I think.
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    Silveressa wrote: »
    I guess I'm in the minority here but I've always used a flare over the light stick/flashlight since the beginning. Once you pick up a lit flare it stays lit, so you can carry it in your inventory and pull it out for a handy hand light whenever needed.

    The main upsides are it takes up only a single inventory slot compared to other items, give a much brighter and wider light radius, and better illuminate some areas that seem to just swallow the light from the glowstick. (Flare light has far better reflectivity, especially in wrecks.) They will eventually burn out even when held, but the burn out timer only runs when you have it out and being used, so one flare can last for a good long time when not overused.

    I never even tried picking up a lit flare. This is just too awesome! Thank you for the great tip!
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Yeah, somebody to a PSA post, you can pick them up. I'll put it in the newbie tips as well.
  • ThorusGERThorusGER Germany Join Date: 2017-09-27 Member: 233267Members
    Nope, never. Why would i when i can craft a flashlight basically as soon as i get out the pod which is a lot brighter.
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    ThorusGER wrote: »
    Nope, never. Why would i when i can craft a flashlight basically as soon as i get out the pod which is a lot brighter.

    I don't ever make a flashlight since they made copper (used for batteries) the most precious resource in the game--and because I expect to very shortly have a Seaglide that has a light or a Seamoth that has a light. So, now that I know I can pick up a lit flare and use it as a light source I can carry--and one that is much brighter than a flashlight, I'm definitely gonna start using flares.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    Silveressa wrote: »
    I guess I'm in the minority here but I've always used a flare over the light stick/flashlight since the beginning. Once you pick up a lit flare it stays lit, so you can carry it in your inventory and pull it out for a handy hand light whenever needed.

    The main upsides are it takes up only a single inventory slot compared to other items, give a much brighter and wider light radius, and better illuminate some areas that seem to just swallow the light from the glowstick. (Flare light has far better reflectivity, especially in wrecks.) They will eventually burn out even when held, but the burn out timer only runs when you have it out and being used, so one flare can last for a good long time when not overused.

    Yeah I noticed that, too, that you could pick them up while they were lit. I'm kind of thinking that that's not intended behavior and may eventually be corrected. I guess we'll see!
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    Just started a game tonight and was really enjoying the flare on the first night or so until I made a Seaglide. Once I made the Seagilde, I stopped using the flare.
  • SubnauticaDragoonSubnauticaDragoon Canada Join Date: 2017-09-17 Member: 233098Members
    Never used a flare and I rarely use my flashlight too
  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    I just started a new Experimental game tonight (54517). I didn't make any new flares, but I have lots of Cave Sulphur if I want to. Have used 1 of the initial 2 to light my way through caves, even after getting the Seaglide. I'm only 2h20m in and don't have the Battery Charger, so I want to avoid consuming Battery Power. The light on the Seaglide doesn't, but if I move with it deployed, I use up its charge.

    Can get hard to find the Limestone and Sandstone Outcroppings with light from a flare.
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