[Crash] General Crash Troubles

DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
General new user and trying to reach a stable state. First crash of the day while setting up a beacon in the entrance of deep grand reef. Typically I get maybe a dozen crashes in a day. I believe my drivers are up to date.

First crash today resulted in PC auto power cycling (no true blue screen but it has before) Generally crashes range from just the program closing to power cycles, freezes (with and without bugged sound) and true blue screens. They can take anywhere from a few minutes to happen to hours if not most of the day in between a single crash. Typical though anywhere between 6-12 happen per game day (between the lady and myself)


dxdiag pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ktdTwkrU

output log pastebin: https://pastebin.com/9k3q1tU5


  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »

    Thanks for the response.

    Ran the uninstall tool. Installed drivers. Everything Looks fresh.

    Crashed a few moments ago.

    pastbin is too small for the output log....
  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    edited July 2017
    As of today I've lost count of the crashes lol. I back up multiple times a day and basically plan on crash life. Damaged saves are probably the worst it always feels bad to miss out on a day's worth of gameplay.

    So close to the end though. And really loving my ingame setup and story. All in all I guess ARK felt a little worse at times some day's being fully unplayable. I'm kind of wondering how better experimental feels.

    Yay alpha.

    At any rate. TLDR bump....

    Edit: new 7zip of most recent crash folder following the save folder dev link.

  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    Up to 39 crashes at this point :(
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Remind me to look at that log tomorrow. (Hoping I remember.) Gotta scram at the moment, but I do want to look at it and see if anything jumps out at me.
  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Remind me to look at that log tomorrow. (Hoping I remember.) Gotta scram at the moment, but I do want to look at it and see if anything jumps out at me.

    Thanks will do, I have been thumbing through your signature and trying everything/anything I can.

    Something that sticks out the chkdsk I tried to run failed and ended with me having to reinstall windows.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited July 2017
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Remind me to look at that log tomorrow. (Hoping I remember.) Gotta scram at the moment, but I do want to look at it and see if anything jumps out at me.

    Thanks will do, I have been thumbing through your signature and trying everything/anything I can.

    Something that sticks out the chkdsk I tried to run failed and ended with me having to reinstall windows.

    You may find that that reinstalling Windows fixed your problems. Make sure chkdsk returns no problems (run it after install is complete) and that Windows is up-to-date, as well as your drivers (go to your graphics card manufacturer's site and update0. If you're still having problems, post back here with a fresh debug log from the crash.
  • Storm027Storm027 Bismarck ND Join Date: 2017-07-10 Member: 231744Members
    my game keeps crashing during world gen! its annoying. when it did load fine my comp played the game perfectly on highest settings. I had to wait four days or so for it to load once. but once I closed the game window. and then reloaded the game. not go back to main menu but actually close the game. the game started crashing again on world gen. both a old world and a new world.
  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    Honestly it's crashed more since the reinstall. I have been hesitant to attempt a chkdsk again after the first time.
  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    at this point I'm just at a lost of what to do. I've literately completely wiped my PC removing all previous applications and files (leaving only a backup fully quarantined)

    Completely uninstalled windows 10 and formatted both tower hard drives. Reinstalled all servers directly from the source.

    And I'm still crashing. I don't think I'm computer illiterate or anything but at this point I'm pretty mind blown.

    Chkdsks came back clear as well.


    Updated crash 7zip
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited July 2017
    Does it crash on a new game? If not, clear the cache in your old saves. (Delete CellsCache and CompiledOctreesCache and tmp, plus any loose *.txt files in the top folder BUT ONLY THE TXT files.) If you need more details, see the second link in the second line of my signature below. ▼
  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    I've cleared the caches before but I'll try it again.
  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    Crashed again mere minutes after launching
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Crashed again mere minutes after launching

    Was that the old save with cleared caches? If so, try making a new save game and seeing if that also crashes (just to completely rule out the old save being the culprit).
  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    Still crashing. Not sure if there is even a point in me making another huge crash folder of data as I'm just repeating the same troubleshooting steps at this point.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Still crashing. Not sure if there is even a point in me making another huge crash folder of data as I'm just repeating the same troubleshooting steps at this point.

    Since we've ruled out the cache and the saved game being the culprit, and we've already got your dxdiag.txt, all that's really necessary at this point is output_log.txt to see if there's anything different in it. Although, having a separate dxdiag.txt would help, as anyone coming on this thread then wouldn't have to download the 700MB crash data .7z file to get it.

    So I'd put a link to dxdiag.txt, and then another link to output_log.txt -- once you've got that, I'll ask someone to take a look. Actually, I can probably do it myself, hang on. OK, Here's the dxdiag and output_log from your crash data 7z file. @nesrak1 can you take a look? Sorry I keep pinging you, but I can't understand as much as you can with the logs. Although... @Dantedarkly are you playing on recommended or minimum settings? Your GPU has 2GB VRAM, max settings for Subnautica requires a 4GB VRAM card, so if you're set to max, bump the quality down.
  • DantedarklyDantedarkly Join Date: 2017-06-30 Member: 231488Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Still crashing. Not sure if there is even a point in me making another huge crash folder of data as I'm just repeating the same troubleshooting steps at this point.

    Since we've ruled out the cache and the saved game being the culprit, and we've already got your dxdiag.txt, all that's really necessary at this point is output_log.txt to see if there's anything different in it. Although, having a separate dxdiag.txt would help, as anyone coming on this thread then wouldn't have to download the 700MB crash data .7z file to get it.

    So I'd put a link to dxdiag.txt, and then another link to output_log.txt -- once you've got that, I'll ask someone to take a look. Actually, I can probably do it myself, hang on. OK, Here's the dxdiag and output_log from your crash data 7z file. @nesrak1 can you take a look? Sorry I keep pinging you, but I can't understand as much as you can with the logs. Although... @Dantedarkly are you playing on recommended or minimum settings? Your GPU has 2GB VRAM, max settings for Subnautica requires a 4GB VRAM card, so if you're set to max, bump the quality down.

    I'm running it on lower settings until the crashes are resolved.
  • nesrak1nesrak1 Places Join Date: 2016-12-04 Member: 224536Members
    The only two things of interest here are that the prawn collision wasn't working and that you have world loading errors.
    Dunno never seen it before and don't know why it wouldn't be loaded. I'm not a developer so I'm not very useful either.
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