Koosh Zone rename
Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members

We would like to rename the Subnautica "Koosh Bush" zone to something else. Anyone have any ideas? - Charlie Cleveland
Koosh Bushes & the Koosh Zone are getting a rename due to potential intellectual property conflict. Any suggestions?
Koosh Bushes & the Koosh Zone are getting a rename due to potential intellectual property conflict. Any suggestions?
i like the name "koosh zone"
For the plant, I propose Blueberry Bushes, because misnomers are fun.
1. Fluffbush.
2. Granule Tree/Granule Bush.
3. Sphereshroom.
I still chuckle at the Chinese Potato plant. Whichever scientist on the Degassi named it apparently didn't have much imagination (really, who has ever seen potatoes that grow on a plant above ground, let alone being native to China?)
I don't have a specific name in mind, but maybe something to do with the word "Cerulean"? The small orbs on the side of the bushes, as well as the electricity of the Ampeels, give off that sort of hue, so basing the names around their color is a possibility.
From what I know of marine biologists that'd probably be a name they go with. They're not ones for overly technical terms. These are the scientists who name the mating method of flatworms "Penis fencing"
Pollips Zone
Shocking Sands (Possibly fits due to the shockers and the koosh balls giving an 'electric' feel. If they go with this name, I suggest renaming Koosh balls to something like Screaming Fungus or Puffball Fungus)
Screaming Sands (Due to an original concept having the Koosh Bush ward off predators via sound)
Purple Mandrake Depths (Mandrakes are a famous plant that makes noise, and quick note, Mandrake is not copyrighted by Harry Potter, and while people may associate it with that, there is actually a plant in nature, Mandragora officinarum. While it is a land plant, and they don't actually make any sound in real life, they are Hallucinagenic, which is another thing that can play strongly into this, as Mesmers cause auditory hallucinations, and can also be found here in this biome.)
Hopefully I get some support on the names, I worked rather hard on them, and even if I don't oh well. I had fun.
Not many people realize it, but the Chinese Potatoes satiate more hunger than the Lantern Tree ever could.
In case anyone is wondering, you can find Chinese Potatoes in one of the abandoned things on top of the two mountains on the island.
For water, just have a separate interior planter in your cyclops/base with Bulbo trees (found on the gun island), which give quite a lot of water.
Marblemelons are better than both. Just 1 indoor planter, 1 powercell charger and 1 marblemelon and you can stay in your cyclops forever
Yeah, one indoor planter can eventually nourish 16 marblemelons, which is more than enough to cover food and water needs. It's almost like the pre-nerf lantern fruit.
I like the alliterative name and that it reference the Ampeel found in the area, really! It's creative and sounds menacing, but... I hate to be 'that guy' though... Sand doesn't conduct electricity, so the sand couldn't really be 'shocking' sadly.
Would it be possible for you to use "Cyan" (or any other color for that matter) instead of the "Blue" for your font, it's quite difficult for some of us to read on the medium blue background?