Possible Cause of SAVE/LOAD error (Need input from others)

RD3RD3 Join Date: 2017-03-03 Member: 228520Members
I've been playing subnautica for a while now and have experienced a total of 9 corrupt games with times ranging between 3 and 18 hours. Looking back last night I lost a 9 hour save. The only thing I did last night before saving "and the file corrupting" was find and pick up both pieces of lab equipment. As well as scan and build a regular trash can and throw some rotten kelp vine away. Thinking back to previous games, I think picking up those items was among the final things I did before failure. I could be way wrong on this so please let me know if anybody else experienced the same. BTW I'm playing on Xbox One and the manner in which I saved my game was exactly the same every time in my last world so I think you can rule out moving and location when you save as being the issue.


  • Spooky626Spooky626 US Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228922Members
    yeah, I'm having the same issue. I also play on Xbox One, and this seems to be only affecting the Xbox One. this is a little stupid, because computer user's aren't getting this issue. it has been going on for almost 3 weeks now. I'm getting tired of it.
  • HarryBushHarryBush Jonesboro, AR Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228942Members
    Same I can't load my saved file and yes come to think of it I placed a trash can before I saved and got off. I also have the lab equipment but it was there pretty early on and I had saved numerious times since getting that.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Fire up a new save, use console commands to give yourself blueprints for a trash can and a habitat builder, build one in a quickie base, and save / load?
  • RD3RD3 Join Date: 2017-03-03 Member: 228520Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Fire up a new save, use console commands to give yourself blueprints for a trash can and a habitat builder, build one in a quickie base, and save / load?
    I did just that. No corruptions yet. Looks like it must be something else. I'm really starting to think that it's something that can't be triggered by something you do in game because I've spent hours TRYING to get something to corrupt the game with no success but if I just play the game normally as it was ment to be played it always happens. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it other than I usually have 3-6 hours of time in before it happens. I'm still amazed that the devs can't even get the error to happen on their end.
  • purpleh4ze20purpleh4ze20 Join Date: 2017-03-16 Member: 228987Members
    hello, playing on xbox one in freedom mode yesterday. I got hit by the save bug today got 8 to 9 hrs in and now it won't load says theres a save error and hitting try again does nothing. before the final save last night I went to the precursor island got stuck in a glitch in the moon pool and died and when I went back to get my seamoth indicator said it was there but it wasn't even after restarting and multiple trips back to see if it would respawn. made new one and went to floating island. I did do alot of scanning and saving on both islands however all of my tools seemed to be glitched while on both. they floated in front of hands or were sideways. they all seemed to operate except my knife. after exploring I went back to lifepod saved and quit to menu before closing out completely. I think it could be something on the precursor island? thats where it seemed like the most lag was happening and its where the glitching really started for me. dunno if that helps but I really love this game and I'm gonna give it some time before I start over. hopefully theres a patch soon...
  • scifiwriterguyscifiwriterguy Sector ZZ-9-Plural Z-α Join Date: 2017-02-14 Member: 227901Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Fire up a new save, use console commands to give yourself blueprints for a trash can and a habitat builder, build one in a quickie base, and save / load?
    I have a 30 hour save cooking right now that has three seabases, trash cans in each (one with both types), Seamoth, Cyclops, and PRAWN, and so far it hasn't so much as hiccuped. (Adding to the matter, the Cyclops has a trash can, too.) So it seems to be a synergistic bug rather than purely an object-related one.

    Purplehaze brings up a point, though: for all those encountering the bug, did it start at/shortly after visiting the Mountain Island (the one with the gun platform)?
  • RD3RD3 Join Date: 2017-03-03 Member: 228520Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Fire up a new save, use console commands to give yourself blueprints for a trash can and a habitat builder, build one in a quickie base, and save / load?
    I have a 30 hour save cooking right now that has three seabases, trash cans in each (one with both types), Seamoth, Cyclops, and PRAWN, and so far it hasn't so much as hiccuped. (Adding to the matter, the Cyclops has a trash can, too.) So it seems to be a synergistic bug rather than purely an object-related one.

    Purplehaze brings up a point, though: for all those encountering the bug, did it start at/shortly after visiting the Mountain Island (the one with the gun platform)?

    I don't think it has anything to do with the gun island. I've had a few saves crash before I ever went anywhere near there. The more I play, I'm in agreement with you. It doesn't have anything to do with the length of time it takes to save, or the location you save, or whether or not your doing anything or moving around during the save. And I don't think it has anything to do with your progress in the game because I've got failed saves at many different points in the game. I kind of wish the developers would update us on any progress they've made. Because if they can't even reproduce the fail even once after all this time then there doing something wrong. I fully understand the game is in beta and bug will be rampant, but this is a HUGE problem. And is completely gamebreaking outside of creative mode. Just wish the devs would keep us updated more even if they haven't made much progress. I would really hate to think they haven't made any progress at all but we wouldn't know.

  • narfblatnarfblat Utah, USA Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216799Members, Forum Moderators, Forum staff
    edited March 2017
    Was the trash can found at a mini-wreck, in the grassy plateaus region(the northeast one)? If so, that is in cellcache 14 18 14, one cell south of 14 18 15, which according to this steam forum causes much of the lag and freezing pc users have been experiencing. Also note that I found a large wreck in the 14 18 15 cell, northeast of the miniwreck I mentioned. Large wrecks are known to sometimes duplicate.

    I forget where, but I remember someone saying that the double update to xbox also included saving terrain data. This indicated to me that the may start getting problems from saving a bad cell.

    It may be worth testing, seeing if this bug is related to that region, especially near the large wreck. It may relate to other large wrecks as well, especially if they duplicate.

    I would test this myself, but I only have PC.

    Edit: by the way, when I headed to the infamous 14 18 15 in my old PC save, to explore my theory, the game crashed. Something in that area is messed up.
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