Annoying lag spikes when moving (video+specs)

BaielBaiel Brazil Join Date: 2016-09-14 Member: 222308Members
edited March 2017 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
I love Subnautica, probably one of the best games and the one i'm most excited for the launch.
But I can't get the full immersion the game offers because of lag spikes all the time.
I do have the requirements the game needs, and it still lags a lot.
Lowering the graphics changes almost nothing.
(more info on the video below)

Deleting the SNAPP folders works for crashes, but not for the lag spikes (even new worlds lags this much).
The reason I think the problem may be the Power Supply, is because if I decide to install anything new on my pc, it looks like it doesn't have the necessary power for it. Not even a cooler.

Here are my specs:
Intel Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz
AMD Radeon HD 7870
600w Power Supply

Subnautica version: 45367


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Put your PC components into PCPartPicker, it will tell you how many watts it uses.

    If you have an SSD, move Subnautica to it, that should help some (there's a link in my signature about that if you need, although keep in mind you'll need a Steam library on the SSD for it to work).
  • BaielBaiel Brazil Join Date: 2016-09-14 Member: 222308Members
    I did it on another site I know, and that was the result:

    I don't have an SSD sadly. :(
  • BaielBaiel Brazil Join Date: 2016-09-14 Member: 222308Members
    So... is there any way to fix it? :(
    Or maybe a game update to fix this issue, I don't know...
    I love this game so much, it's sad not being able to play the way it was meant to be.
  • ilemiesilemies Finland Join Date: 2016-03-19 Member: 214499Members
    I have that same issue. Especially once I visit the mushroom forest, it gets really bad even after I leave the zone. It started somewhere during the period I took a break around last Aug-Dec period. It doesn't affect how much stuff is on screen as I can stare at the sea bed an inch away and the game's still jerky. I hope this can be figured out soon. Otherwise it runs on max settings without a hitch, but once the jerkiness starts, it keeps getting worse and worse until Windows says the program isn't responding. I've sent quite a few emails to the address specified by the game after it crashes to this issue with all the files needed.
  • Spooky626Spooky626 US Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228922Members
    yeah, this is an issue. I usually just ignore it, because its just the game loading all the land. once you pass the same area about 5x, it'll stop.
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