S'more idea's, part deux
Join Date: 2017-02-26 Member: 228290Members

1. More shipwrecks to explore
This can be used to deliver future tech upgrades, collectibles/decorations (if the dev's eventually incorporate such things into the game) and just add more depth of flavor to the game. And we dont have to stick with human wrecks. The quarantine has been in place for centuries, yeh? There could be a downed precursor wreck somewhere that tried to get past it, or even a mysteries wreck belonging to a 3rd, unknown species (this could also tie in future dlc content). Of course the aurora, degassi and sunbeam were the only 3 "official" human ships in that area..who knows if there were any illegal/off-the-books ships that the gun took down..
2. Weather
This was brought up in another suggestion thread, but i want to re-emphasize it here. It would be -awesome- if we had the occasional rain/lightning storm (maybe in un-earthly colors like purple or red) fog, wind, ect.
3. More islands/land to explore
Yes SN is primarily an ocean exploration/survival game, and that's perfectly fine. But some additional dry land to explore/work with would be much appreciated.
4. Speed upgrade for cyclops.
It dosnt (and shouldnt) be as fast as the seamoth, but some ooomph is def needed. Maybe a 20-30% upgrade? (either thru module or base speed)
5. Increased day/night times
I know it's an alien world, so it's unlikely to have the same time-cycle of day/night, but the speed at which it goes now is TOO fast, imo. Slow it down by 30% or so?
6. Turning the picture frame into a scanner-data slide show (just for decoration purposes)
Instead of just relying on screenshots, would be nice to have the option to transfer your scanner data on the alien life-forms as an active slideshow. Give you something more to look at/decorate with
7. Human remains
Just to liven up the story/survival aspect..maybe some of the big pieces of aura that you have to cut into could have whats left of a crewmember or 2, who didnt make it to a lifepod in time. Or there could be remains on the ships mentioned in idea 1, that were sealed away from the local carrion feeders until the player got there.
This can be used to deliver future tech upgrades, collectibles/decorations (if the dev's eventually incorporate such things into the game) and just add more depth of flavor to the game. And we dont have to stick with human wrecks. The quarantine has been in place for centuries, yeh? There could be a downed precursor wreck somewhere that tried to get past it, or even a mysteries wreck belonging to a 3rd, unknown species (this could also tie in future dlc content). Of course the aurora, degassi and sunbeam were the only 3 "official" human ships in that area..who knows if there were any illegal/off-the-books ships that the gun took down..
2. Weather
This was brought up in another suggestion thread, but i want to re-emphasize it here. It would be -awesome- if we had the occasional rain/lightning storm (maybe in un-earthly colors like purple or red) fog, wind, ect.
3. More islands/land to explore
Yes SN is primarily an ocean exploration/survival game, and that's perfectly fine. But some additional dry land to explore/work with would be much appreciated.
4. Speed upgrade for cyclops.
It dosnt (and shouldnt) be as fast as the seamoth, but some ooomph is def needed. Maybe a 20-30% upgrade? (either thru module or base speed)
5. Increased day/night times
I know it's an alien world, so it's unlikely to have the same time-cycle of day/night, but the speed at which it goes now is TOO fast, imo. Slow it down by 30% or so?
6. Turning the picture frame into a scanner-data slide show (just for decoration purposes)
Instead of just relying on screenshots, would be nice to have the option to transfer your scanner data on the alien life-forms as an active slideshow. Give you something more to look at/decorate with
7. Human remains
Just to liven up the story/survival aspect..maybe some of the big pieces of aura that you have to cut into could have whats left of a crewmember or 2, who didnt make it to a lifepod in time. Or there could be remains on the ships mentioned in idea 1, that were sealed away from the local carrion feeders until the player got there.
Appreciated by some, tolerated by others. I personally find that the controls always feel a bit more sluggish to me on the land (ironic since humans in the real world are far faster and more agile on land than we are in the water), so I kind of just go along with the land exploration parts.
Human remains won't happen. UWE is aiming for E10+, and that's not a rating that's tolerant to gore.
Also adding a "tool-belt" suggestion. Slots on our character that carry at least 2 of the 4 small tools we use, to free up some inventory space
I understand that, but even that is "too much" for a E10+ rating, keeping in mind all the other things this game contains that put a strain on it getting a E10+ rating. Don't forget that the NPCs' blood was changed from red to yellow because of the rating, so corpses just aren't a feasible request.
As for the dryland control characteristics, I totally agree with the slowness and awkwardness unless you take off your swim fins, then you should move like a normal human. (Because walking in fins sucks.) With that edit, sure, I'm cool with another island. Actually, I'd positively love an atoll with a lagoon I could build a base in. Oh, that'd be beautiful.
You never noticed they're self-retracting fins? Look down next time you walk on land with fins equipped.
There's also the weight of your tanks, and the inherent uncomfortable nature of a wetsuit (see prior "crouching in wetsuit" argument). Plus, you're not going to be too nimble with your fins bunched up under your feet. (Unless those are Wolverine-style retractable toenails, in which case, dude, see a doctor.)