Moonpool and it's maddening placement issues.(SOLUTION FOUND)
Join Date: 2015-07-02 Member: 205964Members

Wanted to bring this up and see who else, if anyone, is experiencing the rage involved in placement. Im down in the grand reef redesigning my resource gathering base and I decide I want to have the entrance come in on the side of the moonpool. The short side with only one attachment surface. There is not a rotation option like with the tube pieces, so I tried to move myself around so I am building it sideways to the tube, achieving my goal. Nope, still wont place. It insists on being longways connecting on the two panel side. GRRRRRRRR. Ok...lets try this another way. I deconstruct the entire base so that I can orient the moonpool the way I want, then build my base off the intended side. This is where the rage goes hulk. I try to simply place the moonpool on a very flat plane with nothing to interfere around it. It wants to lay flat on the ground, then dig out a hole. I just want to place it up on it's legs the way it was intended. That is not happening. I cant even place this blasted thing on the ground. It has legs and so do I so I know how they work. They go on the ground. This thing needs a 90 degree rotation and the ability to attach on the end ports, or be less finicky about being placed on the ground by itself.
Seriously though, the powers that be know about this sort of thing and it will get fixed at some point before release.
Yeah Im pretty sure they know. I know they are also adding new elements to the moonpool like an upgrade panel on the wall for what ever is docked. So its not even done yet. Devs pay attention to these reports and listen to the players. I figured out a way to make what I want happen while they are working on it. Just being a squeeky wheel and doing what I can to help it get
cant wait to see this.
My madness knows no bounds.
Was very thankful to see your guide, but after thinking I'd had everything setup right, I finally go to bring my seamoth in and it's facing the opposite of my intended direction.
It would appear that in the current version of the game, the moonpool collects the seamoth with it facing 180 degrees in the other direction. Back to your guide though, it's still awesome because you found how to control the placement orientation and all those rules still apply.
I just need to rebuild with the new orientation. On a totally subjective level, I do feel like the antenna cluster being situated towards the 'rear' of the moonpool is more visually appealing :P
And then just to be especially nice to me, adding a glass I-piece to the Moonpool destroyed my Vehicle Modification Station.
If I find a place I want a moonpool to go a specific direction, I first build a platform, save game, then use
But I tried it and your theory holds true; turns out the Moon Pool orientation is dictated by the direction the Foundation is facing when built; the gray patch indicates the vehicle launch direction. Good call! I'm gonna remember this trick next time I build my base.
One thing I've just noticed in the Silent Running update is that you need to ignore the fact that when looking at the green blueprint while trying to find a place for the Moonpool, the automatic connection to an existing corridor o Multi room doesn't show like the other base modules. I thought that the Moonpool was going to be disconnected from the Multi room but after the construction was compoleted, the corridor was there. In my case, it was the sorter side, and away form the Seamoth exit, so I was lucky. I'm gonna upload an image later on.
This is the main reason that the pool needs to be rotatable, I was hoping to attach it to one of the side connetors, only to find this.
Let's make a request all togheter, nex update: The Rotatable Moonpool update!!
Anyway, I agree; I would like to rotate the Moon Pool at construction. But I'm thankful for and satisfied to have Duff's workaround; it helps to know I have some control over the Moon Pool direction (at least in the planning stage).
it is a pane in the ### as it is we need to be able to rotate it
I just looked at the showcase thread for confirmation, and it looks like fixing this would require to rejiggle the entire grid for base building.
Basically, a foundation is a 4 slot grid, each capable of holding a corridor segment. A multipurpose room with connector takes up two slots. The moon pool is 2 slots on the narrow side, and 3 slots on the wide side. Which means that if you could rotate it freely, you'd run into situations where you'd have a corridor ending in the middle or of the corners of the pool.
That said, they could make that more intuitive to figure out. Maybe red and green arrows (or the Alterra equivalent) for slotting things together where it matters?