subnautica multiplier confirmed
defuinak springs fl Join Date: 2017-02-06 Member: 227667Members

okay so i recently got on to subnautica and this is what i saw some Xbox live features might not respond such as ( live chat,multiplier) this confirms my suspicions about a multiplayer in subnautica
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So all those posts by the Dev's (who are actually creating the game) that said emphatically there will NOT be Multiplayer, just went right over your head.
Please tell me where this Dream World of yours is..., so I can go and claim the winning ticket on the next $600 million lottery.
OK, now your just Trolling...
Good luck with that.
I'm going to guess you haven't looked at (never mind read) the thread below yet...
PLEASE, pay very close attention to the very first post by a Dev of the game.
Nice, so do you really think cursing at me is going to change what the Dev's have said over the last three years?
And since the X-box version is essentially the PC version with a controller, how does your logic still hold up?
LoL ...
Ok you go ahead and hang on to your idiot mentality, I'm done.
Have a wonderful day.
it holds up pretty well since your using old posts and i dont think causing can change you only proof but ur a dumbass so not evn proof could help you
I love doing this XD
"Maybe one day we'll start over on a different engine and make a new Subnautica game based around coop. A game where one person is piloting the sub, another person is poring over readouts and computers, another is repairing the engines and yet another is radioing for help in a dark biome, where their Seamoth is almost out of juice. We would love to play that game."
So, no we won't get MP in this SN, but it's a possibility that a new version/type of SN may get it. So really the OP is not in a "dream world", and those saying that this current SN game is not getting MP are also correct. I also note that the OP was not the first one to though insults into the topic. He reacted to somebody throwing insults at him for his post. It's a shame that new member was subjected to abuse for making an observation, regardless of whether he was wrong or right.
Personally I am not a fan of MP. the only game I play with MP is Elite Dangerous Horizons.
Multiplayer would be neat and all, but it's not going to happen just because you misinterpreted something and fail to see the facts. Or, just a troll.
Not to mention, the part you read is simply a cut and paste clause put into every disclaimer ever, multiplayer or not.
He states that because of what he sees in his version of the Xbox game, that there IS going to be Multiplayer in the game.
He doesn't say anything about FUTURE games developed by this same company.
And he is also the first one to resort to swearing and explicit name calling, as well as completely denying what the Dev's have posted, because apparently in his mind, it was stated farther back than "yesterday".
You want to try and defend that you go right ahead, but I doubt you'll get much in the way of support.
< shrug >
Yeah, I pointed that out to him already.
Apparently, since it was posted more than a day ago, he feels it's not relevant anymore.
Here's a fresh multiplayer thread destroyed, much like this one will mostly likely get something thrown it's way ey @Foxy
I really couldn't give two hoots if my opinion gets support. Perhaps you're the type of person that bases his opinions on how much support he's going to get, rather than speaking your own mind. As for me, my opinions are based on what I think rather than a need to be supported or to be popular among others.
Here's your < shrug > right back at you.
You suck Myrm
But your "opinion" doesn't hold up to what the OP actually posted.
(which wasn't an "opinion" anyway, since he stated it as a FACT based on an incorrect Assumption)
That's what I was pointing out in my comment about trying to defend his position.
I didn't consider what you posted as an "opinion" either, based on the "fact" that you were quoting a Dev's actual comment.
(which BTW, was later clarified as being pure hyperbole, not a statement of fact)
I'm sorry you took offense where none was intended, I too was simply stating a fact based on the multitude of responses in the multitude of "Multiplayer/Co-Op" threads in these very forums.
Overall, it seems that most players agree with the Dev's decision, based on the reasons that They presented for it not happening.
Well, if having my own opinion and not kowtowing to others just feel secure means I suck, then I guess I suck