France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members

I really like the new use to the trash cans (though it'd be great if the items don't disappear immediately when put inside just in case you put in something you needed by mistake) and the luggage bag storage too. But...
Then the other day I watching Jacksfilms, and one of his vids gave me an idea...
So I present to you my own version of the Subbucks coffee cup. Whatd'ya think?

Love all the other updates though. I'll be certain to mind the luggage bag placement better from now on rather than shoving them all away in a room or never picking them up at all.
Coffee could be useful if there is ever a Fatigue mechanism added to the game. Peepers won't stand a chance once the Java kicks in.
I'm afraid you might be a little late tho
Jack and Mark have both come back to the game, and Jack gave out a code for PC gamers to get that item. However, there was a limited amount of codes available, so I don't think there's any left.
Jack apparently asked for the code to become unlimited. After the initial 1000, 4000 more were added with the remark (Discord) that it'd likely become an infinite use code. Don't know the stats atm, but it's worth to try and get it still.
Oh that's nice. I'd get one myself if the code would work on Xbox
Would be cool if Baat Torgal engineered a coffee bean plant for us to use. In the grand reef abandoned base they got a coffee machine so its not at all far-fetched to think he could have, then u add either a distilled water or the bigger one to make a bottle of hot coffee
It's in experimental only for now.
That'd be cool. I'd like that.
This key does not appear to work for me - it presents me with an "Error A" message. As I am copy-pasting the code, I assume a typo is not the problem, but this may be a glitch on my end rather than running out of codes. It seems to be a different format than the little guide here indicates (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX), but I'm uncertain if this is notable/an issue. Does anyone know whether Error A is that there is some error in the key or that the key is no longer valid?
EDIT: The key does indeed work - the little JSE item is in my Steam inventory and, presumably, in-game. As a note to anyone else renewing the code: it may give you an Error A message, but in fact have been successful.
Ive just used it 5 mins ago myself and it still works. Mind you, ya got to use it the exact way jack posted the code, as in the xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx format. Also, the last character is a capital O letter, not a zero.
Sweet. Any chance of doing something similar for the other Youtubers? The hull plates are cool, but certainly not as impressive or fun as Jack's Septic Tank.
Like a little Markiplier doll that says "I hate the ocean!" six different ways when you interact with it?
I can just imagine him saying:
"I hate the ocean, but I love space. This is a space ocean YHWHWAAAAAAAAAH SOOO COOOOOOL AND TERRIFYING"
Mark would need to totally voice act stuff
Or just mark going "GOD DAM IT"
With a pink mustache on the doll.
That is the code yeah, but how come the last digits are just three, did Sean Jack screw up and mistype it?
sorry for bad English
Where are you using the code? Under the Options button on Subnautica's main menu, press on the Key Redemption button and insert the code there. After entering the code, Jack's Septic Tank is under the Miscellaneous tab on the Habitat Builder menu.
i wil try it