Platforms (Foundations)...
Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members

I read this evening on TRELLO that They are planning on removing the Platforms from the game.
Is there a specific reason why?
Without them we won't be able to set up places near our Lifepod above sea-level, for growing land based plants.
I also like being able to stand on an above sea-level platform and watch the night sky.
The platforms also enable us to build a setup similar to the one in this movie...

Which is really cool.
(so is the movie, if it doesn't scare ya outta the ocean, nothing will.)
Is there a specific reason why?
Without them we won't be able to set up places near our Lifepod above sea-level, for growing land based plants.
I also like being able to stand on an above sea-level platform and watch the night sky.
The platforms also enable us to build a setup similar to the one in this movie...

Which is really cool.
(so is the movie, if it doesn't scare ya outta the ocean, nothing will.)

Hope this helps, ciao ciao
They also increase hull integrity, and the next additional sources you'll get are Bulkheads and Reinforced Plating which might be a bit down the road depending on how quick you are or aren't with your progress.
However I have noticed they seem to add to a small bit of unbalanced gameplay. Foundations of course add to the base's integrity and HP, which help if you add stuff like Alien Containments or Water Filtration Machines. But when I build Foundations in other areas, it increases the overall integrity if it's not even part of the original base. So, I could build a wave of 16 Foundations in a secluded part of the map, and the additional integrity lets me bypass limits on my base, even if I have more negative integrity of stuff built inside than the base could realistically support. This might have a reason to do with them wanting to remove them, perhaps.
I'd personally wouldn't care about them being part of base hull or structure or not what I do care is that I won't be able to place things like solar panels, thermal reactors, external growbeds, etc on anything even remotely resembling stable structure. Not really sure why they want to get rid of minor teraforming either, now that digging mechanic was stupid and I'm glad it is gone tbh, but not being able to connect 1 module just because there is a pixel of rock in the way of collision box... that is pretty lame. Probably about a third of why I despise building in fallout 4... next to endless bugs that never get fixed and absurd amount of settlements with tiny ass build limits and idiotic spots, lets put this settlement between 2 bloody intact apartment buildings because reasons, lets have a bunch of run down garbage in our settlement because reasons... while in another one you can get rid of trains and cars in this one there is this one pebble you cannot.
Anyway... they should really just leave terraforming as it is now and make foundations separate from base and not contribute to hull. I do prefer look of base without foundations... but I still want them and see no logical reason for not keeping them.
All I'd ask from from devs is not to try to reinvent a wheel that they already put in and got to work.
If they could do that (keep minor terraforming) and maintain performance, I'd agree.
Well, the tricky part is quantifying the terraforming.
Perhaps it would allow base chunks less than 50% terraform by volume? Then you might get situations where players spam components to nibble away...
The devs kind of have to take silly edge cases into account. Or put in limits, or other fun stuff.
^ Wondering this as well.
As someone said earlier, the fact that teraforming code is in the game causes lots of issues, and not just with the terrain.
I'm all for removing the teraforming code entirely, but you don't have to get rid of platforms, you can just edit platforms to do the same thing components will do; Have their legs stretch down much much further, and don't let them be placed somewhere they'd clip into the terrain.
Pretty much this. I doubt it's the entire cause for some of these performance and size issues, but the mechanics being present in the coding period can definitely keep contributing to it.
Platforms should definitely stick around though, if even for aesthetic purposes. Look at @BENSKI 's garden! ;v;
I would "terraform" the Dunes into a beautiful Kelp Forest if we could do that.
I think growing plants directly from the seabed would pose a whole range of problems. It would completely undermine the idea of separate biomes and ecosystems with unique flora and fauna. I mean imagine putting your base in the deepest part of the Jellyshroom caves and just unproblematically growing a bunch of creepvines outside on the ground without batting an eyelid ... for me it would completely ruin immersion. It would make all the flora seem like nothing more than ploppable props.
To be fair, this isn't much better than being able to grow plants in any biome just because they are in a growbed either ... but at least the growbed is some form of artificial intervention which can make the growing of plants outside of their normal biome make a bit of sense.
One of my suggestions would be to make exterior growbeds have the option of being "powered" or "unpowered" with only the "powered" growbeds being able to grow plants which naturally exist outside of the biome in which they are located through the action of some sciency technology. These powered growbeds could even have some artificial glow effect added to them to indicate that they are synthesising something or regulating the biochemical conditions to promote plant growth in an unnatural environment ...