[BUG] Wreck's doors resetting, and PDAs reappearing

FrigidmanFrigidman USA Join Date: 2016-09-25 Member: 222587Members
Current live build.

I have a hard time knowing if I've been into a wreck it seems, because the door I just cut into and left a gaping hole, suddenly re-seals itself. Same with doors I have opened, or welded the panel to open, they all close up and look like a fresh new wreck.

Also, multiple times now I have picked up the same PDA in some of these wrecks. Like it keeps resetting the whole wreck after time.

Finally, in some of these wrecks, I'm scanning 4 arm fragments all in one spot. Or 2-5 moon pool fragments, or a room with many of the exact same thing piled on top of itself. Almost like it is respawning the items in, despite they are already there.

I dont know which wrecks... if this is a bug specific to specific kinds of wrecks. Without a coord system on beacons or anything, i really can never tell you 'which wrecks' it keeps doing this on.


  • PattersonPatterson Germany Join Date: 2016-03-13 Member: 214179Members
    edited October 2016
  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    I've seen this bug on multiple wrecks as well, (most recently the large wreck in the mountains biome, I was scanning 2-3 still suit fragments in the same location.)

    The doors resealing themselves and pda's respawning I've had happen over time to every wreck in the game with sealed hatches and pda's. I think they either reset after a specific time, or once the player leaves the area the game unloads the assets and then reloads them by their default setting instead of the save data where it's been cut/collected.
  • FrigidmanFrigidman USA Join Date: 2016-09-25 Member: 222587Members
    If I could turn beacons on/off, I would leave a beacon at every wreck I find, just as a local marker by the door saying 'oh, i've cleared this one'. I just cant use them right now, as the screen becomes this cluttered mess of beacons I cannot turn off ;)
  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    edited October 2016
    Frigidman wrote: »
    If I could turn beacons on/off, I would leave a beacon at every wreck I find, just as a local marker by the door saying 'oh, i've cleared this one'.

    A current work around is to use the builder tool and craft a single piece of vertical base tubing right next to the wreck for a couple titanium. It's not perfect, but does let you easily mark wrecks you've cleared.

  • FrigidmanFrigidman USA Join Date: 2016-09-25 Member: 222587Members
    Silveressa wrote: »

    A current work around is to use the builder tool and craft a single piece of vertical base tubing right next to the wreck for a couple titanium. It's not perfect, but does let you easily mark wrecks you've cleared.

    Hmm good idea.........
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