Two Ingots to make an multipurpose room?
The Poconos Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221402Members

So I found this on trello and Imma pick on this Alan guy for a moment:
So before it sounds like I'm being jerk some of these ideas I like. The plants having more of an actual use, for one thing. Being able to make better batteries would be great, and more stuff to find in the Aurora is something I can always get behind. A lot of people have wanted bigger rooms and he brings it up. Also the idea of subsequent scrap spawning in response to minor explosions continuing on the Aurora isn't bad.
But then there's the other stuff.
8 titanium to make a corridor, 20 titanium to make a MP room. Somebody wants us to have to farm for a really long time in order to build a basic habitat.
Solar Panel nerf, I know this would bother people. We are already draining power at an accelerated rate to breath. Making it so solar panels cannot hold their charge at night would make building a base pointless until you unlock the bioreactor from the grassy plateau. Have fun living from storage lockers I guess.
Wants to find a way to keep people off the floating island without the seamoth. I actually don't have an issue with this idea. All the vets head straight to the island so gating stuff there doesn't even matter. Then he goes on to say he thinks there should be more predators on land to keep us off it. That I don't get. Either make more predators or gate the island to the seamoth, doing both is excessive.
Says he eats nothing but latern fruit. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume this feedback is pre-lantern nerf because that is currently impossible. You will vomit long before you fill up on lantern fruit.
I don't know how much of this they intend to implement but give the history of this game's development taking unusual steps back at times I have to wonder if the people they are getting feedback from do more harm then good. If you have an issues with these implementations, I would recommend being very vocal about it because otherwise they just might implement all of this.
So before it sounds like I'm being jerk some of these ideas I like. The plants having more of an actual use, for one thing. Being able to make better batteries would be great, and more stuff to find in the Aurora is something I can always get behind. A lot of people have wanted bigger rooms and he brings it up. Also the idea of subsequent scrap spawning in response to minor explosions continuing on the Aurora isn't bad.
But then there's the other stuff.
8 titanium to make a corridor, 20 titanium to make a MP room. Somebody wants us to have to farm for a really long time in order to build a basic habitat.
Solar Panel nerf, I know this would bother people. We are already draining power at an accelerated rate to breath. Making it so solar panels cannot hold their charge at night would make building a base pointless until you unlock the bioreactor from the grassy plateau. Have fun living from storage lockers I guess.
Wants to find a way to keep people off the floating island without the seamoth. I actually don't have an issue with this idea. All the vets head straight to the island so gating stuff there doesn't even matter. Then he goes on to say he thinks there should be more predators on land to keep us off it. That I don't get. Either make more predators or gate the island to the seamoth, doing both is excessive.
Says he eats nothing but latern fruit. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume this feedback is pre-lantern nerf because that is currently impossible. You will vomit long before you fill up on lantern fruit.
I don't know how much of this they intend to implement but give the history of this game's development taking unusual steps back at times I have to wonder if the people they are getting feedback from do more harm then good. If you have an issues with these implementations, I would recommend being very vocal about it because otherwise they just might implement all of this.
The fact that all energy providers can hold a charge annoys me. It would be better (in my opinion) that we have to build batteries linked to the base to store energy for during the night or when the reactors are down.
Say it would need about 8 powercells and a bunch of titatium and a flat wall to build it against.
Good luck keeping people off the Floater Island unless they have the Seamoth - you give them the Seaglide very early, and with it you can do the Floater Island trip even with clouds of Biters surrounding it (ignoring the failed logic behind clouds of predators with no food source...). Vets know exactly where to swim to reach the island/beach, and with a few first aid kits only Reapers can stop you from surviving the swim. If you remove the beach and make us swim to the donut hole, it takes about fifteen seconds longer to swim there (/shrug).
I question his motivation - why is he so determined to keep people off dry land? The island is a good source for plants and blueprints...once...and then its not real helpful, because it doesn't spawn core resources, its too far to travel to everything else in the game (thats why the Safe Shallows are in the center of the map). I've never built more than a small farm/refueling station on the Floater Island, and that only rarely.
Basically what I'm saying is... DON'T FIX IT IF IT AIN'T BROKEN. There are numerous examples where developers thought they were improving the game but later found out that it was a massively huge mistake and that made the game and their player numbers and sales suffer because of it. Oh hai Blizzard, hows WoW doing at this point with the amount of subs you've lost over the years?
1200% agree with you @Vipor, the power system certainly needs improvement on many fronts.
What annoys me is that generators produce power at a set rate, which means that you can still be loosing power (or have power failure) if something (like the Seamoth charging) is consuming power faster than it is produced, even if your "fuel" supply is plentiful.
As for the original post, I agree with Cleveland's main points. Consistency in crafting is important because inconsistencies in the perceived importance/difficulty of building new objects is a major problem for immersion. I agree that 8 titanium for the corridor and 20 titanium for the multipurpose room seems somewhat excessive, but it makes sense corridors should require more resources than a single metal salvage can provide.
Maybe 6 and 14 titanium respectively would be a better compromise? Perhaps instead of just increasing the amount of materials, it could be that all habitat components also require additional material types, such as copper (in theory used for wires and inbuilt base electronics)? That could lower the requirement for titanium further and make the construction of what is ultimately a complex and vital part of the character's survival more believable.
Personally, by the time I'm ready to start building a second 'main base' I have a Seamoth with the storage upgrade or even a Cyclops with a number of lockers installed inside, so transfering materials in bulk isn't an issue anymore. Though it still does require a number of heading inside for mats then back outside to use them over and over heh... That's just me though, but I do agree in that the costs shouldn't go up TOO high otherwise it just gets tedious - both for crafting in general, and for potential relocating of bases.
This is something that I've already thought about a bit.
Collecting resources is kinda fun. Busywork to click a lot to transfer the stuff around? Not fun. Going on a resourcing spree is fun. Going on building blitzes is satisfying. Running back and forth between the two is annoying, because you need 4 more titanium or three glass, and are out.
Solution? How about a MFR module. You build it in the middle of a MFR. Then you dump stuff into it, and fabricators and base builder devices automatically pull/dump resources in/out of it. When you need more space, you stack it like the alien containment.
Cyclops gets a version too, smaller, non-stacking. Cyclops links to nearby base stores, and can pull/push the base storage.
Prawn automatically dumps resources into storage when docking with Cyclops/Moonpool. Why not Seamoth too, doesn't hurt.
Don't like it? Don't build one, use lockers and manually do it all.
THEN we can start on expensive endgame projects!
With 2 ingots I only need 2 slots to carry my Multi-p room materials to a new build location rather than 9 (2 ingots vs 1 ingot and 8 titanium balls). Much more space efficient.
I am happier to collect a little more resource for the convenience of less inventory slot usage when it comes to the time and location to build.
To add onto this why not have the fabricator pull directly form storage spaces.
Also it would be nice to have upgrades for the moon-pool like one that automatically repairs the seamoth/prawn suit and another that pulls everything from the inventory of the thing you have docked and dumps it into any free space.
you could also have relays that bring items back to your base and dump them in any free space meaning that you could stay out foraging longer
Please for the love of god, DON'T CHANGE the basic game play too much!
It's just fine the way it is.
Anybody remember SWG?
Let's not go that route.
? dose that not just make it less cumbersome so you don't have to keep on going back and forth between storage
Uhm, I already put that in my original topic. I just missed it in the more succinct repost here.
My storeroom idea makes things easier, not harder. Or at least less annoying. Instead of hunting around in lockers for fabricator food, you'd just stick it in the storeroom. Instead of having to leave your comfy PRAWN with Biters and Warpers out for your blood, you'd just dock back into the Cyclops and drop off the loot. Instead of running back and forth between Cyclops and base lockers, you'd just drive it close and activate the storeroom UI, and transfer everything to your massive 5-story base stash.
Of course SWG started off in hard mode and what killed it was turning everything in teddy bears & cupcakes easy mode for all the entitled little snots who wanted to have lightsabers right now, wah!
But you're point still stands.
Also I see no problem with generators storing power when that is in fact what they do. In fact the main function of real life solar panels is to store energy, not just to convert it. Requiring us to build redundant systems is just padding the gameplay.
Generators DON'T actually store power, though. Power plants produce as needed, and distribute.
To store power, you need capacitors for short-term drain, and batteries for long-term drain.
As far as gameplay mechanics, though... I'm not sure. On the one hand, hooking generators up to batteries makes the most sense. But on the other, it adds another block between players and initial base building. And that's at a point when players don't NEED another block in their base building.
Perhaps a compromise? Base power could probably use a total re-factor, anyway, the way it drains one generator at a time. Each solar panel adds 25, and the rest add whatever they add, I don't recall the numbers at the moment.
This way, new bases are almost unaffected initially. A few panels and you can build stuff just fine. And you can add a battery or two for 25 each, easily. When you start tooling up for larger bases, you need many more batteries.
I'm really excited about larger amounts of resources being required, and a nerf to solar panels and to farming.
I've long wanted to have to assemble large fields of solar panels and multiple grow-beds to produce a fully self-sufficient station.
The Island could be protected by putting some sizeable predator under it... not a reaper leviathan - but something else capable of discouraging landing without a sub...
- The big deposits (that only the PRAWN can drill) appear with a more random distribution. This way they don't just increase the amount you can harvest. They would actually allow you to harvest resources you couldn't normally get in that biome. So, there would be titanium deposits in the Inactive Lava zone, Silica deposits in the Mushroom zone. However, these would still be rarer.
- To access these resources without the PRAWN/CYCLOPS combo, you'd need to build a 'refinery' module in the center of a multi-purpose room. You could cut out and haul back 'ore' to the refinery room, but the ore would be very bulky (say taking up 9 or even 12 inventory slots) and wouldn't produce that much material upon being processed.
This way it'd be possible to build a base in any biome, and access most resources, but only once the 'refinery' blueprints had been found (and only very inefficiently). I prefer this as it gives a way to inhabit most parts of the map in the middle game, without too much time traveling between biomes.
The alternative would be that we could build small bases using the diving/seamoth to grind multiple biomes, and then eventually get the PRAWN/CYCLOPS (which gives access to massive amounts of resources and giant bases.
Why not have the base as the storage device itself!! The bigger the base, the more power stored.
Also, this is the hyper-future where power generators could also come with capacitors to retain that energy!!!
As for storage, if titanium ingots could be used in portions, giving it a percentage, then all titanium could be converted, allowing for far more to be stored. With this method, the amount of titanium needed for a project could be modified. A knife could require 2% of a titanium ingot (rather than half a corridor's amount of titanium). This could be done for Copper, Lead and anything else that is commonly smelted into ingots.
As for the tediousness of lugging mats back and forth to set up a base, wouldn't it be awesome to be able to build a construction pod that would look like a mini scanner room. Once on location, the player would enter the pod and control a little, scanner-like, robot, which could lay out blueprints much like the habitat builder. Except the whole base could be laid out this way before any building begins. Once complete, the construction pod would display both (1) a complete list of ingredients to build the entire base and (2) the ingredients it needs to begin/continue construction. All materials could then be dropped in a designated place near the construction pod. Yes, you'd still have to lug mats, but at least you'd know exactly what to lug and I feel if this were implemented it would allow for much more game time to be spent exploring (and farming) than trying to avoid predators and drowning while building your base piece by piece. (I realize this will never be implemented, unless this game gets a modding community)
Won't happen.
I believe the developers already have a accumulator type module in the game already. It's unimplemented at the moment though, possible they plan on adding it later as an energy storage device for when you have an over production of energy.
I also think it would be cool if we could melt down ingots into 10 titanium again, using them like a compressed storage system. Probably wishful thinking though.
Hm, I've built nuclear reactor for energy storing. Seems work. 900+ energy.
Even in Shallows number of solar panels seems not the best option. For my big base I use 3 heat reactors, 2 bio reactors and 2 solar panels. 1 water purification station and seamoth base drain energy insanely. + active crafting like after titanium run (8-10 sheets of metal = 80-100 of energy).
And I always use solar charger on my seamoth, especially now with the increased power demand it has.
Bottom line is solar is the best tech if you're near the surface, because it requires no maintenance once set up and you get it pretty much right out of the gates. Thermal is great, but you need to find that heat source, and especially now that the hot water damages you, it's tricky to place. Bio and nuclear are OK, but require manual maintenance and additional resources to sustain, which can be a chore.
1. Flashlight: Battery and Glass (where's the titanium for the casing?)
2. Thermometer: Computer Chip (no Mercury Ore to gauge the temperature with)
3. Compass: Need Magnetite to unlock it but not to craft it (how does it work without a magnet?)
And then little stuff like the Exosuit and Cyclops; they need one Power Cell to craft but they actually use 2 and 6 power cells normally. Where do the extras power cells come from? But going back to the OP, if a Foundation needs 4 titanium ore to be made and a Multipurpose Room need 6, why does a Titanium Ingot need 10 Titanium Ore when it's far smaller than the Foundation and MP Room? You could argue the ingot is more dense than a room, but it's still somewhat weird.
You end up needing a LOT of Titanium to make stuff you need as you play the game. But there are times when you're sitting on a mountain of ore while waiting to get the unlocks you need. If stuff needed more Titanium to craft, then we could keep less on hand sitting unused and then deconstruct items for other stuff when we're able to. Alternatively, if we could store Ore as Titanium Ingots on hand and break then back down to Ores as we needed, it would also help out.
Wait... since when do the clops and prawn require powercells to craft? Or are you referring to the one you craft the MVB with?
What I don't get the point of this statement? I've never played wow, but you deriding Blizzard because wow has lost a lost of players over the years? The game is 12 years old. I was amazed it got past 2. You have some very odd standards - Oh you are the world's worst developer because the biggest game for so many years isn't still the biggest game 12 years later?
I'll take Blizzards 'failure' as the result of my next game release any day...