Game Breaking Bug, Absolutely Unplayable.
England Join Date: 2014-07-21 Member: 197547Members
The say command treats commas as argument separators, which is fine because you can just use quotes.
Except you cant when you bind it to a key.
So, for example, trying to bind this:
How on Earth am I meant to shit talk a particular player, when I can't set binds :c
I request a hotfix immediately.
Except you cant when you bind it to a key.
So, for example, trying to bind this:
Makes the console spam "Too many arguments being sent to the say command."bind NumPadEnter "say The ever so powerful, Bauer, was sitting on the sidelines, forced to wait an hour to play, so he regathered. In the process, ensuring that he got to play while others got excluded."
How on Earth am I meant to shit talk a particular player, when I can't set binds :c
I request a hotfix immediately.

Also this seemed to be working untill recently, what happened11111????111
Maybe I'll make a bug report about being able to bind anything to a say cmd since there's no good reason for its use
It's a take and give.
Got ambushed/ engaged quite nice but still won the fight? Give some BM to say: "nice try bruh". succesfully ambushed a player who normaly crushs u ez? give him some sweet BM. Killed a lifeform of a good player? BM! Make em acknowledge they underestimated u or that they atleast gave u a rough fight. BM triggers them to try harder next time.
Y would a game that has build in taunts disallow for bm? It's basically the same.
BM is the love shared between highly competetive individuals (tryhards) who always try their hardest to stand out.
Someone givin u a hard time by killin u over and over again and now u finally got him. BM with a sweet "EZ" or similar just to show u don't fear him and up ur selfesteam.
BM ppl u c potential in or who are better then u on every given opportunity to make them and u try harder. Compete and grow on the experiences. Git gud. Try ur hardest to get into a position where u can bm. Did not work out? try harder!
Frankly I have no idea if this is serious.
ofc some ppl overdo or missuse it, some just r bullies, others who r targeted might also missinterprete but overall what i posted earlier is the essence of bm IMHO
That would just further reinforce the notion that the majority of comp players are mentally impaired / socially retarded.
Frankly I also have no idea if his response is serious