Vessels docked within our Cyclops should not be subject to outside pressure.
Originally Wallasey, UK now Los Angeles, US. Join Date: 2016-09-10 Member: 222215Members

EDIT: I hesitated as well when I saw that warning and went diving into the forums, I read pretty much exactly what I explained here and dove deeper, The Seamoth was fine.
Nope, not if you go deep enough. My Seamoth exploded tonight.
EDIT: Further testing done, The Cyclops cracked before the seamoth did.
The geyser itself does not harm the Seamoth, I asked because I know they can kill a player through a Seabase or Cyclops and formed a theory from that. I did however notice another potential explanation. Extreme heat can slowly damage it over time. Perhaps the Cyclops does not protect it from this, even though it protects the player from extreme heat.
Extreme heat being anything in excess of 70*C
Thanks for the testing. Hopefully, the devs will fix this, no matter the cause.