lockups by progression
Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58289Members

If you want to make really nice way of going into the ns game, you could introduce lockups on different abilities and guns and lifeforms. I got the idea (which probably has been suggested many times before) about concede-function first because these days many different skill levels play on the same server and finishing the game is important for the rookies but less so for the vets (who knows when the game is over usually) since they really has to see how EVERYTHING works game mechanic wise. A rookie can learn a lot from the endgame. How to handle weapons, how different lifeforms works and so on. So if you make concede button only work till you get a certain level (hivetime, skill, whatever) you can have this function only to work for higher skill levels. This thinking could also be applied higher lifeforms or guns. The point is that to a rookie gets overwhelmed by all options and this will make it easier for him/her and create a sense of progression. Also, as a bonus, smurfs will get really annoyed! And for the business minded that complains about lockups, you could maybe get a all lockups for a (tiny) fee.

But if that happens, the remaining 100 players will quit too.
Terrible idea. Absolutely terrible.
To be honest I am not 100% sure what you are suggesting here. It reads like you want to make concede work until you get to a X level. This would make it so veterans could not concede, only rookies could.
I would not like that suggestion. Veterans would start F4'ing instead of staying in the game trying to concede. This would hurt the games quality of life.
Part of me thinks you are actually are suggesting the reverse and I am reading it wrong. This would mean rookies would not be able to concede until they reach X level. Again, I don't like this. People should be able to concede if they want to concede. This would hurt quality of life.
You say this concept could also be applied to lifeforms and weapons. I really do not like that either. I would not want to limit certain players. I can imagine where we have a team rookies and no one can onos because they have not unlocked it yet. This could effect game balance.
I also do not like rookies and veterans having different mechanics in game. I would not want rookie only servers to have health bars, and regular servers to not. I think it is best if rookies and veterans play the same game. That means having all weapons and lifeforms unlocked.
But i was thinking it to take maybe like a few hours to put in on a scale, maybe as an alternative to a tutorial.
Because it is not a fair game if some people can use things that other people cannot use. A player should never be better than another player because the game gives him an unfair advantage, but because he got more skill.
This is one of the reasons why Call of Duty is so bad.
I don't really understand what are you trying to say. How does that change the fact that it gives people an unfair advantage?
Also I did not play NS1 Combat. But in NS2 Combat every player started the same with lvl 1 every new round.
Judging by the vast amount of people with 1000+ hours who go "OMG WHY CONCEDE???" when one team has been on 7 RTs for the entire round and the other team doesn't get more than 1 room away from their spawn, learning when to concede is the most important lesson of NS2. Might as well start as early as possible.