I had a nightmare recently where a placid reefback split open along the seam of its upper and lower body to reveal a cavernous maw full of tentacles and razor-sharp teeth in half a dozen rows... That prompted the idea.
Easiest way to block progress past the void would be to add ever increasingly strong currents pulling you down and you have to turn back before you reach crush depth.
Or just a tentacle snaking in from out of visual range, batting you around...
I tried to sink a Cyclops to get rid of the beacon on it, but failed. I still hate not being able to see the bottom. I'm fine with depth, I just like being able to see it. :P
EDIT: Found the option to add more poll options.
And when I click on that, it POSTS THE POLL. I've no idea.
I'm on Win10 Professional 64Bit Chrome Version 52.0.2743.116, and no issues on my end either.
@orobouros your knee-jerks are too hilarious.
The very edge of the map that drops off into a bottomless void
Close enough, my Windows 7 is Enterprise but otherwise the same.
The rest of the options were supposed to be:
Emperor Leviathans (or variant)
Sea Dragon Leviathans (or variant)
Phantom Leviathans (or variant)
Hostile Reefback variant
Aurora-Sized Giga-Predator (Kaiju)
I had a nightmare recently where a placid reefback split open along the seam of its upper and lower body to reveal a cavernous maw full of tentacles and razor-sharp teeth in half a dozen rows... That prompted the idea.
Remember the skull of the creature found in the bone graveyard? The adult version of that.
That's what I meant by "Aurora-sized Giga-Predator". Imagine our dismay to find out the Lost River Boneyard carcass was a baby...
I tried to sink a Cyclops to get rid of the beacon on it, but failed.