The Aurora's Effect on the Environment
United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members

I made a post earlier in the week that talked about us having no real reason to feel anything about the Aurora crash. This post, however, got me thinking. I said to myself that if we couldn't feel something for the Aurora, maybe we could feel something for the environment. I looked around the Aurora, and apart from tonnes of holes and a Life Pod dangling upside down on the surface (which I might add to the Screenshots thread) there wasn't much. Sure, there's radiation pouring out of the ship but the wildlife seems strangely resistant to it. Even though I hate Reapers, seeing one crushed under the Aurora could kind of make me think "oh, that sucks". Maybe Peepers floating dead on the surface, they're pretty much Subnautica's mascot, or Sand Sharks floating in the water around the Aurora, radiated and diseased. Maybe even make the Reapers a little less dangerous because of the radiation. That way it can be a real surprise when they're a lot more menacing in the Dunes or Mountains. Just an idea, though 

In other words sit out of range and say
*crawls out of the dive suit and flips it off*
Fuck you! *dramatic zoom in and music*
(Always wanted to say it without a cyclops)
This is what my brain imagined that to look like
Someone got to reference
First, of course they need to programm new models for flora and fauna
Second, new AI behaviourpatterns
there are a couple of more points but the biggest problem in my eyes is the strange survival of the Aurora.
It crashlands, explodes and still like 70% of its inner skeleton are intact.
Yes, the Devs want us to explore some parts of it, repairing the reactors and such but first thing i asked myself after doing that:
"Uh... Ok, there is still something working in this ship for containing the radiation?"
Even after repairing the reactor, every part of the Aurora should be radiating. Atm you repair the core and thats it. I would love to see some lomgterm effects, so that you have to switch swimsuits if you want to explore the place
Yes, the Alterras are a highlyy advanced corp.
So i would agree with you about the Aurora itself concerning the radiation, but that still leaves scattered modules,and hullparts. Negating the radiation directly at the aurora, ok.
But that brought me another intetesting idea.
We restore the reactor of the Aurora, why not more of it?
Sloly repairing more and more of its systems as another, big station with highly advanced labs, production lines etc. hm... I guess ill need to search if such a topic exists...
Like when you first explore the exploded part of the aurora you get the notification "Human parts detected in the digestive tract of a lifeform nearby. Further exploration not recommended." and damn that left a creepy uncomfortable feeling...