"Code Name Mososaurus" A Subnautica Story
Arizona Join Date: 2016-05-10 Member: 216572Members

I am making a story because I have noticed that there are only a few out there and I want to share the events of my survivor while also sharing his backstory.
Time/Date- Unknown
System- Unknown
Planet- Unknown
Audio log:
'It is day. Uh. 127 aboard the Aurora. I am beginning an audio log as I have just finished training and would like to record my experiments. Im am apart of the Zoology group. They have nicknamed me Moso for my obsession over the prehistoric sea minster mososaurus. We are expirimenting in fauna too see how well they can handle a starship making constant warps to different systems. As a side project, I am working an a miniature submersible that can possibly be retrograded as a small mining ship for astroid feilds as. Well... This is a mining vessel after all. *comms chatter* I have to report out, I have been called to the bridge.'
Log 2:
'Looks like the Captain is very interested in my submersible design and would like to provide a grant for when we return to Earth. This is great news a- *alarms sound* *captains voice is on the ship comms* I have to get to a po-.'
Log 3:
-audio log recorder failed- -reverting to type/text log-
Day 1: I have successfully made it to a pod. I dont know whom else has and noone else got in mine. The computer says that the buoys have deployed which must mean we have crash landed on an aquatic planet. I will explore the surrounding area and report back.
Day 2: Thank God for survival training. I have managed to build basic survival tools to keep me alive. Knife, welder, and a Sea Glider. I am building what is called a builder that will alliw me to actually have some leg room. Hopefully somewhere nice, but I have heard long echos from a distance near the beak of the Aurora. It seems too shallow for something to make that noise where I landed.
Day 3: I have built a basic scanner. This has allowed me to study the local flora, fauna, and some of the expirimental blueprints found scattered across this... Place? I dont know what to call it. I have only explored the surrounding reef and kelp forests. The Aurora sits North East approximately 1.5 kilometers. What ever is making that echo. Well. Its coming from more than one location. Im am really hoping its just the Aurora's reactor which has recently detonated. But this is a planet that seems almost entirely aquatic. There will be billions of different species here.
Day 10: I have found my. Hm. It looks like a moth so I guess that can work as a name. Yes. Seamoth. I like that. Anyways. I have found my "Seamoth" torn apart into multiple parts. It was scattered across this red, grass plateau filled with these pirana like fish, sharks that sleep in the sand, and a large, whale like creature that reminds me of an old game, about 100 years old, that I used to play. Halo, I believe the name was. We never found any aliens like those, but I guess that is a good thing.
Day 15: I found out that the scanner works on my seamoth parts. Captain must have programmed it into the computer. I found all if the parts and built a floating vehicle builder thingy. I have also mad a builder and built a small room about 5 or 10 meters bellow the pod. That should atleast stop the sea sickness.
Day 17: I found an island! This is great news. It appears to be floating with the help of some of those floaters I found in the red plateau. They are significantly bigger here though. I found small deposits of lithium and edible plant life here. I have also discovered that there are other survivors. I cant be too enthusiastic though because they abandoned this place awhile ago to head deeper. A team went in the direction towards my pod. I haven't seen them yet. And a team headed east, towards the rear if the Aurora. I scanned some of their planters which seem to have come from the biolabs. I will grab some fruits too. Maybe I can plant them in my little base and grow a renewable source of food and no long have to eat these strange qnd adorable fish.
Day 25: Righ then. Finally have some time to relax and write whats been going on the past week. Reefbacks. As I have come to call them are very interesting creatures. They are very similar to whales on Earth. But I have not found how they eat. The breath and propel themselves the same way a squid does. A tube underneath it sucks in water. And the other spits it out. There is no noticable mouth, but it may feed on plankton and other microorganism while breathing and swimming. (Using the tubes). Its back is very coral like. Spongy. Along with 3 long tendrils on its back. I dont see thier purpose yet. It also has, what I assume is a group of egg sacks. The reefback has also been useful for hiding from sandsharks as they seem to avoid swimming so high up. Which brings me to my next discovery. Snadsharks. 4 eyes and no tail fin. It swims by slithering through the sand which means it cant swim very high or anywhere rocky like the reef. Something interesting though is that all creatures have a glow when it is dark. I would assume it works like most deep sea fish and use it for communication, but that doesnt seem to be the case. The sandsharks mouth glows in the dark, the peepers eye, reefback eggs. Most, if not all creatures glow and I dont see any advantage to why they have evolved that. It is dark 75% of the time here because of this planets extreme orbit. It appears to be a binary planet with the other being a baren, desert like planet. But it also shares a moon similar to Earths that is likely on an eliptical orbit. The days are about half an hour and the nights 20 to 25 minutes. The moon only appears every 2 or 3 nights and the other planet blocks the star for about 10 seconds every 5 days. I have sat down ontop of the pod and counted. Right then. Back to another few days then I will get some more information. And. I typed about the survivors days after I found the base. The impact on me has gone away by the time I typed that. I have their PDAs which I will read, them upload to the diary.
Day 29: After a long swim around the edge of the red plateau I have found the ideal place to set up shop.
I found a forest of tree like mushrooms with some interesting creatures. Jellyrays as I have called them. Its entire body glows and it is slightly transparent. They are completely passive but they seem to be covered in a poisonous slime. This may be the reason why so many creature have evolved this neon feature. The jellyray seems to live passively with multiple predators, and it is also poisonous. It is likely that is a sign of poison on this planet that creatures have evolved to look like.
But that is not the biome I have mapped out. I have discoved the glowing kelp forest. I have not seen any fish there yet and it seems to be protected by multiple cliffs and large caves making it ideal for building. This is on the northern side of the area that I have seen.
Im getting hungry. Luckily the plants are all edible. I wonder if there are any other pand masses.
*This will constantly be updated. Possibly daily, so please check back every day if you like it, and let me know if you want more of the personal story telling too.*
Time/Date- Unknown
System- Unknown
Planet- Unknown
Audio log:
'It is day. Uh. 127 aboard the Aurora. I am beginning an audio log as I have just finished training and would like to record my experiments. Im am apart of the Zoology group. They have nicknamed me Moso for my obsession over the prehistoric sea minster mososaurus. We are expirimenting in fauna too see how well they can handle a starship making constant warps to different systems. As a side project, I am working an a miniature submersible that can possibly be retrograded as a small mining ship for astroid feilds as. Well... This is a mining vessel after all. *comms chatter* I have to report out, I have been called to the bridge.'
Log 2:
'Looks like the Captain is very interested in my submersible design and would like to provide a grant for when we return to Earth. This is great news a- *alarms sound* *captains voice is on the ship comms* I have to get to a po-.'
Log 3:
-audio log recorder failed- -reverting to type/text log-
Day 1: I have successfully made it to a pod. I dont know whom else has and noone else got in mine. The computer says that the buoys have deployed which must mean we have crash landed on an aquatic planet. I will explore the surrounding area and report back.
Day 2: Thank God for survival training. I have managed to build basic survival tools to keep me alive. Knife, welder, and a Sea Glider. I am building what is called a builder that will alliw me to actually have some leg room. Hopefully somewhere nice, but I have heard long echos from a distance near the beak of the Aurora. It seems too shallow for something to make that noise where I landed.
Day 3: I have built a basic scanner. This has allowed me to study the local flora, fauna, and some of the expirimental blueprints found scattered across this... Place? I dont know what to call it. I have only explored the surrounding reef and kelp forests. The Aurora sits North East approximately 1.5 kilometers. What ever is making that echo. Well. Its coming from more than one location. Im am really hoping its just the Aurora's reactor which has recently detonated. But this is a planet that seems almost entirely aquatic. There will be billions of different species here.
Day 10: I have found my. Hm. It looks like a moth so I guess that can work as a name. Yes. Seamoth. I like that. Anyways. I have found my "Seamoth" torn apart into multiple parts. It was scattered across this red, grass plateau filled with these pirana like fish, sharks that sleep in the sand, and a large, whale like creature that reminds me of an old game, about 100 years old, that I used to play. Halo, I believe the name was. We never found any aliens like those, but I guess that is a good thing.
Day 15: I found out that the scanner works on my seamoth parts. Captain must have programmed it into the computer. I found all if the parts and built a floating vehicle builder thingy. I have also mad a builder and built a small room about 5 or 10 meters bellow the pod. That should atleast stop the sea sickness.
Day 17: I found an island! This is great news. It appears to be floating with the help of some of those floaters I found in the red plateau. They are significantly bigger here though. I found small deposits of lithium and edible plant life here. I have also discovered that there are other survivors. I cant be too enthusiastic though because they abandoned this place awhile ago to head deeper. A team went in the direction towards my pod. I haven't seen them yet. And a team headed east, towards the rear if the Aurora. I scanned some of their planters which seem to have come from the biolabs. I will grab some fruits too. Maybe I can plant them in my little base and grow a renewable source of food and no long have to eat these strange qnd adorable fish.
Day 25: Righ then. Finally have some time to relax and write whats been going on the past week. Reefbacks. As I have come to call them are very interesting creatures. They are very similar to whales on Earth. But I have not found how they eat. The breath and propel themselves the same way a squid does. A tube underneath it sucks in water. And the other spits it out. There is no noticable mouth, but it may feed on plankton and other microorganism while breathing and swimming. (Using the tubes). Its back is very coral like. Spongy. Along with 3 long tendrils on its back. I dont see thier purpose yet. It also has, what I assume is a group of egg sacks. The reefback has also been useful for hiding from sandsharks as they seem to avoid swimming so high up. Which brings me to my next discovery. Snadsharks. 4 eyes and no tail fin. It swims by slithering through the sand which means it cant swim very high or anywhere rocky like the reef. Something interesting though is that all creatures have a glow when it is dark. I would assume it works like most deep sea fish and use it for communication, but that doesnt seem to be the case. The sandsharks mouth glows in the dark, the peepers eye, reefback eggs. Most, if not all creatures glow and I dont see any advantage to why they have evolved that. It is dark 75% of the time here because of this planets extreme orbit. It appears to be a binary planet with the other being a baren, desert like planet. But it also shares a moon similar to Earths that is likely on an eliptical orbit. The days are about half an hour and the nights 20 to 25 minutes. The moon only appears every 2 or 3 nights and the other planet blocks the star for about 10 seconds every 5 days. I have sat down ontop of the pod and counted. Right then. Back to another few days then I will get some more information. And. I typed about the survivors days after I found the base. The impact on me has gone away by the time I typed that. I have their PDAs which I will read, them upload to the diary.
Day 29: After a long swim around the edge of the red plateau I have found the ideal place to set up shop.
I found a forest of tree like mushrooms with some interesting creatures. Jellyrays as I have called them. Its entire body glows and it is slightly transparent. They are completely passive but they seem to be covered in a poisonous slime. This may be the reason why so many creature have evolved this neon feature. The jellyray seems to live passively with multiple predators, and it is also poisonous. It is likely that is a sign of poison on this planet that creatures have evolved to look like.
But that is not the biome I have mapped out. I have discoved the glowing kelp forest. I have not seen any fish there yet and it seems to be protected by multiple cliffs and large caves making it ideal for building. This is on the northern side of the area that I have seen.
Im getting hungry. Luckily the plants are all edible. I wonder if there are any other pand masses.
*This will constantly be updated. Possibly daily, so please check back every day if you like it, and let me know if you want more of the personal story telling too.*
"I discovered an island! And a very strange one at that. When I first approached it, I thought that there must be a problem with the seamoth's sonar, as is was not reading the base of the island. I approached to take a look, perhaps find if there was something there that was making the sonar go wrong, like a growth of sponges dampening the echo, only to see that the sonar was working perfectly: The island was floating. An inspection revealed that it was supported by several of the creatures from the red grassy area, which I had been calling "floaters" in my head, due to their very buoyant nature. I had not thought much of them at the time, but I had no idea that they could get this big: the ones supporting the island seemed easily 20 meters across, give or take some. The ones in the grassy areas had been no larger than footballs. I hope whatever other oddities this planet has in store are as pleasant."
That's what I like to see: More creative writing, less Shouty Guys doing that "Me Too!" thing on YouTube.
Try breaking up some of the longer blocks of text. Makes the story much easier to read.
Correct your spelling errors as you go. That wriggly red line is actually a helpful feature.
Best of luck mate. If you're stuck for ideas, leave the story to sit for a couple of days.
Above all else, keep on plugging away at it.