Riding Sea Dragons
North Carolina Join Date: 2016-04-21 Member: 216044Members
You can already train other animals so why not? It would make a reason to go try to find them in the ocean and would just be an amazing idea. Also for people like me who are scared of the deep ocean. It would give us hope and a reason not to be scared. Maybe even have it where it will protect you from most other animals.
You could even go in depth and add training upgrades to it. Being able to attack and move faster. Add different color saddles. Maybe even build a sea dragon wistle so you can call it if it gets lost. I mean you could even add genders and the ability to farm and breed them.
This is just an idea. I would personally love to be able to fully ride the sea dragons
You could even go in depth and add training upgrades to it. Being able to attack and move faster. Add different color saddles. Maybe even build a sea dragon wistle so you can call it if it gets lost. I mean you could even add genders and the ability to farm and breed them.
This is just an idea. I would personally love to be able to fully ride the sea dragons

Domestication: Not all defenses have to be mechanized. You can go the old fashioned way and domesticate animals to be your watchdogs. Be sure to feed them, though, or they'll get hungry and try to kill you. The cute fish is already domesticated and doesn't require food. The PDA could have a tab labeled Pets where you could name your pets and view their status. It would have their mood, task, health, personal information, and energy. Energy slowly depletes and when it fully does, the pet goes to sleep. Diurnal or nocturnal creatures sleep when they are supposed to. Some creatures, like the stalker, will gain more energy at night or something special like that. Mood would display, hungry, feeding, content, and full. Hungry would mean they would be hostile and you'd have to feed them, feeding would mean they were eating, content would mean they were strong and ready to fight, and full would mean they ate too much and needed to rest. Health is obvious. Task would be what they were doing at the moment. You could click on the task and see how long until you'd have to assign a new task, the multiplier of energy depletion, and possible other tasks. Certain creatures would have different tasks(e.g. stalkers, lava lizards, and shuttlebugs would have collect metals). The two main tasks are "escort" and "defend the nearest base". Personal Information would be their name, species, wire slot, back slot and gender. If you have a male and female of the creatures and an outdoor nursery then you can tell them to breed and you get eggs in the nursery. You'd have to take the eggs out and put them in your aquarium for them to hatch.
Nursery(Building like farming tray): Creatures breed at it and it holds eggs. You can build a water filtration machine on it and it will have water to give the creatures food.
Titanium x2
Jelly Plant
Tracking Wire: Fully Domesticates animals that are let outside your aquarium. You can put it on an animal inside your aquarium and then release them and you'll have a pet. Can only domesticated shark and smaller creatures.
Copper Wire
Feeding Wire(Upgrade of Tracking Wire made at workbench): Feeds the creatures small amounts of food but makes them a less able fighting force as they don't need to fight to eat.
Tracking Wire
Airsack x2
Nutrient Block
Control Wire(Workbench Upgrade): Allows you to remote control creatures from your PDA like camera drones.
Tracking Wire
Camera Drone
Saddle: So you can ride on those creatures to any place you want. Different creatures have different speeds. You can use tools while riding and creatures will bite of their own accord.
Fiber Mesh x2
Titanium x2
Back Mounted Repulsor Turret: Auto aiming brain connected battery powered Repulsion Cannon on the back of creatures that helps you defend your base. It also makes the creature more deadly when it becomes hungry and hostile.
Repulsion Cannon
Computer Chip
I like the level of detail.
Anyway, I actually like this idea, to a small degree. I've always been a guy who thinks that any game with a "ridiculous" mode is ten times better. Basically, for SN, "Ridiculous" would be like Creative, with the ability to one-hit Reapers with a normal knife, ride Sea Dragons, and so on. That way people who want a break from the calm and serenity of everyday Subnautica can go punch a mountain. It adds variety, things like that are amazingly fun to do, and you can just imagine the YouTube videos.
The reaper was made to be bad, so probably not going to happen.