Wrecks, Lifepods and Bases: A guide in progress

pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members
I decided to start out mapping some of the stuff on our little ocean planet. Especially since several important blueprints and fragments now need to be hunted.

Anything and Everything in this guide is subject to change without notice as updates appear.
All of this has been mapped in EXPERIMENTAL.

By the island closest to the front of the aurora (beware the roaming reaper)
Fragments: Mobile vehicle bay, Bio reactor, Water Filtration, cyclops hull,
Items: plant shelf, picture frame, benches, plant pot, NS poster, floodlight, Light stick

in the koosh zone right on the edge to the shroom tree forest (beware the shockers, bone sharks)
Fragments: bio reactor, seamoth modification station, modification station
Items: benches, outdoor grow bed, indoor grow bed, plant pot, floodlight, led stick

closest to your life pod (mine spawned here) if not, closest to the end of the aurora, by a heat geyser (not a heat vent) in the safe shallows
Blueprints: desk, chair

Grand Reef
Fragments: thermal plant, moonpool

Blood kelp zone, wedged between two rock walls
fragments: cyclops pressure compensator, moonpool, nuclear reactor
items: floodlight

Wreck (mini)
East of back of aurora between kelp forest and blood grass areas
(seems to be empty for now)

Abandoned sea bases

Floater island
Abandoned PDA's 4
fragments: Living wall, spootlight, observatory, desk, outdoor growbeds, plant pot #2
goodies: supply crates, seeds for plants (hello marble melon and hanging fruit)
Note: Marble Melons CAN be planted, the small marble melon is unique and cannot be re-planted and reharvested

JellyShroom caves:
Abandoned PDA's: 7 (one pda is outside on the ground right in front of the broken segment)
fragments: living wall

13: dangerously close to the back of the aurora, nestled in some creepvines (watch out for the reaper)
goodies: a supply crate

19: east of the back of the aurora in the creepvine forest
goodies: none

Lifepod 3
Closest to your working lifepod, also very close to the surface in safe shallows
goodies: none



  • pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members
    Also several blueprints unlock as soon as you pick up an item that it's in the recipe. So for example you pick up magnitite(sp?) and you can now build a compass

    (would add this to my original post but it won't let me edit it)
  • project_mercyproject_mercy Aurora Engine Room Join Date: 2016-03-27 Member: 214884Members
    It's nice you're working on this list, but the fact it's here is indicative of the fact the new system still has issues and isn't any better. I hope somewhere in the next month they do a better job of spreading them out and/or adding in more wrecks. There needs to be things you gather in every biome and that you find encourage you to go to the next. That means things around where you start, and things in the biomes around them, as opposed to currently where there's giant caches of them out in places you otherwise wouldn't know to go if you hadn't already played a previous version of the game.
  • KlinnKlinn Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members
    Good point Project_Mercy. In addition, if a definitive list like this can be nailed down then that will indicate the game has limited replay value. Instead of exploring to find fragments it will simply be go to wreck A, pick up X,Y,Z, proceed to to wreck B, etc.

    The system needs some randomization to keep multiple play-throughs interesting, and given the current design of fragments located in wrecks, that means there needs to be a lot more wrecks scattered around, preferably not the same ones in the same places in every game.
  • WheeljackWheeljack Chilling in the Grand Reef Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214338Members
    I do believe the wrecks have random fragments in them, because the wreck near the aurora for me had Seamoth, Seaglide, and Solar Panel fragments in it.
  • KlinnKlinn Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members
    edited March 2016
    I think you're right Wheeljack, because when I searched that wreck (assuming it's the same Wreck #1) I didn't find the Solar Panel but only the Bioreactor. Curses. :D But I don't think that's enough randomization to keep multiple play-throughs interesting. Then again, who knows what the devs have up their sleeves. :)

    For interest's sake, here are the wrecks I've found so far and their approximate coordinates:
        Subnautica Wrecks and Lifepods Found
                 As of Build 30600
    Wreck1   Grassy Plateaus     286,  -74,  444
    Wreck3   Koosh Zone          940, -198,  593
    Wreck6   Dunes             -1448, -332,  723
    Wreck8   BloodKelp_Trench  -1208, -332, -390
    Wreck12  Safe Shallows        85,  -40,  113
    Wreck13  Safe Shallows      -150,  -20, -227  (boundary with Grassy Plateaus)
    Wreck14  Safe Shallows       160,  -27, -253  (near Kelp Forest)
    Wreck15  Safe Shallows       -33,  -25, -398  (near volcanic vent)
    Wreck16  Safe Shallows       343,  -16, -190
    Wreck17  Kelp Forest          64,  -24,  376
    Wreck18  Kelp Forest        -317,  -73,  222
    Wreck19  Kelp Forest        -374,  -74,  296
    Wreck20  Kelp Forest         305,  -53, -319
    Wreck21  Lifepod #12  Safe Shallows    26, -22,  302
    Wreck22  Lifepod  #3  Safe Shallows  -151,  -1, -404
    Wreck23  Lifepod #19  Kelp Forest    -261, -68,    5
    Wreck24  Lifepod #13  Safe Shallows   314, -36, -112
    Wreck25  Lifepod  #4  Safe Shallows    75, -28,  -95
    Wreck26  Lifepod #13  Kelp Forest     263, -54, -410  (yup, two #13's)
    Wrecks with no GOTO command
    Wreck-Other01  Grand Reef       -283, -222, -784
    Wreck-Other02  Grassy Plateaus  -627,  -56,   -7
    Wreck-Other03  Mushroom Forest  -644,  -95,  784  (stuck in a coral tree)

    Interesting that there are two #13 lifepods. I guess that really was an unlucky number! :D

    (Edit: BTW, to see your current coords, hit F1)
  • j0ndavj0ndav Bristol Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214373Members
  • WheeljackWheeljack Chilling in the Grand Reef Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214338Members
    Nice work on finding all those wrecks. Just came back from the one in the koosh zone, but wasn't able to explore because I kept running out of air. 200+ depth is pushing what three air tanks and a seaglide allow me to do.

    Really need to find the remaining seamoth fragments. Was lucky enough to get the mobile vehicle bay fragments in one wreck, so I can at least build that in preparation.

    I don't think I'll be using the coordinates so I can explore more naturally, but it's nice to see there are more wrecks to find in the safe shallows. Most of those only seem to have desk/chair combo though. Hope that changes even if it's only one or two fragments per wreck in the safe shallows.
  • ADM_NtekADM_Ntek Join Date: 2016-03-18 Member: 214456Members
    edited March 2016
    last time i checked there was a wreck in the underwater island area. sadly i forgot to remember the cords.
  • KlinnKlinn Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members
    Yup, I normally only use the coords to confirm if I've already seen a particular wreck during that play-through. Heh, I used to mark the ones I found by creating a grow bed nearby and planting some creepvine seeds. Unfortunately that isn't viable these days since I can't get the grow bed blueprint as early in the game. I don't want to put a beacon at every wreck site since that would cause too much visual clutter.

    None of the wrecks in the Safe Shallows or Kelp Forest appear to have any tech fragments other than the desk and chair, and only rarely have supply chests. I'm guessing that they will eventually contain some bits of the story via PDA's or something.

    Good job scouting that Koosh Zone wreck at that depth. With 3 tanks I was already having trouble with wreck #1 in the Grassy Plateaus since I didn't have the SeaGlide. But I enjoyed the effort it took to explore the wreck, it fit in with the survival theme well.
  • RedMallieRedMallie America Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214355Members
    Thanks for the lists! They are useful to me in order to remember to get out there and explore, since my character is a chicken, hahahaha!!! There is some kind of motivation for me to go see them first hand, so to speak.

    And I agree that the game must have some randomization of wreck positions and contents / findings, because otherwise it will become too tedious in the end.
  • project_mercyproject_mercy Aurora Engine Room Join Date: 2016-03-27 Member: 214884Members
    They do appear slightly random, which is actually worse. I started a new game and here's what I got:

    No fragments in any of the shallows wrecks (just your standard desks & chairs) including the one right next to the Aurora with the closed hatch.
    No fragments in any of the Kelp Forest wrecks that don't require a laser cutter to get into (again, desks and chairs). Laser cutter still requires a diamond.
    Only bio reactors and the fixed items in big one out in the back end of the grassyPlains biome and the other ones closer to the shallows have nothing but desks and chairs).

    If I was a new player, I would have quit long before I found any of this and written the game off as boring and unfinished. The concept of what we had before was conceptually good, it's just the implementation was not great. There should be wrecks in the shallows and/or within a 60m(or shallower) area of the kelp forests that contain all the things a person might require to enjoy the experience in the shallows and kelp forest. That means solar panels, seaglides, maybe a few upgrades, etc. This would allow a person to populate and have fun with an area and maybe spur further exploration, and so they find things like seamoth and bioreactors down in the deeper kelp forests and grassy plains, etc. etc.

    I'm working on a feedback thread to talk about this, so I'm not going to go in it here, but unless this is just a stepping stone to something a lot better, it still needs work.
  • pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members
    I kinda figured the list wouldn't be relevant soon enough, but at least it shows people who are struggling with powering up a base that it can be done, you just gotta man(woman) up and go explore.

    I have yet to complete the seamoth fragments, my little seaglide has seen quite a lot of miles.

    Also a possible bug I may have found, maybe you guys who have explored have encountered this.

    In experimental if you swim up close to any wreck (or swim into it) you suddenly slow down significantly. Regardless if you're using the seaglide or the swim fins. I've noticed that I'll be going at a nice clip and then boom, its like I'm swimming in syrup. Haven't tested this out with a seamoth but for me it happened.
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    If I was a new player, I would have quit long before I found any of this and written the game off as boring and unfinished

    One thing to keep in mind is that new players start to play on the stable version of the game, which still contain all the fragments out in the world. Players dont come playing in Experimental usually until after they've played awhile on the Stable version then they hear about Experimental and sometimes switch to it.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that what we experience right now in Experimental will surely change alot in the following days/weeks. One that plays in Experimental needs to understand that this mode is unstable and its basically a playtest field for the devs, they try out stuff in this mode. Right now theyre in the process of removing the random frags in the world and not only relocating them inside wrecks but also soon enough they will change visually to resemble the tech theyre meant to represent.

    Im also currently playing in Experimental mode and in my most recent game ive found literally 0 solar panel frags in about 12 major wreck ive visited. its bothering but its to be expected. im sure soon enough we'll see more changes and they'll come back to us :smiley:
  • ADM_NtekADM_Ntek Join Date: 2016-03-18 Member: 214456Members
    edited March 2016
    I kinda figured the list wouldn't be relevant soon enough, but at least it shows people who are struggling with powering up a base that it can be done, you just gotta man(woman) up and go explore.

    I have yet to complete the seamoth fragments, my little seaglide has seen quite a lot of miles.

    Also a possible bug I may have found, maybe you guys who have explored have encountered this.

    In experimental if you swim up close to any wreck (or swim into it) you suddenly slow down significantly. Regardless if you're using the seaglide or the swim fins. I've noticed that I'll be going at a nice clip and then boom, its like I'm swimming in syrup. Haven't tested this out with a seamoth but for me it happened.

    yea i noticed that too even killed me once died a few seconds before i could get into my moth. they probably do that to make it easier to move in the wreck.
  • project_mercyproject_mercy Aurora Engine Room Join Date: 2016-03-27 Member: 214884Members
    In experimental if you swim up close to any wreck (or swim into it) you suddenly slow down significantly.

    I've noticed that in the current stable version also. I'm not sure how long its been there.
  • VorgVorg AZ Join Date: 2016-03-23 Member: 214717Members
    With so few frags to scan which turn into titanium if you have the BP and hardly any scrap to pick up and all the nodes (sandstone, limestone, etc.) dried up gone, getting enough metal to do much of anything in a new game is very hard. having BP's is useless when you can't get the mat's to build it
  • pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members
    I've found plenty of fragments (no solar panel or the power transmitter) but I have noticed that depending on the wreck you're in, if you exit it, swim about, come back and go back into it the fragments re-spawn.

    Other fragments despite being there are non scannable (currently I found scanner room fragments that cannot be scanned)

    I'm just assuming the devs are doing lots of small changes to wrecks right now that messes with Experimental.
  • KlinnKlinn Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members
    edited March 2016
    Interesting, PocketMunchkin, I haven't noticed any fragments re-spawning yet. I wish one of the Cyclops hull fragments would do that, it's the only part I'm missing.

    Besides the Scanner Room fragments which can't be scanned (ironic? :) ) I found the new bedroom furniture over in a wreck in the Mountains biome and none of those can be scanned yet either. That wreck was at coords 697, -331, 1207 if anyone else wants to check it out.

    I'm hoping a new stable build is released in the next week which will include all the fragment changes.
  • pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members
    I only noticed it because my sense of direction is poor and I got lost in the wreck. I thought "Man, this is a lot of fragments for one wreck" before I realized I was going in one giant circle and kept re-scanning the same fragments and filling my inventory with titanium.

    Also this new scavenging mode has made me appreciate the flare object. Forget the flashlight, hold a flare without tossing it and the whole room is illuminated, then you can put the flare away without losing it and its still lit when you take it back out.
  • RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members
    You need to understand that fragments are spawned in wreck in based on the biome and what blueprints you already have. They are not pre-placed.

    Here is an official list from the devs of all wrecks and locations, though it has yet to be updated with coordinates for certain wrecks: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrAsVdMnL_OkARsMKWlX-jFXQBncgpqUVGuHwsmpkig/edit?ts=56a781e4#gid=0

    ID Biome Wreck Model Unique Name Batch Warp Location LD Notes
    1 Grassy Plateaus wreck1 ExplorableWreck1 15 18 15 345, -92, 429 Oli Needs to be redone, using new system spawns too high
    2 Grassy Plateaus wreck2 ExplorableWreck_Grassy_2 8 18 12 - Jake In Main spawns too high
    3 Koosh wreck1 ExplorableWreck_KooshZone_3 18 17 16 929, 196, 602 Jake In Main
    4 Underwater Islands wreck2 ExplorableWreck_UnderwaterIslands_4 12 17 18 - Jake In Main
    5 Mountains wreck2 ExplorableWreck_Mountains_5 17 16 20 - Jake In Main
    6 Dunes wreck2 ExplorableWreck_Dunes_6 4 16 17 -1448, -332, 723 Jake In Main
    7 Treader Path wreck2 ExplorableWreck_TreaderPath_7 5 17 8 - Jake In Main
    8 Blood Kelp wreck1 ExplorableWreck_BloodKelp_8 5 16 10 -1208, -332, -390 Andrew WIP
    9 Mushroom Forest wreck1 ExplorableWreck_MushroomForest_9 8 18 17 - Jake In Main
    10 Grand Reef wreck1 ExplorableWreck_GrandReef_10 10 17 7 -290 -222 -773 Michael first pass done
    11 Grand Reef modular ExplorableWreck_GrandReef_11 - - Michael first pass done
    12 Safe Shallows modular ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_12 13 18 13 85 -40 113 Michael first pass done
    13 Safe Shallows modular ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_13 11 18 11 -150 -20 -227 Michael first pass done
    14 Safe Shallows modular ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_14 13 18 11 157 -27 -253 Michael first pass done
    15 Safe Shallows modular ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_15 12 18 10 -33 -25 -398 Michael first pass done
    16 Safe Shallows modular ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_16 15 18 11 343 -16 -190 Michael first pass done
    17 Kelp Forest modular ExplorableWreck_KelpForest_17 13 18 15 64 -24 376 Michael first pass done
    18 Kelp Forest modular ExplorableWreck_KelpForest_18 10 18 14 -317 -73 222 Michael first pass done
    19 Kelp Forest modular ExplorableWreck_KelpForest_19 10 18 14 -374 -74 296 Michael first pass done
    20 Kelp Forest modular ExplorableWreck_KelpForest_20 14 18 10 305 -53 -319 Michael first pass done
    21 Safe Shallows escapepod ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_21 12 18 14 26 -22 302 Michael first pass done
    22 Safe Shallows escapepod ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_22 11 18 10 -151 0 -404 Michael first pass done
    23 Kelp Forest escapepod ExplorableWreck_KelpForest_23 11 18 12 -261 -68 5 Michael first pass done
    24 Safe Shallows escapepod ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_24 14 18 12 314 -36 -112 Michael first pass done
    25 Safe Shallows escapepod ExplorableWreck_SafeShallows_25 13 18 12 75 -28 -95 Michael first pass done
    26 Kelp Forest escapepod ExplorableWreck_KelpForest_26 14 18 12 263 -54 -410 Michael first pass done

    it copied out quite messy; use the link for a better view.
  • RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members
    Floater island
    Abandoned PDA's 4

    Also there are 5 PDAs on the island

  • KlinnKlinn Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members
    edited March 2016
    Yup, one PDA was dropped on a path which makes it easier to miss than the ones placed within structures.
  • pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members

    Also there are 5 PDAs on the island

    Ahh thanks. I must have missed that one. It's not as visible as the one dropped on the path in jellyshroom caves
  • KlinnKlinn Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members
    edited March 2016
    Thanks for the link RevivedShadow, I've used that list to do some more exploring!

    In addition, some of the blueprint fragment locations have changed, especially for the Safe Shallows and Kelp Forest biomes starting with Wreck16. I believe this is accurate as of Build 30661, but will no doubt be tweaked by the devs in the days to come.

    Note that you may have to start a new game using the latest experimental build to find all of these.

    Once the next stable build is released, I'll revise this list again.
        Subnautica Wrecks and Lifepods Found -- As of Build 30661
    1) A laser cutter is required to reach some rooms within wrecks, primarily those
       beyond Safe Shallows. Sometimes an alternate path will reach blocked rooms.
    2) Fragments for furnishings and lights not listed, they can be found in many wrecks.
    3) Sometimes fragments can be found on the sea floor near or under the wreck.
    4) Sometimes supply chests can be found around the wreck.
    Wrecks   Biome                Coordinates      Fragments (quantity)
    -------  -------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------
    Wreck1   Grassy Plateaus      286,  -74,  444  Bioreactor (2)
                                                   Cyclops Hull (2)
                                                   Mobile Vehicle Bay (2)
                                                   Propulsion Cannon (1)
                                                   Water Filtration (2)
                                                   (can grab NS2 poster)
    Wreck2   Grassy Plateaus     -627,  -56,   -7  Mobile Vehicle Bay (2)
                                                   Propulsion Cannon (3)
    Wreck3   Koosh Zone           940, -198,  593  Exterior Grow Bed (1)
                                                   Interior Grow Bed (1)
                                                   Modification Station (4)
                                                   Seamoth Upgrade Console (1)
                                                   Stasis Rifle (1)
    Wreck4   Underwater Islands  -100, -177,  881  Cyclops Engine (4)
                                                   Stasis Rifle (2)
                                                   Terraformer (2)
                                                   Plant Pot 2 (1)
                                                   Plant Pot 3 (1)
    Wreck5   Mountains            697, -331, 1207  Power Transmitter (2)
                                                   Seamoth Upgrade Console (2)
                                                   Terraformer (6)
                                                   Bed (2) (can't scan yet)
                                                   Bookcase (2) (can't scan yet)
                                                   Wall Shelf (2) (can't scan yet)
    Wreck6   Dunes              -1448, -332,  723  Cyclops Bridge (7)
                                                   Scanner Room (6) (can't scan yet)
                                                   Thermal Plant (4)
    Wreck7   SeaTreaderPath     -1174, -148, -744  Nothing, zip, nada! WIP?
    Wreck8   BloodKelp_Trench   -1208, -332, -390  Cyclops Pressure Compensator (1)
                                                   Moonpool (7)
                                                   Nuclear Reactor (4)
    Wreck9   Mushroom Forest     -644,  -95,  784  Cyclops Hull (2)
                                                   Scanner Room (3) (can't scan yet)
    Wreck10  Grand Reef          -283, -222, -784  Cyclops Pressure Compensator (1)
                                                   Moonpool (1)
                                                   Nuclear Reactor (2)
    Wreck11  Grand Reef          -896, -408,-1435  Cyclops Pressure Compensator (9)
    Wreck12  Safe Shallows         85,  -40,  113  (furnishings fragments only)
    Wreck13  Safe Shallows       -150,  -20, -227  (furnishings fragments only)
    Wreck14  Safe Shallows        160,  -27, -253  (furnishings fragments only)
    Wreck15  Safe Shallows        -33,  -25, -398  (furnishings fragments only)
    Wreck16  Safe Shallows        343,  -16, -190  SeaGlide (1)
                                                   SeaMoth (1)
                                                   Solar Panel (3)
    Wreck17  Kelp Forest           64,  -24,  376  Mobile Vehicle Bay (3)
                                                   SeaMoth (1)
    Wreck18  Kelp Forest         -317,  -73,  222  SeaMoth (2)
    Wreck19  Kelp Forest         -374,  -74,  296  SeaGlide (1)
                                                   SeaMoth (1)
    Wreck20  Kelp Forest          305,  -53, -319  (furnishings fragments only)
    Lifepods  (no fragments in Lifepods)
    Wreck21  Lifepod #12  Safe Shallows    26, -22,  302
    Wreck22  Lifepod  #3  Safe Shallows  -151,  -1, -404
    Wreck23  Lifepod #19  Kelp Forest    -261, -68,    5
    Wreck24  Lifepod #13  Safe Shallows   314, -36, -112
    Wreck25  Lifepod  #4  Safe Shallows    75, -28,  -95
    Wreck26  Lifepod #13  Kelp Forest     263, -54, -410  (yup, two #13's)
  • AlphaBlueArxAlphaBlueArx Join Date: 2015-05-11 Member: 204402Members
    edited March 2016
    I just hope that they'll take the fragments for the seamoth modification station away from the Dunes wreck...or mountain wreck for the matter...
  • pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members
    so judging by the updated lists you guys have been awesome enough to put, I take it Lifepod 17 is MIA?
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    I have a problem with hiding imortant startup tech at only 1-3 wreck locations sealed by locked doors. Like how to find reactors to power a fabricator once the lifepod sails away early.
    1. You shouldn't need a tutorial with list or long map experience to survive, but find survivals near start. Each safe shallow starting point should include all basic survival stuff.
    2. If time is essential, stuff must be closer, if not, stuff can be hidden far away and take lots of time. If your only fabricator floats away, you need power tech to be found soon.

    So in case of power tech and the lifepod floating away it means an easy discovery of at least one power tech. All other tech beyond urgent survival can wait and be hidden deeply. This doesn't work right now.
  • LobsterPhoneLobsterPhone Australia Join Date: 2016-03-29 Member: 214999Members
    I have a problem with important startup tech not appearing period. It's bad enough 4 out of 5 safe shallows wrecks (apparently) yield nothing. And for any sort of sensible progression they should all give out at least a seaglide fragment or something (and there should probably be a few more safe shallows and kelp wrecks too).

    But for me it's been worse than that, regardless of assurances that these fragments are out there in these wrecks I have on repeated attempts new games, reloads and so on not found so much as a single fragment in ANY wreck in the safe shallows or the kelp forests. I have searched them all. I have reloaded and searched them all. I have restarted new games and searched them all. I have gone through the lists of where fragments are at on this thread and searched them all. Nothing. At all. Just the desks and equivalent.

    The deep water wrecks have stuff. But the starting stuff that should sensibly be in the safe shallows (and for some people, ridiculous rarity aside seemingly IS there)... just isn't there for me, or anywhere. This seems like too much of a work in progress to report it as a bug, but I'm off verifying my game cache and what not.
  • project_mercyproject_mercy Aurora Engine Room Join Date: 2016-03-27 Member: 214884Members
    so judging by the updated lists you guys have been awesome enough to put, I take it Lifepod 17 is MIA?

    I was never able to find it either through in-game methods or console commands. I've always assumed it was part of whatever story/plot that is being withheld till the game gets released. I've always assumed all the "signals" you find over by the Aurora will instead be vended out by the transmitter when you get the appropriate message. So things like "This is Second Officer.." results in the signal to the Floating Island

    The deep water wrecks have stuff. But the starting stuff that should sensibly be in the safe shallows (and for some people, ridiculous rarity aside seemingly IS there)... just isn't there for me, or anywhere. This seems like too much of a work in progress to report it as a bug, but I'm off verifying my game cache and what not.

    This is my take also, in regards to "Work-in-progress". They're a smart devs, I don't see them just throwing this stuff out there without understanding the ramifications. I wouldn't be surprised if the fragments change didn't get pushed into the next stable release (o2?) after the upcoming (map room?) one.

  • VorgVorg AZ Join Date: 2016-03-23 Member: 214717Members
    I'm having a lot of trouble finding a second Mobile Vehicle Bay. And with copper and other nodes not spawning, I can't crank out batteries for the SeaGlide or the laser cutter to get into some of the doors, or more tanks to stay down long enough to swim far enough into some of these to do anything in them. And with the life pod now also gone, took off far away, I'm about to the point of needing to restart the game again after just a week or so. Last time with because of the blueprint change, all the ones I had where wiped and some of the stuff I made no longer worked.

    I'm also noticing that https://subnautica.unknownworlds.com/#/subnautica/checkins is no longer being updated. Last entry is for 30547 on 2016-03-25 20:20:55 and right now I have 30667.
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