Do items in containers cause lag?

TyderfTyderf Join Date: 2015-12-31 Member: 210696Members
I have a cyclops full of tons of items inside it and as soon as I get inside my fps drops to like 5. This is also after I upgraded my processor which was my main source of lag before. I had no problem before with my old processor in my cyclops. However outside and pretty much anywhere else my fps is fine.


  • ErgossErgoss KY Join Date: 2016-03-02 Member: 213722Members
    I've been speculating a bit about lag source lately. Bad lag first expressed itself in my current game when I was in the seamoth (don't like the power consumption of the cyclops), but everything seemed pretty much fine when i was out, sounding a lot like what you were experiencing with the cyclops except no lockers involved. Then it started getting bad as I was out of it as well and now I can't viably go near bone sharks or biters for fear of my life. Things that changed as my game progressed: 1) more area explored (maybe the rendering tries to take this into account even if not visible); 2) more lockers built and stuff in them (in the cyclops you can see lockers through walls and in the distance, maybe this latent info could be a burden); 3) more and larger bases built (if you remove fog, you can see bases at great distance as well).

    If I get ambitious, I may test with new games. I tend to favor the first factor above. In his creative game, my son has made a massive base which hasn't given him lag, so I doubt 3). I'm currently depleting my lockers in favor of a mega-base in survival so a locker effect should be reversible in this situation (so far I've gone from over 120 lockers down to 80 or so without any improvement yet). Testing the first would involve me exploring around a lot while resisting the temptation to pick up cool and useful stuff.

    Or maybe they'll just fix the issue before I get around to poking at it very much. :smile:
  • eastofdeatheastofdeath usa Join Date: 2016-02-28 Member: 213559Members
    Ergoss wrote: »
    3). I'm currently depleting my lockers in favor of a mega-base in survival so a locker effect should be reversible in this situation (so far I've gone from over 120 lockers down to 80 or so without any improvement yet).

    Please keep us updated on the locker testing if you reduce more lockers. thanks

  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    It seems unlikely it's caused by the items in the thing, those are probably just a database array. However, it could be the actual models of the cabinets having to move along with the cyclops.
  • ErgossErgoss KY Join Date: 2016-03-02 Member: 213722Members
    edited March 2016
    Well, I've emptied a bunch of lockers building my mega-base but haven't deleted the lockers yet. The lag is now to the point I don't think I can build any further for fear of crashing the game (pauses maybe an entire minute or more during each build on the base). I've emptied maybe another 25-30 lockers but apparently that isn't improving anything. Next step will be vaporizing the 68 lockers on the cyclops and see if there's any change. But this seems pretty clear to me that amount of construction does contribute to bogging down the system. I should reboot the computer, though, to make sure the computer itself isn't having its own issues.

    (The cyclops has been parked the entire time, so moving models isn't the issue in this case.)
  • eastofdeatheastofdeath usa Join Date: 2016-02-28 Member: 213559Members
    edited March 2016
    I wonder how exploration is handled in the save game files?

    As I discover more areas the bigger the file gets. I have taken a minimalist attitude in me base building and outpost construction. And no longer stock pile ore and just gather when I need to make something.
    ex: when I need to make a few batteries, ill go copper hunting and will find a few other ores ill take them home but that is about it on storing lots of ore and stuff. I try and never let my supply outweigh my demand, if that makes sense.

    I am on my 3rd play through on survival mode, the other two are unplayable at around 1.7 to 1.9GB save game file size. This file is at 1.3GB with no screen shots in the folder. So far so good, ill see if when I get to the 1.7GB mark if the pattern continues.

    Oh and on my 1st time playing I saved every thing. My Cyclops was packed to the gilled max lockers and loads of ore and stuff, the base was the same way. But sadly diver Dan's file is unplayable with low frame rate.

    Ok I was looking at this site

    [29160] Performance Loss Due To Bases Rendering At All Times And Never Unloading LOD Issue
    in list MAJOR ISSUES

    also [29160] Deconstructing Base Segments Not Freeing Up Processing/Memory Resources
    in list MAJOR ISSUES

    [29160] Each Active Power Generator in a Large Base Causes Noticeable Performance Hit

    So its in the works :D

  • ErgossErgoss KY Join Date: 2016-03-02 Member: 213722Members
    Yay, thank you for finding that - I'm glad it's diagnosed and being looked into.
  • SpankmeyahSpankmeyah Denmark Join Date: 2017-06-14 Member: 231098Members
    I can confirm that adding items to the submarine will cause insane fps drops.... I had 19 fps with 2 planters inside the submarine and when i removed em both fps jumped back to 100... Ive mailed the dev´s about it and mailed em my safe game to test.
  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    A month or so back in Experimental, I noticed a lag when I first kitted out the Cyclops. I played around with settings and reset the cache at least twice. However, I ended up with the same settings I had before without noticeable extra lag. So...don't know for sure.
  • CaptainFearlessCaptainFearless CO, US Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224941Members
    Can't wait for those 3 months of performance work. Then I will be able to play the game more, and see it's true beauty instead of minimal graphical settings and lowered resolution..
  • EkUlEkUl Germany Join Date: 2017-05-03 Member: 230214Members
    edited June 2017

    Do you have a growbed full of marble melon's in your Cyclops? After i removed this, the graphic performance was immediately back to full power.
  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    I have a bunch of Plant Pots and Plant Shelves.
  • tommy21toestommy21toes Subnautica Join Date: 2017-05-21 Member: 230666Members
    Can't wait for those 3 months of performance work. Then I will be able to play the game more, and see it's true beauty instead of minimal graphical settings and lowered resolution..

    You may have better results turning it to 1080p and high settings. Some users have reported improved framerates by turning the settings higher. Might be worth a shot.
  • EkUlEkUl Germany Join Date: 2017-05-03 Member: 230214Members
    Jacke wrote: »
    I have a bunch of Plant Pots and Plant Shelves.

    But i really meant the "Indor Growbed". With activated Frame Time Graph in the F3 debug window i can see a FPS drop with every single Marble Melon seed i put into the grow bed. If the grow bed is then full with seeds (4x4) i have a massive FPS drop and SN is unplayable (in this scene 10 FPS) inside Cyclops. If i remove the growbed then, the full performance (in this scene 90 FPS) is back immediately. This is 100% reproducible, in Stable and in Experimental.
  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    edited June 2017
    EkUl wrote: »

    But i really meant the "Indor Growbed". With activated Frame Time Graph in the F3 debug window i can see a FPS drop with every single Marble Melon seed i put into the grow bed. If the grow bed is then full with seeds (4x4) i have a massive FPS drop and SN is unplayable (in this scene 10 FPS) inside Cyclops. If i remove the growbed then, the full performance (in this scene 90 FPS) is back immediately. This is 100% reproducible, in Stable and in Experimental.
    I believe you. Back in the game I had lag after kitting out my Cyclops and I fiddled a lot with the graphics settings and clearing the cache. Afterwards, turning the graphics back to what I had them and the lag was gone.

    I think the lag was caused by my kitting out the Cyclops, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure what I did or what changed to get rid of it. Try to build something different. Try fiddling with the settings, including turning them back up. I have a lot of Plant Pots and Plant Shelves on the bridge and a whole lot of lockers all over. So it is possible to resolve the issue. I just don't know exactly how and I don't know if you'll be able to deal with it.

    I'd also suggest putting in a bug report on the Bug Report sub forum.
  • EkUlEkUl Germany Join Date: 2017-05-03 Member: 230214Members
    edited June 2017
    I allready sent several reports (F8) about the bug. I also have lot of items and lockers in my sub, but only the grow bed is a problem. And yesterday i found that the FPS drop is only if the melons are growing.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    EkUl wrote: »
    I allready sent several reports (F8) about the bug. I also have lot of items and lockers in my sub, but only the grow bed is a problem. And yesterday i found that the FPS drop is only if the melons are growing.

    So if they are full-grown, the problem is not present?
  • EkUlEkUl Germany Join Date: 2017-05-03 Member: 230214Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    So if they are full-grown, the problem is not present?

  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    In your base, every melon you pick floods your base... In the Cyclops, growing melons causes an FPS drop. I tell ya... The developers just don't like us farming at all. :)
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