Should the Knife be removed.
UK Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210749Members
Apparently the developers do not want any lethal weapons in the game, so should the knife be removed ?
With a knife I can kill every single life form in the game, oh not tried killing a reefback, so it's plenty lethal not only is it lethal but its kinda mean as well cos your right in the things face when your stab stab stabbing it to death.
[edit] -- Damn ... failed on posting wanted to add other options but accidentally hit return and it posted
With a knife I can kill every single life form in the game, oh not tried killing a reefback, so it's plenty lethal not only is it lethal but its kinda mean as well cos your right in the things face when your stab stab stabbing it to death.
[edit] -- Damn ... failed on posting wanted to add other options but accidentally hit return and it posted

Anyway I think I made my point, for a game with no lethal weapons there sure is a lot of ways to kill things, so I think what I'm saying is that the developers stance on having zero lethal weapons is either misplaced or simply bad design or the players are taking something they have said and read into it the wrong way.
My HOPE! is that what they meant is that we will never get any military spec style weapons like sniper rifles or machine guns, but what we might get are spear guns, net's, mod's for the gravity gun that let it shoot stuff as ammo basically improvised tools that can be used offensively.
Would love to see some developer feedback on this.
People use the knife to kill stuff, yes. But the knife's primary use is as a tool. If we were to remove all 'weapons', the seamoth and cyclops should be removed too, since you can ram fish to death with it.
True weapons like guns are a no-go in this game I feel. TOOLS which you can use to FEND OFF predators are a good way to go.
If your still content in saying that an item in the game which soul purpose is ending the life of other living things is NOT in fact a weapon then I argue that a gun a laser a rocket a bomb are tools, in fact I could probably find more uses for those things in the game that do not cause harm to life that I could with a knife, seriously a rocket or bombs you could use to demo old builds, get scuttle old ships or make a hole in the sand or rock, a laser you could use if its beam is steady to line up things at long range...
Its a weapon dude, a and a powerful one at that I can take down a reaper in short order with a heat blade although sadly it does not cook the thing in the process.
4 uses for the knife that don't kill anything.
and yes harvesting to much seaweed and coral it dies that is why I said little amounts.
also killing animals and plants is a requirement for survival, useless slaughter on carnivores is not, now both you and everyone else stop posting these stupid "give weapons!!!!" threads.
its the developers game they do with it what they want you have no rights past playing it0
Following your logic the knife i use to eat my meals is a weapon too...yeah right.
Oh look i found a use that's not to end the life of other life forms.
Also in the game you don't have to use it to kill stuff only, you need it also to harvest creepvines and corals that you need to craft stuff.
And no eating your dinner is irrelevant because it's outwith the context of this game and this discussion.
I don't want over the top weapons but I do want weapons that are appropriate to the context of the game, if you Dive in the real world you might often take with you a Spear Gun for example, its a weapon that's used for hunting by people all over the world, how would that be any more or less violent or lethal than freezing a fish with the stasis rifle and then swimming upto it while it's got no chance of evading your attack and then just stabbing it in the face, or worse stabcooking it in the face.
People say the dev's don't want lethal weapons in the game well what the hell does that mean I would love a dev to actually post what they think a "lethal weapon is" how would they class the gravity gun for example, with it you can suck in any fish and then propel it away at such speed that it blows the poor fish apart, you can use it to pick up some form of ammo like ore use that ore as a bullet and then shoot predators, how is that not a lethal weapon.
They can be lethal under certain circumnstances
Varies a little, I made a suggestion on a construction-based double harpoon which is less lethal to things like the reaper, it's mostly designed as an anchor or a sort of tether, even a grappling hook for underwater. So I generally planned it to be not a weapon. However, it's sort of like the knife, there's both an offensive, tool, and defensive set of uses for it. It's generally less lethal to things because unlike a knife it was inherently not designed to be used as a weapon. Due to it's size it's also unwieldy.
The knife is fine as it is, you can't stop people from being people, but you can let people who are going to do what's right do what's right, and i figure stuff like this should stay, maybe nerf it a little. However, even though you CAN kill everything in the game with it pretty much, it's not exactly easy since most large creatures then run, and fish- well IRL you can one-stab a fish probably.
I think what they mean is items with no inherent use OTHER than killing things, like say a spear gun or underwater pistol or laser guns or stuff like that.
so opinionatively, no, it should not. The knife can be used for cutting cords, catching food quickly like with the heated blade, harvesting things like coral which you can't do bare handed, being a hammer for ore (the real-life equivalent is a glassbreaker tipped knife, sort of like I have.) and gathering creepvine.
All in all, items depend on how you use them, more than anything. Knife can stay.
Following your logic and adding to what had been said above by @LordDerp, you may as well request that sand, water, the player itself (hands, legs, head - all tools which can be used lethally), rocks, flora, fauna all be removed.
The point of havin "non-lethal" weapons is not to prevent violence within the game (nature is violent), but to force the player to think with their brain and not their gun. Being able to kill/cook a fish for food is necessary, and a tool would be a prerequisite for doing so. Committing genocide against every fish you come across would be clearly crossing the line from tool to weapon, but if you fail to make that connection, it's not a wonder you don't seem to comprehend that the knife in it's current implemented state is a valuable tool and not a weapon. Divers irl typically carry diving knives as a tool. They pry, they cut, they poke, they split, etc... these are functions of a tool.
My logic was spot on your understanding of it is wrong, first of all read my posts you wont find me ever saying it's not a tool I simply laughed at some one calling it that since the only thing it can do other than kill is break a rock for ore, what's even funnier is that the action of breaking the rock would happen regardless of having a knife in your hand so its not even an activity that the knifes designed to accomplish it's just something you happen to be able to do while holding a knife.
Same thing with the gravity gun, the stasis rifle and probably the torch and just about ANYTHING you can hold you can harvest ore's with them all because the action is not related to whats in your hand as is evident from the ability to harvest the ore with your bare hands.
Can the knife in this game be used as a tool, yes I guess when you break a rock even though it's redundant because you can break rocks with everything including your bare hand, so if like 99% of the use of a thing is in the act of causing harm and killing things and 1% of it is as a utensil, would most people consider it a tool or a weapon.
My bet's on weapon.
Hell now that I think about it does the thing even take durability loss when you use it on a rock if it does not that then hits home your not really using it, it's just in your hands, will need to check that I guess.
If you aren't fond of having an item which you can only see as a weapon in the game, might I suggest you simply forget it's there. Who knows, it may become extremely useful when further updates to the game come into play...
Or you never know, some people are that illogical.
I think his point which to me hes made perfectly clear is that why not have other weapons when we already have one in the form of the blade.
I might be wrong but thats how it reads to me , and hes not wrong either knives are weapons whe used to kill and as he said thats what their used for in the game 90% of the time, tool 10% of the time.
So i agree with him we need more weapons.
It is if you're near an elementary school, or anywhere in the UK
Also this thread is bait.
His first words are litterally "Apparently the developers do not want any lethal weapons in the game, so should the knife be removed ?"
In other words, since they don't want lethals, why do they allow a knife?
The point I am making is that it doesn't have to be viewed as JUST a lethal, it also has value as a tool.
Do not forget to remove the Gravity Gun, Seamoth, Cyclops, and of course... cooking .
All these things can kill creatures.
*sarcasm mode OFF*
This kinda goes without saying, but just don't build the dang thing if you TRULY believe it to be considered a weapon. You play how you want and we'll play how we want. However, in a survival situation it's KILL or BE KILLED! I'll take a knife over nothing any day.
@Hydrophobic Thank you for your comments, dude. ^_^
and don't forget underwater geysers! those things kill fish too!
Oh, and other larger fish that eat the smaller fish!
*exhale* ok now this game is finally safe you guys, phew!
OK on a serious note, i'm really disappointed in humanity right now
Bro, do you even dive?
I know ten different ways to kill a man with a cured Peeper. Everything is a potential weapon.
Bruh I could take a piss in the water and probably kill more things with the PH imbalance