More Explorable Wreck Ideas

RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members
The new Aurora wreck is pretty cool, but there is only one so many players will not encounter it. And the laser cutter's only use is there. What if there were other hunks of the Aurora around the place. It wouldn't make sense unless they look different, but all the props and stuff have already been made, so how long could it take to make wrecks with different arrangements. I know it took the devs some time to code/animate the doors the you cut open, so why just have them in one place? There could also be smaller wrecks around with just a few chunks of metal and maybe some cargo crates like the ones in the wreck we have now that can be looted. I heard somewhere that they plan to make the cargo crates able to be cut open with the laser cutter. Having these wrecks around would give us plenty of interesting places to explore and wouldn't even take long to develop.


  • KelfaKelfa Join Date: 2015-05-30 Member: 205084Members
    I agree, wrecks are extremely cool

    Heres what the devs say
    Obraxis wrote: »
    More Wrecks around the world will probably appear at some point.

    All are subject to change due to weather, illness, zombies, alien invasion or all. :smile:
  • Captain_PyroCaptain_Pyro Germany Join Date: 2015-05-31 Member: 205116Members
    They upped the crashsite behind the aurora a bit lately. Much more stuff to find there... but i hope there will be more divable wrecks in the future. But they should take their time, no reason to rush.
  • RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members
    They upped the crashsite behind the aurora a bit lately. Much more stuff to find there... but i hope there will be more divable wrecks in the future. But they should take their time, no reason to rush.

    Indeed, working on more wrecks shouldn't be a priority right now.
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