Bring back old style AND new style!
The city outside of Ns2_Eclipse Join Date: 2015-09-08 Member: 207832Members

Everybody knows those Nostalgic days were Fades were 50 pres and Onoses were 75 pres! But more importantly things like Skulk strafing and Shadowstep, and even things they never added such as HMGs. Who else would want to see some old features back along with all the new features. Any Developers that would be interested in hearing me out, please feel free to comment, I'd love to share my ideas with a realistic possibility of Implementation ^_^. Thanks bros!
Would you agree, or disagree?
I mean yes, I'm not saying bring back the 50 pres Fade and 75 pres Onos XD. I'm saying bring back things (yes) like Skulk Strafing, where the more momentum you build up by jumping off walls, ceilings and such makes you faster, and even make Shadowstep, idk, an unlockable trait in the evolution menu, so the comm can ASK his fades whether they would like Metabolism or Shadowstep, even though they would mostly choose Metabolism, for the people who miss Shadowstep, they could have it again, or even keybind Shadowstep to two 'w' clicks, so if you pushed forward twice in rapid succession, then you would Shadowstep forward. Tell me what you think, what do YOU wan't back : )
Do you wan't these features, or do you wan't other old features, or are you good with what we have? Agree or Disagree?
There is not too much I want to see brought back from the past. Just some minor balance tweaks mostly. I really want to see flamethrower's have a faster rate of fire. I don't have any grand plans myself.
lol XD, creative dude!
Yeah, maybe we can get this to the devs, see if shadowstep can be re- implemented!
Shadowstep was ridiculously powerful and way too easy to use. It happens to be the case, that you can actually do some pretty advanced stuff with blink, that you can't with shadowstep. But most players I think, would want shadowstep - not because it's a preference, but because it's better in the majority of cases - and easier to use across the board.
But shadowstep is better than blink, at the expense of balance.
I liked to play fade as well back when shadowstep was the default - but I realize now, how much easier fading was in those days.
Fades today are already quite strong, they don't need this buff imo.
I miss the high agility of the earlier fades with their double jump and shadow steps, nowadays it's just an ns1 fade without the high health and acid rockets.
Now that you mention it, they should bring back acid rocket. It works quite well in siege mod and it would be an great replacement for useless old stab. It would work well in mid/late game since you'd have a choice of engaging more safely from afar instead of getting insta-killed by gl spam and jp shotties.
If it's a 3rd hive upgrade, sure pour it on, not like xenocide isn't already game ending. -but at this point, I think it's just a wasted effort; given that 3rd hive games are so niche.
That's a great question. I actually don't remember much of NS1 even though I sunk a lot of hours into it. It's just been too long and I was a teen back then. Acid rocket is in NS2's siege mod, however, and it's been a lot more fun to use compared to stab. Since siege is such a different beast compared to vanilla NS2 (e.g. huge rooms and a lot more turtling), acid rocket would probably need to be re-balanced for the latter.
Currently, acid rocket has a medium energy expenditure and you need to use metabolize every third or so attack in order to keep energy even. It discourages the use of blink and it can make you careless of your surroundings since it encourages spamming at all types of targets. It's interesting to note that acid rocket does HP damage once armor is depleted. I'm not sure if there's damage falloff, but it felt like it. I'm pretty sure swipe is more energy efficient for taking down marines and structures once their armor is gone, so I found myself going in for swipes after a while. At any rate, JP shotties, HMGs, GLs, and exos counter acid rocket fades nicely, especially if you flank them.
In vanilla NS2, I think acid rocket in its siege form would be less effective (still a lot better than stab) since most rooms aren't as big as the ones on siege maps. Fades have to peak around corners for los, so gl spam would effectively deter them. Of course xenocide is a better game-ender, but acid rocket would be nice to have nonetheless if you manage to survive as fade all the way up to late game. The only reason I suggest acid rocket is that it's simply better and more useful than stab. I wouldn't be opposed to an entirely new ability either.
Holding Blink would delay Blink until the button/key is released, and the longer that Blink charged, the stronger the initial force of the Blink.
Your the creator of Ns2 Evolved? Awesome!
So kinda like a ShadowBlink? Where you cant fly, but you can basically teleport from one end of a room to another, by holding the button down?
wow! I guess I came into Ns2 a little late! I didn't know those existed!
Also, if memory served correctly, didnt the fade used to have an actual teleport in some video?
I wouldn't mind bringing back shadowstep, but only if it were to be reworked.
With it you can edit your post instead of making a new one a minute later.
Ok that new feature is on Steam Workshop. Have fun testing it!
Yes, I know. I've done that a lot.