My suggestions list for Subnautica

Teegee777Teegee777 Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208116Members
First off this game is fantastic so far and am really excited to see where it goes from here to release.

Some ideas though:

- Fewer enemy numbers but make them FAR more dangerous.
- Stalkers should swim and attack in packs
- Larger aggressive fauna should all have a "grab a player in its jaws" animation when it attacks us. For example the bone shark attacks us and we get grabbed in its mouth and thrashed about. We can pull out our knife and stab to release. Reaper animation should change from just a grab to grab-scream-chomp on our Seamoth and start cracking and chewing glass causing sparks and leakage.
- Reapers should be able to dig through sand and bust through coral walls to get us.
- Reapers should be able to destroy the cyclops and our bases. Bone sharks and stalkers should be able to destroy the Seamoth.
- Basically the Reapers need to be more dangerous when we are around them. If we have low life around them and they attack us, maybe have death animations where they skewer the player with their claws and eat us.
- Stingrays or stingray-like animals.
- Electric eels or electric sharks.
- Jelly fish swarms
- When stung, we need to apply topical analgesics and/or antivenin.
- We need more gigantic fauna. It's intimidating and awesome to see larger creatures. Maybe add huge whales.
- We need more stealthy aggressive fauna. Hearing a roar when a Reaper spawns kills the suspense. I'd like to see the baddies sneak up on us to eat us.
- Camouflaged fauna and predators. Make them hard to spot and thus makes them scarier.
- O2 tanks should be puncturable.
- Equipment should get damaged and require repairs
- We should be able to recycle unwanted items for resources/minerals
- Dangerous flora. Maybe some that sting and or shoot barbs at us.
- Land animals that we can hunt and eat.
- Re-balance the Seamoth upgrade modules. The solar cells allow us 100% battery power even when we are driving at full speed under 50m of water. It needs to REALLY be toned down.
- Stasis weapon freezes enemies, maybe we can harvest from the creature that's frozen (stalker teeth or Reaper scales) when they are frozen and we get close to grab what we need from them.
- Bases need external floodlights.
- Storms. thunder and lightning and possibly even a new creature that comes out during bad weather.
- Study ALL ANIMALS AND FLORA. We should be given a scanner to check out each animal in game. Every time we scan, we get new info and tips on the creatures behavior.
- Science labs for research and study.
- Perimeter sensors that warn us when hostile fauna enters our bases perimeter.

I'll post more ideas when I get some more.


  • EpicIan60142EpicIan60142 Illinois Join Date: 2015-08-18 Member: 207263Members
    These are great suggestions, but some of them go over to the more violent side, and the devs try to avoid that... Good suggestions though, as I said.
  • Teegee777Teegee777 Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208116Members
    edited September 2015
    These are great suggestions, but some of them go over to the more violent side, and the devs try to avoid that... Good suggestions though, as I said.

    Ya I know. Maybe do without the skewing stuff but death animations can still exist and still be less violent. Maybe show the Reaper swim in front of us and swallow us whole--fade to black. The bone shark swims in front and charges us mouth open and we fade to black as we enter its mouth.

    Stuff like that.

    -Also I'd like to add that when we are starring at a Reaper when it holds us in its mouth when we are in a seamoth, Id like to see DOWN its gullet! Kind of like a preview of where you'll end up if you don't escape.
    - Maybe add aerial drones that can be used to find dry land etc and even find noteworthy fauna of interest.
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    These are great suggestions, but some of them go over to the more violent side, and the devs try to avoid that... Good suggestions though, as I said.

    "And the devs try to avoid that", that ship has sailed buddy. They have way too many violent creatures in the game for it to be called peaceful. They are creating a warzone
  • FrraksurredFrraksurred USA Join Date: 2015-04-04 Member: 202960Members
    These are great suggestions, but some of them go over to the more violent side, and the devs try to avoid that... Good suggestions though, as I said.

    "And the devs try to avoid that", that ship has sailed buddy. They have way too many violent creatures in the game for it to be called peaceful. They are creating a warzone

    I disagree. There are SOOO many ways you can still deal with those creatures peacefully, you're just not using your imagination. We can study the indigenous life and learn things that help pacify them.
    • With the DNA sampler we could make a tranquilizer for a new Tranq gun.
    • We could fool groups into thinking we're friendly with pheromones or by mimicking their "language". For example, from my own thread:
      Central Control Center - This room would have several core functions. Given we are stranded on an uncharted planet, this room would broadcast a constant SOS (which could play into future story elements), as well as scan for transmissions. These transmissions could initially lead us to new biomes, wildlife, etc. but also play into future story elements related to the Planet's story. It could also record wildlife to decipher its "language" and share the info with other modules aimed at finding new information about them. Perhaps even leading to new, non-lethal means of pacifying aggressive predators for short times (think of it as an audible "anti-shark spray").
    • We could expand our Schematics to include a Containment Area. This area could be a temporary field or a permanent facility that we would use the Stasis Rifle (or something like it) to drag predators into
    • We could upgrade the electromagnetic field you can put on the Seamoth (and eventually Cyclops) to render everything within a certain radius unconscious (at great power cost)

    There is no reason to turn this game into another shooter if the Devs want to avoid that, we just need the tools, or balance in predator number / behavior to avoid it.

  • EpicIan60142EpicIan60142 Illinois Join Date: 2015-08-18 Member: 207263Members
    These are great suggestions, but some of them go over to the more violent side, and the devs try to avoid that... Good suggestions though, as I said.

    "And the devs try to avoid that", that ship has sailed buddy. They have way too many violent creatures in the game for it to be called peaceful. They are creating a warzone

    I disagree. There are SOOO many ways you can still deal with those creatures peacefully, you're just not using your imagination. We can study the indigenous life and learn things that help pacify them.
    • With the DNA sampler we could make a tranquilizer for a new Tranq gun.
    • We could fool groups into thinking we're friendly with pheromones or by mimicking their "language". For example, from my own thread:
      Central Control Center - This room would have several core functions. Given we are stranded on an uncharted planet, this room would broadcast a constant SOS (which could play into future story elements), as well as scan for transmissions. These transmissions could initially lead us to new biomes, wildlife, etc. but also play into future story elements related to the Planet's story. It could also record wildlife to decipher its "language" and share the info with other modules aimed at finding new information about them. Perhaps even leading to new, non-lethal means of pacifying aggressive predators for short times (think of it as an audible "anti-shark spray").
    • We could expand our Schematics to include a Containment Area. This area could be a temporary field or a permanent facility that we would use the Stasis Rifle (or something like it) to drag predators into
    • We could upgrade the electromagnetic field you can put on the Seamoth (and eventually Cyclops) to render everything within a certain radius unconscious (at great power cost)

    There is no reason to turn this game into another shooter if the Devs want to avoid that, we just need the tools, or balance in predator number / behavior to avoid it.

    My point exactly :-)
  • Teegee777Teegee777 Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208116Members
    edited October 2015
    I've been reading a lot of comments about how ppl are very ANTI survival mechanics in this game.

    I'm sorry to say but survival is a big part of subnatica and I think should be made even more deep.

    First off, metabolism should be decreased. We eat and drink WAAAAYYY too often. IF that is dropped, the encouragement to explore increases.

    SLEEP should be added. You can't expect to swim all day long and not get tired in this game. That is just silly.

    AIR should be a consumable in bases and subs. No question about that. PERIOD.

    Some fish should be POISONOUS, meaning your health drops as time goes unless you have anti-venin.

    SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE. I'd like to be able to study the creatures, find out life cycle, see breeding behaviour, egg laying, hunting patterns etc. Ever animal should have a fleshed out living pattern and behavior we can catalog. I'd even like to be able to get DNA samples to study and use somehow in the game.

    And I've said it before but I'll say it again, DECREASE the AMOUNT of predators and INCREASE their DANGER level. I'd even like to recommend that Reefbacks can even charge you and cause massive damage if they feel threatened.

    Now that being said, looking at other games like The Long Dark that are pure survival games, I'm sorry but they get pretty darn boring because all your goal is is to survive. Ive been going for 40 days now and am already a little bored. All I do is drink and eat every 3 hours and sleep. The only incentive to leave your house is to find wood and occasionally food. PLEASE don't make Subnautica like that. The premise of being in an alien ocean is already 1000x more interesting and scary than being lost in Canada. Bears and wolves aren't scary as much as they are obstacles. I've never been as scared of a wolf as I was of the Reapers, the sheer size and association of doom of their roar still makes me uneasy.

    Add more survival to force us to go out and forage as well as manage our resources. But don't make it as bad as Long dark... sleeping all day isn't my idea of fun in a videogame.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    Too many "dangers" in the OP's list. I want to have fun in the game and be able to explore, not have to keep looking over my shoulder every ten seconds. I personally think there's more suspense in hearing the larger creatures roar some distance away, rather than having them sneak up on you.
  • Teegee777Teegee777 Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208116Members
    Myrm wrote: »
    Too many "dangers" in the OP's list. I want to have fun in the game and be able to explore, not have to keep looking over my shoulder every ten seconds. I personally think there's more suspense in hearing the larger creatures roar some distance away, rather than having them sneak up on you.

    Well that's the point isn't it? The ocean is dangerous. It can kill you in many ways not shown in Subnautica. At least make the fauna dangerous enough to warrant caution when swimming. As of right now the only thing Im worried about are Reapers, that's not good enough. EVERYTHING with teeth needs to be unsettling.

    I mean imagine what if what I am proposing is done, this is what it would be like:

    You are running low on food and need to go hunting for fish. You grab your supplies, food and water, your stasis gun, and 2 high capacity tanks and batteries with one health pack. You look out your window and sigh that it is day time and step out into the blue. You do a quick scan of your area looking for any predators or prey and start swimming out. You find some eye fish and start chasing. You catch 3 and notice your activity is attracting some unwanted attention. You notice 2 stalkers swimming a circle around you. You pull out your stasis gun in defense and face off with the 2 in turn. You remember that stalkers hunt in packs due to their intelligence and socialization. As you start swimming back to your base one of them charges you with super high speed jaws open. You fire off a blast and it stops it before it nabs you in its jaws. The other one pounces, grabs you in its teeth. You struggle as it thrashes you about, bubbles churning everywhere and you breathing quick in panic, doing damage to your suit and o2 tanks. You equip your knife and start stabbing as fast and hard as you can, the stalker lets you go and swims off injured.

    You look at your health, less than 10% left, and your O2 tank is badly damaged and you've dropped some other items. You go back to your base and use the health pack (which isn't an instantaneous heal). You fix your tank with the welder and rethink going outside again.


    Ok. Every dangerous animal should have a grab animation when it gets you in the ocean, not just the Reaper. And YES animals should be silent as they approach you, roaring just before they attack is a cheap way of alerting the player they are being persued. Fish don't do that in real life and it doesn't make sense to do so in Subnautica. If anything that fact should keep you vigilant as you swim in the ocean as anything could have snuck up on you.

    Here is my point in REALITY:
  • Chris1217Chris1217 Meyrin (Geneva) Join Date: 2015-10-14 Member: 208476Members
    Personally I find that in subnautica the predator don't have a natural behavior. i agree with you @Teegee777 they shouldn't roar, but they also should have hunting hours, like almost every predador on Earth, for exampl keelp forest should be safe a dawn but not in the evening (or Conversely, an) on Earth predador attack for 3 reasons: hunger, provocation and territorial defence.
    (by the way shark attack on human ar rare and even more rarely lethal.)
  • smackumzsmackumz US Join Date: 2015-10-13 Member: 208465Members
    I would reiterate a point I made earlier in another thread. The cyclops should not be damagable until defensive modules are put in place for it. The thing is too slow and manuvers even slower. The uses for it are limited seeing most exploration of caves and what not are better with a seamoth. To allow it to be destroyed by sealife means it should have a way of surviving else it will be a meaningless piece of craftable like the pipes...

    Beyond that yes I agree the game could be more dangerous by implementing some patrol behavior in the predators.

    Also, how would you stop a reaper from destroying your seabase? Seems like there should be a way to defend against the attack. So to the suggestion of sea base damage by a reaper, the same point I made about the cyclops applies. A better alternative would be to have the reapers be smarter and camp a base until you return or pop out rather than start destroying a base.
  • Enderguy059Enderguy059 Australia Join Date: 2015-10-15 Member: 208486Members
    Everything below recycling I love. Maybe to study larger creatures we need to study their eggs first, and allow us to tame them as well.
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    I love some of the ideas on there, because of the fact that they allow you to do more science-related things. Studying the local wildlife and so on. Keeping in mind that we're on a colonization mission, not an exploratory one, I think that studying things would be amazing.
    I want to extract the DNA of a stalker, merge it with my own, and have giant awesome teeth.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    Teegee777 wrote: »

    Well that's the point isn't it? The ocean is dangerous. It can kill you in many ways not shown in Subnautica.

    No it's not, at least not to the extent you're trying to make it. I've been swimming and diving in the ocean for over 23 years and I have never been attacked by anything.
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    Myrm wrote: »
    No it's not, at least not to the extent you're trying to make it. I've been swimming and diving in the ocean for over 23 years and I have never been attacked by anything.

    You're a lying liar who lies.

    Even if you don't see anything attacking you, the cold seeps into your bones, yada yada yada... Either way. Just because an animal doesn't attack you, doesn't mean there isn't any danger.
  • Chris1217Chris1217 Meyrin (Geneva) Join Date: 2015-10-14 Member: 208476Members
    edited October 2015
    The_Shark wrote: »
    Myrm wrote: »
    No it's not, at least not to the extent you're trying to make it. I've been swimming and diving in the ocean for over 23 years and I have never been attacked by anything.

    You're a lying liar who lies.

    Even if you don't see anything attacking you, the cold seeps into your bones, yada yada yada... Either way. Just because an animal doesn't attack you, doesn't mean there isn't any danger.

    Of course ocean is dangerous but as crossing the street or taking your cars to go to work. (ok a little bit more).
    Like i say predators have hunting hours and should not attacking 24/7.
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    Chris1217 wrote: »
    Like i say predators have hunting hours and should not attacking 24/7.

    ...I really, really love that idea,

    I mean, when does that stalker outside my door ever sleep?
  • Teegee777Teegee777 Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208116Members
    I just saw the H2.0 Update development and it looks like they are completing hunter attack animations!!! YAYAYAYAYY! Much better in my opinion.

    I'm so glad the dev team looks at our suggestions and tries them out to see if they actually are good ideas.

    Since they are looking at our posts I'd like to recommend some more:

    - the deeper we go in the water, the larger the fauna get in general. The sea leviathan etc should be a deep sea dweller in my opinion. It even has the bio-luminescence going on.
    - the player should NOT be able to withstand the pressure and temp beyond a certain depth. Not without the mech suit they are developing.
    - body temp should be part of the survival mechanic. The ocean should be able to rob us of body temp and thus make us swim slower and maybe even catch hypothermia.
    - when the player hunts we should NOT be able to catch fish by hand like we can now. We should be carrying a tool like a spear to skew fish and keep it in our inventory. Also the blood we create when we kill our food should attract predators. Spear can also be used to defend ourselves against predators.
    - as mentioned before, predators should have hunting times of day.
    - Stalkers should be pack hunters
    - Bone sharks etc should be able to damage the sea moth.
    - Wacky recommendation but Reaper leviathans should be able to BURROW under sand and keep hidden to ambush unsuspecting prey. Their nose horn should be covered in coral and should be the only part that sticks out when buried. Imagine being in ur seamoth and thinking u r safe and passing a small mound of coral only to be jumped by a Reaper leviathan as it jumps out of the sand to kill u?! Sounds horrifying to me!
  • tettignotettigno Hungary Join Date: 2015-10-25 Member: 208733Members
    There could also be a fishnet launcher, we are in the age of terraforming, and have the fabricator device afterall...
    Catching a fish with my bare...oh, well, rubber hands, is insane. Except for the slow movers, which tend not to be nearly as rewarding as the peeper.
    Just to think I'd need to use a spear to fish,...which requires a loooooooong learning time =sure starvation.
    I'd rather use a net (deployed, or handheld) or the net-launcher...rather :P
  • Teegee777Teegee777 Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208116Members
    edited October 2015
    tettigno wrote: »
    There could also be a fishnet launcher, we are in the age of terraforming, and have the fabricator device afterall...
    Catching a fish with my bare...oh, well, rubber hands, is insane. Except for the slow movers, which tend not to be nearly as rewarding as the peeper.
    Just to think I'd need to use a spear to fish,...which requires a loooooooong learning time =sure starvation.
    I'd rather use a net (deployed, or handheld) or the net-launcher...rather :P

    Hey sure, either or. And when I mean spear I don't mean a spear to THROW but a spear to spearfish with. Maybe it could be electrified at the tip to stun prey so we can grab it.

    Or maybe we can send out some kind of stun pulse from our suit that temporarily stuns our prey so we can grab it before it swims off. This pulse should take battery charge to execute but I rather have some kind of skill based system that rewards our hunting ability with food. Going out and grabbing fish with our own hands is kinda ridiculous..

    Maybe we can have fish net traps with particular bait to grab a certain type of fish we want to eat. Maybe the kelp can be bait for peepers and we hang them from floating buoys attached to hooks or in fish nets so we can harvest them for later. Obviously that would be easy EXCEPT that these nets attract other predators too, so we need to be very careful when approaching them to get our dinner.

    There is just SOO much we can do with the survival mechanics in this game... it can be so deep. The possibilities are endless.
  • Teegee777Teegee777 Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208116Members
    edited October 2015
    How about jelly fish storms???

    Think about it... You get up from sleep, look outside and notice a swarm of jelly fish floating outside your bases window so thick there is no way you could go out without being stung to death. That's be awesome!

  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    Teegee777 wrote: »
    How about jelly fish storms???
    ...That'd be awesome!
    Yes, yes it would.
  • QwentyQwenty England Join Date: 2015-10-30 Member: 208853Members
    edited October 2015
    how about different types of subs?
  • Teegee777Teegee777 Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208116Members
    Qwenty wrote: »
    how about different types of subs?

    Different in what way?

    In my game I have 2 SeaMoths; one for exploration and the other for "combat". They are painted different and have different load outs specialized for their tasks. I have 2 moonpools attached to eachother so all I need to do is pick a sub and go outside. I also have a fish farm in my aquariums as food; 3 levels full of them. When I go fishing I catch as many as I can carry, take them home and put them into my aquariums for food later. I no longer need to go outside all the time to catch my food.

  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    Teegee777 wrote: »
    Qwenty wrote: »
    how about different types of subs?

    Different in what way?

    I think he meant different types of submarines and submersibles.

    For instance, even if you give the Cyclops all of the depth upgrades it can carry, it can't even go below three kilometers without being demolished by the pressure. So, if you want to explore abyss areas, you'd need something with more pressure resistance.

    Another example is that the SeaMoth, even with its "combat" loadout, is absolutely powerless against anything bigger than a stalker. Now, we've go the Reaper, and the devs are planning on having the Emperor and the Dragon, both of which are even bigger and tougher. If you want to have any chance at all of not having your skull turned into jelly, you'd need something stronger.

    And, as a third and final example, what about going from point A to point B? Sure the SeaMoth is fast (as evidenced by this:)
    But, is it fast enough? I, for one, don't like spending fifteen minutes just to go from my base to the Aurora. If you want true speed, you'd need something that can move on the surface, and skim along at about Mach Jesus.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, the 'Moth and the Cyclops are good, versatile vehicles... but their versatility means they aren't specialized to any specific roles. Due to the fact that they can do many things, they can't do any of them as well as a vehicle designed from the ground up to perform a single role.
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