uh...anyone home....

tyler111762tyler111762 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204558Members
is it just me or is it really quiet around here as of late? this forum seems kinda....stagnant

anyone else feeling this or am i having issues getting new posts....


  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
  • LinfomaLinfoma Portugal Join Date: 2015-09-07 Member: 207791Members
    little bit.......hey devs tell uz whats the name of next update????????????
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    It'll be the farming update
  • Captain_PyroCaptain_Pyro Germany Join Date: 2015-05-31 Member: 205116Members
    edited September 2015
    I check the forum on a daily base, but i rarely log in.
    It feels like i've read everthing that's being posted hundreds of times.

    "cyclops is useless" this, "exosuit bay" that, "oh, and anybody ever wondered about alien civilization?" ... i bet you know what i mean.
    Edit: And don't get me started on rechargable batteries...

    It kinda hit a creative low. Most discusions are either about topics that i find horribly boring/don't care about or that are completely obsolete for the furute of the game (imho). And barely anyone seems to now how to use a search function/wiki.
    It's mostly the touchy subjects (violence, political correctness, morals etc.) that are worth talking about, because they're kinda important, but the threads often derail horribly.

    I'm a real enthusiast when it comes to game design and a can produce a lot of creative energy, but this forum becomes less and less inviting to do so. Also because it's not very well visited by the devs or some kind of community admin person.
    It's a thing a have experienced so often already; that the creative ends of the crowd don't get enough feedback and recognition.
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    Yeah, I just started a weapons thread just now about more creative methods of weapons.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    I check the forum on a daily base, but i rarely log in.
    It feels like i've read everthing that's being posted hundreds of times.

    "cyclops is useless" this, "exosuit bay" that, "oh, and anybody ever wondered about alien civilization?" ... i bet you know what i mean.
    Edit: And don't get me started on rechargable batteries...

    It kinda hit a creative low. Most discusions are either about topics that i find horribly boring/don't care about or that are completely obsolete for the furute of the game (imho). And barely anyone seems to now how to use a search function/wiki.
    It's mostly the touchy subjects (violence, political correctness, morals etc.) that are worth talking about, because they're kinda important, but the threads often derail horribly.

    I'm a real enthusiast when it comes to game design and a can produce a lot of creative energy, but this forum becomes less and less inviting to do so. Also because it's not very well visited by the devs or some kind of community admin person.
    It's a thing a have experienced so often already; that the creative ends of the crowd don't get enough feedback and recognition.

    The Ideas and Suggestions board needs a good cleaning.
    The Keen Software House (The developers of Space Engineers and Medieval Engineers) had it right.

    They have a megathread for most of the ideas that regularly get posted with links to them, and then there are rules requiring people to do a search on what they're going to suggest before they make yet another "We need to find Atlantis!" or "We need guns to shoot reapers!" thread.

    Duplicate threads are locked with a message referring the poster of the thread to the current discussion on the topic they brought up to keep down on the clutter.

    Sure it might be a bit much, but it's clean up the forum and help keep everything organized so ideas and suggestions can flow more freely.
  • Captain_PyroCaptain_Pyro Germany Join Date: 2015-05-31 Member: 205116Members

    The Ideas and Suggestions board needs a good cleaning.
    The Keen Software House (The developers of Space Engineers and Medieval Engineers) had it right.

    They have a megathread for most of the ideas that regularly get posted with links to them, and then there are rules requiring people to do a search on what they're going to suggest before they make yet another "We need to find Atlantis!" or "We need guns to shoot reapers!" thread.

    Duplicate threads are locked with a message referring the poster of the thread to the current discussion on the topic they brought up to keep down on the clutter.

    Sure it might be a bit much, but it's clean up the forum and help keep everything organized so ideas and suggestions can flow more freely.

    You're preaching to the coir.
    I voluntarily organized a collection thread with list of ideas and suggestions in the german section of the Riot forums for some time. It was sticky and for the time i maintained it, it was kind of an official thing. Riot didn't treat their creative community very well tho, so i left after a couple of years. I've been disappointed by quite a lot of dev teams in the past and i really hope UWE won't fall into the pattern.
  • TheGuru143TheGuru143 U.S. Join Date: 2015-09-07 Member: 207801Members
    I admit it. Lately the vast majority of the posts here and on the Steam forum are the same 4 or 5 subjects brought up over and over again.
    It's like they come and post without even a cursory glance at what topics are already posted... even on the front page.
    Don't get me wrong, some posts are very creative and fun to participate in, but others I am almost to the point of just ignoring the next one that comes up... again (probably tomorrow, lol).
  • destroyah87destroyah87 Join Date: 2015-08-08 Member: 206913Members
    It'll be the farming update

    I so hope you're right.

    Farming and Renewable resources are my most wanted feature.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    TheGuru143 wrote: »
    I admit it. Lately the vast majority of the posts here and on the Steam forum are the same 4 or 5 subjects brought up over and over again.
    It's like they come and post without even a cursory glance at what topics are already posted... even on the front page.
    Don't get me wrong, some posts are very creative and fun to participate in, but others I am almost to the point of just ignoring the next one that comes up... again (probably tomorrow, lol).

    We could lobby for a rule that has forum mods delete duplicate threads and provide a link to the current thread in the "This thread has been locked. Reason: duplicate thread [Link]" message.
  • TheGuru143TheGuru143 U.S. Join Date: 2015-09-07 Member: 207801Members
    As for updates, they are still in the middle of doing the H2.O update. After that is "tentatively" the farming update according to the devs
  • ObraxisObraxis Subnautica Animator & Generalist, NS2 Person Join Date: 2004-07-24 Member: 30071Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, WC 2013 - Supporter, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts
    It'll be the farming update

    Actually, our next update will be the H2.0 update. We're working on some visual improvements to the game, so hopefully it will be even prettier. :blush:
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    Obraxis wrote: »

    Actually, our next update will be the H2.0 update. We're working on some visual improvements to the game, so hopefully it will be even prettier. :blush:

    I see, any hints as to the major things we'll see in this update?
  • TheGuru143TheGuru143 U.S. Join Date: 2015-09-07 Member: 207801Members
    I see, any hints as to the major things we'll see in this update?

    Based on things I've read, we should be getting more realistic water looks / effects.
  • RedArremerRedArremer San Marino Join Date: 2015-09-14 Member: 207945Members
    edited September 2015
    I think one of the things that UWE would need for both this and the Steam forum is, simply said, some community members to help them moderate threads, answer questions etc.
    These moderators don't even have to be in the know about future content and such, but many threads can be answered by a question that a player who knows the currently available content just as well and keeps up with the official teasers for future stuff.
    And of course moderators could close redundant threads and refer to the already existing ones, keeping the forums clean and easy to look over.
  • TheGuru143TheGuru143 U.S. Join Date: 2015-09-07 Member: 207801Members
    Having a few moderators that could link to an existing thread and close a new one would definitely help. Every day there are multiple posts asking the same questions that have been answered many times over. I guess it's easier to ask than search.
    This is an issue in many games. In one game I play, questions are asked and someone can even LINK the answer, but the person responds with, "Just tell me, I'm too lazy to look it up on the wiki". *shakes head* I just can't understand that type of mentality. If I don't understand something, I NEED to read about it and comprehend it
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    There are already moderators on these forums, however, the sheer weight of repeated topics and questions would drive anyone insane with trying to manage it all.

    Also, as much as 'Use the search' is normally a valid response to repeated questions, the forum search around here is and always has been pretty useless. Yes you can find the links, but it is normally easier to manually search through the threads to find them than searching, so while it is a valid idea, it is a bit hard to do in reality.

    Remember, there are many forums on this board, although, only the subnautica, and NS2 forums are what you would call active currently.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    Soul_Rider wrote: »
    There are already moderators on these forums, however, the sheer weight of repeated topics and questions would drive anyone insane with trying to manage it all.

    ^ Bingo. (As a moderator myself)
  • SmashBrownSmashBrown Kerbin Join Date: 2015-08-27 Member: 207523Members
    I honestly tend to drop in/out on game forums, especially on in development titles, no point in discussing it to death or constantly watching every little snippet of info, it'll be done when it's done, and i will stop by once every now and then after a few updates have been released, then go again, come back in a while after another few updates. I would rather not play it to death now and have nothing left to surprise me on release.
    Just my opinion though.
  • TerraBladeTerraBlade Join Date: 2015-05-25 Member: 204886Members
    I only have so much free time, and more then one game in my libary that hasn't even been touched. While Subnautica is on a short list of 'always installed' games...I'm not always playing it. Heck I jumped in last night and was pleasantly surprised by not only the seamoth update but that you can see the island and apparently a NEW island in the distance from where you start. The game continues to be among my favorites I have ever played.

    But if I jumped on the forums every day...well the devs can't move that fast. Though I am pleased that I might have had an influence on the sonar, and happy on how it turned out in the game. This means that we are all being listened to, but things take time to make and if I were on the forums every day I would just get frustrated. The game isn't finished and if I played it to death I would just get frustrated by what isn't there as well. So I log in every now and then, and offer feedback when I feel it would be meaningful to say something.

    Besides, half the time it's people complaining about weapons or that X is to hard to find. Those horses have been brutally beaten and just need to be left alone at this point.
  • TheGuru143TheGuru143 U.S. Join Date: 2015-09-07 Member: 207801Members
    @TerraBlade, I honestly don't think I could have stated all that better myself. It does seem that a lot of the problems relate to individuals purchasing this early access game and expecting it play like a completed game. There is simply no way for a small development team to keep pace with it's player base. Heck, I play another game that has over 300 developers and it still can't release content quick enough to please the masses!
    I believe that if more people followed your advice of playing a while and then taking a break for a while until more content was released they would be much happier.
    And to the players out there; If you only have the money to purchase a single game, NEVER choose an early access game. You are bound to be dissatisfied after a short time because there isn't as much there as there will be when it's a finished product.
  • ZourinZourin White Castle Join Date: 2015-02-27 Member: 201577Members
    edited September 2015
    It's just community exhaustion. It's not unexpected.

    Game launches, the community ravenously devours it as it entertains and gets the creative juices flowing for conversation. However, this happens much faster than new content can emerge without a particularly aggressive dev pace. New patch launches, everyone hops in for the week or two to see the new stuff, then moves on.

    The other side of it is that development has been adding a lot of breadth to the game, but not a lot of depth (in the literal sense). Long term goals are for Subnautica to push the player to go deeper, but nothing has been done content-wise to break the tether to shallows-grade materials. Gold and Diamond are all but trash loot compared to Quartz, Copper, Salt, SIlver, and Titanium, and are not made easier by progression, but harder (due to larger amounts needed). This forces players to stay shallow with the 'deeps' being completely uninteresting except as a tourist attraction.

    That means that it doesn't take people very long at all because there's no 'game changer', no new tier of difficulty that requires specific changes to how the game is played. The greatest challenge a game can offer is to make a player transition from an 'easy-mode' starter playstyle to advanced gameplay techniques. Right now, there aren't any of the latter, as everything still hinges on shallows-material scavenging with only a focused voyage for a miniscule number of other materials and novelty toy fragments.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    Or that it's simply the fact that people have lives outside of the internet :p
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
    pff more terrain :P
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