Personal Defense Equipment: Torpedoes?
I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members

Personally, I am a little tired of having to flee like a sissy whenever faced with large predators.
The knife just, and excuse the pun, isn't cutting it.
The Propulsion gun and Stasis rifle are fine for scientific work and the pacifists among us, but something more substantial is in order when facing off against dangerous creatures, if only to give us more survivability during their encounters.
For this purpose, I would suggest a Torpedo Launcher type device.
This kind of device would be expensive to craft, requiring a Titanium Ingot, Advanced Wiring Kit, Battery, Computer Chip, and Silicon.
The Launcher would be significantly heavy, dragging the player down while in the inventory, and slow the player's swim speed while they have it in their hand.
Though with this, you gain the capability to launch several different types of Torpedoes.
b]Blast Torpedoes[/b would be crafted using 3x Crash Powder, Titanium, and Copper Wire. These kinds of torpedoes would launch directly ahead, losing power after a considerable distance, before sinking to the sea floor. They would detonate on impact with the terrain, or sea creatures, releasing a powerful concussive blast, similar to a Crash, killing small creatures, while larger creatures are hurt less, but also temporarily stunned. This type of torpedo also has the handy effect of displacing sand in it's blast radius, making it effective for terraforming. The blast is also damaging to players, vehicles, and Sea Bases.
b]Flash Torpedoes[/b, for a little undersea razzle dazzle, would be crafted using Magnesium, Titanium, and Copper Wire. These torpedoes emit a blinding flash of light upon detonation, illuminating even the darkest of areas, and scaring away most predators and creatures. The light explosion does no harm to other creatures, but has the unique effect of absolutely enraging Reaper Leviathans, causing them to attack any and all nearby creatures, even other leviathans.
b]Bait Torpedoes[/b would be crafted using any kind of Raw Fish, Titanium, and Copper Wire. These torpedoes explode into a cloud of irresistible chum on impact, luring nearby predators. If more than one predator is lured to the chum cloud, they may fight over it. Otherwise, the Bait Torpedo does no harm to creatures.
b]Bolt Torpedoes[/b would be crafted using 2 Batteries, Titanium, and Copper Wire. Bolt Torpedoes, as their name implies, release a powerful electric pulse on impact, temporarily stunning all creatures within the blast radius. The size of the creature directly relates to how long it is stunned, with larger creatures only being stunned for a few seconds, while smaller fish are stunned for a few minutes. This particular Torpedo also has the handy effect of being able to charge power to vehicles and Sea Bases as well.
b]Shimmer Torpedoes[/b would be crafted using Quartz, Glass, Titanium, and Copper Wire. Shimmer Torpedoes are another distraction type Torpedo, creating a large cloud of shimmering dust upon detonation, distracting predators and hiding the player from view, allowing them to escape. The effectiveness of this torpedo is relative to the time of day, and the depth it is used at. A Shimmer Torpedo used at night will do very little to distract creatures and conceal the player, as will a torpedo used at a significant depth. This type of Torpedo also has the unique effect of attracting Stalkers.
The Launcher can fire its torpedoes at different speeds, and therefore distances, similar to how the Stasis Rifle charges its shots. Charging the Launcher drains its power. The player can keep the launcher charged while they have it out, however energy will still decrease as long as the button is held.
b]Homing[/b Torpedoes can be crafted using any recipe, while also adding a Computer Chip to the mix. Homing Torpedoes can lock on to any creature larger than a Rabbit Ray, and will fly towards that creature, albeit much more slowly, and will lose power and sink much sooner. Homing Torpedoes can not be "charged" before launching, limiting them to closer ranges, instead they are able to lock onto creatures by holding down the fire button until a reticule appears over the creature nearest the center of the screen, where it will begin to circle and close around the creature. After about 5 seconds, the reticule will close and turn red, with a beep signifying a successful lock on. The player must then release the button to fire the torpedo.
Torpedoes must be reloaded after each firing, manually, through the inventory screen. A Workbench upgrade to the Torpedo Launcher, the b]Torpedo Magazine[/b, would allow the player to load 5 Torpedoes at a time.
The Torpedo Launcher would also function as an attachment to the Exo-Suit and Seamoth, mounting to the grab arm of the Exo-Suit, and the underside of the Sea Moth, and would be fired using the number it is equipped on. This becomes more useful once the Torpedo Magazine is created, allowing the player to fire more than one torpedo before having to remove the launcher and reload it manually.
The Launcher would be quite large, requiring two hands to operate, and significantly slowing the player, as well as causing them to sink.
Some visual design inspiration

Turns out what I was actually looking for is kind of hard to describe to Google.
But, you get the idea, yes?
The knife just, and excuse the pun, isn't cutting it.
The Propulsion gun and Stasis rifle are fine for scientific work and the pacifists among us, but something more substantial is in order when facing off against dangerous creatures, if only to give us more survivability during their encounters.
For this purpose, I would suggest a Torpedo Launcher type device.
This kind of device would be expensive to craft, requiring a Titanium Ingot, Advanced Wiring Kit, Battery, Computer Chip, and Silicon.
The Launcher would be significantly heavy, dragging the player down while in the inventory, and slow the player's swim speed while they have it in their hand.
Though with this, you gain the capability to launch several different types of Torpedoes.
b]Blast Torpedoes[/b would be crafted using 3x Crash Powder, Titanium, and Copper Wire. These kinds of torpedoes would launch directly ahead, losing power after a considerable distance, before sinking to the sea floor. They would detonate on impact with the terrain, or sea creatures, releasing a powerful concussive blast, similar to a Crash, killing small creatures, while larger creatures are hurt less, but also temporarily stunned. This type of torpedo also has the handy effect of displacing sand in it's blast radius, making it effective for terraforming. The blast is also damaging to players, vehicles, and Sea Bases.
b]Flash Torpedoes[/b, for a little undersea razzle dazzle, would be crafted using Magnesium, Titanium, and Copper Wire. These torpedoes emit a blinding flash of light upon detonation, illuminating even the darkest of areas, and scaring away most predators and creatures. The light explosion does no harm to other creatures, but has the unique effect of absolutely enraging Reaper Leviathans, causing them to attack any and all nearby creatures, even other leviathans.
b]Bait Torpedoes[/b would be crafted using any kind of Raw Fish, Titanium, and Copper Wire. These torpedoes explode into a cloud of irresistible chum on impact, luring nearby predators. If more than one predator is lured to the chum cloud, they may fight over it. Otherwise, the Bait Torpedo does no harm to creatures.
b]Bolt Torpedoes[/b would be crafted using 2 Batteries, Titanium, and Copper Wire. Bolt Torpedoes, as their name implies, release a powerful electric pulse on impact, temporarily stunning all creatures within the blast radius. The size of the creature directly relates to how long it is stunned, with larger creatures only being stunned for a few seconds, while smaller fish are stunned for a few minutes. This particular Torpedo also has the handy effect of being able to charge power to vehicles and Sea Bases as well.
b]Shimmer Torpedoes[/b would be crafted using Quartz, Glass, Titanium, and Copper Wire. Shimmer Torpedoes are another distraction type Torpedo, creating a large cloud of shimmering dust upon detonation, distracting predators and hiding the player from view, allowing them to escape. The effectiveness of this torpedo is relative to the time of day, and the depth it is used at. A Shimmer Torpedo used at night will do very little to distract creatures and conceal the player, as will a torpedo used at a significant depth. This type of Torpedo also has the unique effect of attracting Stalkers.
The Launcher can fire its torpedoes at different speeds, and therefore distances, similar to how the Stasis Rifle charges its shots. Charging the Launcher drains its power. The player can keep the launcher charged while they have it out, however energy will still decrease as long as the button is held.
b]Homing[/b Torpedoes can be crafted using any recipe, while also adding a Computer Chip to the mix. Homing Torpedoes can lock on to any creature larger than a Rabbit Ray, and will fly towards that creature, albeit much more slowly, and will lose power and sink much sooner. Homing Torpedoes can not be "charged" before launching, limiting them to closer ranges, instead they are able to lock onto creatures by holding down the fire button until a reticule appears over the creature nearest the center of the screen, where it will begin to circle and close around the creature. After about 5 seconds, the reticule will close and turn red, with a beep signifying a successful lock on. The player must then release the button to fire the torpedo.
Torpedoes must be reloaded after each firing, manually, through the inventory screen. A Workbench upgrade to the Torpedo Launcher, the b]Torpedo Magazine[/b, would allow the player to load 5 Torpedoes at a time.
The Torpedo Launcher would also function as an attachment to the Exo-Suit and Seamoth, mounting to the grab arm of the Exo-Suit, and the underside of the Sea Moth, and would be fired using the number it is equipped on. This becomes more useful once the Torpedo Magazine is created, allowing the player to fire more than one torpedo before having to remove the launcher and reload it manually.
The Launcher would be quite large, requiring two hands to operate, and significantly slowing the player, as well as causing them to sink.
Some visual design inspiration

Turns out what I was actually looking for is kind of hard to describe to Google.
But, you get the idea, yes?
I'm not sure whether the base versions should be self operated or automatic but still requiring a manual re-load.
As for which set of torpedo's should be used with the subs I suggest having the more tactical such as flash and bait torpedo's be confined to the sea moth while offensive like bolt, blast and homing be kept for base and Cyclops torpedo cannons.
The idea was that it would be a hand held gadget that could be bolted onto the Seamoth or Exosuit. So if the player wanted to exit their vehicle, they could unmount the launcher and take it with them. The weight of the thing alone would have people wanting to put it on their suits or subs. I'd just like the option to yank it off and use it to slap around some Bone Sharks, The Ocean Hunter style. Like if I don't want to lose my Seamoth or Exosuit, but that Sand Shark over there was saying some crap about my fish mother.
Base mounted launchers would be player operated turrets, requiring a launcher, some titanium, and some glass to build. My idea is that eventually Subnautica will have multiplayer of some sort, similar to Space Engineers.
If affixed to the side of a corridor or room, it would operate on a sponson mount, able to rotate sideways, but have a limited range up and down.
But if affixed to the top of a corridor or room, it would become a Ball Turret, able to fire in a wider range around it.
The player would then fire torpedoes from their inventory. I think it automatically reloading from the player's inventory, or from a nearby container would be a decent tradeoff for the lack of mobility.
Another thought, once the player loads a torpedo, the AI/Computer voice would announce which type of torpedo was loaded.
So in the case of having the Torpedo Magazine, or it being auto-loaded on a Base, the player would have an idea of what they were firing before they fired it.
I dunno about limiting torpedo types to specific vehicles, though. Freedom is good. If I want to wreck shop with some Blast Torpedoes on my Seamoth I should definitely be able to.
As for the Cyclops, perhaps a Turret Upgrade Module could be something you could craft, which would then add a turret to the underside of the sub for you to hop into.
personally i like it.
Thing is, though, only one of the torpedo types actually harms creatures. Another type stuns them. And one spooks em and pisses Reapers off beyond belief.
Though to be brutally honest, I have a crippling case of Thalassophobia, so in order to help face my fear of the deep, I'd like to be supplied with heavy explosive ordnance.
I do like the idea of launching or throwing bait though. Even the idea of having something that would temporarily blind or distract predators or having Reapers start fighting each other.
If you have Thalassophobia than you might want to reconsider playing a game set in an ocean-world. Having explosive ordnance is a solution for a problem the game doesn't have.
Nah, he started posting here today. No need to hate a new member who doesn't know how a weapon discusion can excalate here xD
I personally am very tired of this arguing about the L-word and will only say that the devs do not intend to add them as far as i know.
If you want torpedos try pulling in some crashers and launching them around with the propulsion cannon. Not as fun but still pretty satisfying.
The devs have stated multiple times that this sort of equipment simply won't be in the game... Soul Rider (a user on the forums here, a mod too I think) has constantly quoted that because it's actually true :P
Edit, specifically I mean the violent type of torpedoes
Crash fish torpedos anyone?
Torpedoes can be used against anything. It's just a type of ordnance delivery vehicle.
Been casually reading the forums for about a week before I got the game m8. Notice how I never actually mentioned weapons in my original post, specifically for those sensitive to the concept of defending yourself.
I mentioned why I got into the game, despite my fears, here
Also I was making a joke m8
The problem is being completely unable to defend myself with anything other than a knife, or the propulsion gun, neither of which are a permanent or satisfying solution.
Yeah and giant Jeagers to stomp on Reapers and machine guns and laser rifles and chainsaws!
Well that kinda goes against the whole point of us colonizing the planet, now doesn't it?
This would be an awesome idea, but don't Crashes explode on their own after a short time?
So is propelling things with gunpowder yet we rarely use it for non-lethal measures. But a torpedo is actually complex bit of kit (essentially a submarine or boat), so only the most important payloads would be only worthwhile. Usually it is explosives because an enemy ship sunk is worth the price. But for stuff like baits or simple grenades?
Why not have a reusable little drone do all that? It goes where you want it, drops and activates what you sent it with and comes back to you for a recharge. Makes much more sense and much more versatile.
Besides, why would a ship meant for terraforming worlds have torpedoes on it, especially ones with explosive ordnance? Even as blueprints?
You want to kill them and the game is not about killing, but exploration. You are hardly defenseless. You can upgrade the propulsion gun to much more effective and maybe you should also try out the statis gun.
Against everything except Reapers just returning to the Seamoth is a sure defense. The game should be much safer once you have one. Right now (now that the super-hostility thing has been patched), the game is much safer than you think.
And again, you're acting like the concussive torpedoes are the only thing I'm suggesting. Maybe consider the whole idea rather than objecting to the mere concept of one part of it?
Making something does not need to be crippling in cost for it to be expensive. Merely not worth the cost. Just because you can utilize raw resources quickly does not mean that it is worth trivially spending them.
No, I'm not. I am talking about the explosive-filled ones mostly because that is the most prominent example of a torpedo. It is what people think when the word "torpedo" is used. If that is omitted and the others kept, people are going to ask why not an explosive torpedo?
The thing is that the other stuff could be delivered in other ways or not even require a torpedo at all.
Torpedoes, like most proposed weapons, make little sense in the game setting and are simply put, unnecessary. The game is not that violent and is not about violence. Trying to make them non-lethal is missing the point.
If the torpedos were to implemented and you started using them, you'd actually become very quickly bored because you'd just blast away every threat without thinking. The same happens in Minecraft with certain mods that make the player more powerful or better equipped, they end up in a situation where nothing is a threat to them.
Exactly. So you're not going to be "blasting away every threat without thinking"
I mean, sure, you could try, but it would take a while, and require you to set up a few supply bases, get to know the local fauna, possibly stop the radiation from leaking out of the Aurora, explore the ocean for materials, run from a few Reapers, and generally play the rest of the game.
Again, a torpedo is a type of ordnance delivery system.
>Game is underwater
>Torpedoes are simple, specifically designed for underwater
>Somehow makes no sense?
Only 1/5th of this suggestion implies violence. This suggestion is not that violent, and is not about violence.
The point of what? What you insist torpedoes are, regardless of my actual suggestion?
I would definitely class torpedoes as Personal Offense Equipment.
(Americanised my spellings to make more sense, as the English spelling has multiple meanings.)
If you arm a player with a highly-effective weapon they will use it. If it easily solves an otherwise difficult problem they'll prefer the easy solution over the difficult one, regardless how much resources it will cost. Then the question should be raised whether giving the easy solution is worthwhile to implement in the first case when the idea of a difficult problem is that it is difficult.
At which point torpedos become redundant and unnecessary anyway, as evidenced by the fact that the player can do all that without torpedoes.
If you are going to recycle arguments, so will I.
Stuff you missed:
> There are no enemy submarines or ships in the game (planned or otherwise, at the moment) for which typical torpedoes would be useful against.
> You are a survivor of a ship whose express purpose is terraforming. Why would it have torpedoes or blueprints for one?
> Real marine researchers do not need torpedoes or other heavy ordnance to be safe, even in waters with human-killing sharks.
> There is only one creature in the game (at the moment) that torpedoes would have a point which is the Reaper, one that is reasonably easy to avoid and becomes a non-threat with a Cyclops.
Except that's a Red herring, that 1/5th suggestion with violence is essential to the suggestion at its core.
The 4/5th rest of it could be implemented without torpedos, so they are not important to the suggestion as a whole and are actually separate ideas. That is why I am ignoring them, if you would have bothered to read the rest of my post.
The game's thematic ideas and design. You are not on top of the food chain, which is actually fairly common to survival games (even ones that have killing creatures as an important mechanic, such as The Long Dark). Adding torpedoes would change that.
The nightmare scenario will never happen.
You guys seriously need to pick up better arguments.
im KILLING THEM and i need an easier way to do it plz
Concerning explosives: as long as they are not meant to be used as weapon, they might fit in the game. Remote charges could be meant for an ambush, so simply use timed charges (15 seconds ?), so timing them for a fight will get nearly impossible.
The damage could just come from critters being knocked into stuff.
Your peaceful planet shot my ship down!
Sorry for my imperfect english, guys ...
Your peaceful planet is trying to kill me at every turn. I should be able to kill back
It'd be stupid to not have a more effective means of protecting ourselves.
This mission we're on is of vital importance to the existence of the human race. Alterra spent billions of dollars getting us to the planet, and now we're the only ones left alive to protect that investment. So let's even the playing field a little bit.
With an underwater missile launcher that shoots sparkle bombs
I do like the idea of timed explosives, though.
Like you could find a cave, plant a 20 second bomb, then lead your quarry into the cave and boop em with the Stasis Rifle until the bomb goes kablooie