Resource/Item Respawn
United States Join Date: 2015-05-09 Member: 204341Members

Of all suggestions, I believe this is one of the absolute most crucial. From what I've observed, resources (fish, limestone, quartz, salt, scrap metal, mushrooms, gemmed disks, kelp, coral, lithium, koosh, etc.) don't respawn once taken. Ever. Which, honestly, really sucks. Not only does the ocean get lonely after a bit, but it becomes nearly impossible to stay alive on survival mode. To fix this, implement a respawning mechanism for the resources listed above. Ideally, one that only takes, say, 2-4 in-game days for the items to respawn. Also, set a number cap so the ocean doesn't get overpopulated. Spawning somethings like fish using console commands would ideally be able to allow the player to surpass this cap, so you can make the ocean as full as you want it. Just maintain a minimum.
The areas off the shallows are more dangerous yet aren't itemized to support player survival. It all winds up coming back to the depleted shallows for the hope of spending hours looking for quartz, copper, and salt to meet the players' long term needs.
Resource respawns are really just one part of the bigger problem though. The game needs some real dedicated time put into developing serious basic systems like water filtration, food/resource growth, sustainable power systems, defense systems, and better processing systems. The resources we gather aren't really used effectively and the respawn criteria are rather kind of junk. We need to be able to grow the shrooms and kelp for med kits and batteries, we need to be able to filter water and separate the salt so we have food and water, and we need to be able to create real sustainable power sources so we're not burning through what materials we do have. All of that would vastly help with the resource respawn problems in that we wouldn't need to be constantly burning through the little that we find just to survive until we find some more. And for the love of god, can we start building some lithium cells already? We're eating through power cells at stupid rates.
One of the more unique things I am looking forward to is a built-in ecology system, where you can breed/transplant animals/fish to provide a sustainable food chain. Conversely, if you eat everything off without doing this, everything dies off.
not just by yourself, but within a matter of days.
Note: For performance reasons, the game engine would only show a limited number of the total population of each species in the area. As you eat/kill some, others might spawn in to replace them based on the current number remaining alive in that area.
not really sure what to do now though... put a box or locker in my sub and stock it full of power cells and food and go for a long haul?
I didn't find the food and water mechanics to be too outrageous, and i thought things respawned pretty normally. but i could be wrong...
I build a decent sized base too (and tons of windows because i love windows haha nice view)
such a fun concept and game. i hope this time next year it's finished or something
There is also the exterior grow beds which you can put kelp and some other plants for your own use.
I'm not sure if releasing bred fish into the environment will make them actually persist in the game world or not.
I absolutely agree with you on respawning for the stuff that you cannot grow or raise on your own though (lithium, quartz, scrap, etc) It's not realistic really, but its an area I can see being sacrificed for the purpose of long term plkay.
Things that make our survival less difficuilt:
That beeing said you still need tons of Quarz, Titanium, Copper and silver to build all those nice things. While some resources can be found in abundance (like diamonds and gold for example I kinda never run out of those) Others are needed in so many components that you are kinda constantly on the hunt for them. That's where I think a good respawn system could come in handy. I know it makes no sense that "ores" regrow but this is after all just a game where realism does not play the biggest role. Making resources respawn as an option for those players who like it that way would not hurt the game imo. You could set it so that those resources just respawn where you took them from so that they can not "overpopulate" a biome if you not harvest them.
I know that this partly removes the need to explore the biomes but still it would not hurt to have certain biomes where you know you can always find resources X or Y there no matter how often you've been there before.
EDIT: Another idea could be to give the players a kind of salvage room which you could build close to big wrecks, the Aurora or the Aurora only. This Salvage room would then start to disassemble the wrecks/the Aurora in a certain range to gather resources from it at a certain range. Maybe even set it to gather only certain resources like Titanium or Silver.
Also, color me crazy but from time to time i swear that some quartz ive collected around my base seems to regrow after awhile ..... im sure i picked ''that'' one up but after a few ingame days its there again. Could be a glitch tho and not respawn per se