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Here’s a peek at what will be coming to Subnautica in the next few weeks: The explosion and exploration of the Aurora starship. Back at in 2014, an extremely early prototype...
EDIT: ''It's likely to be some time in March'' Shouldn't it be in April? XD
Yes! Thank you Hoix, I will fix this now.
I just wondered two things :
- about seabases, could we have the possibility to build rooms and not only corridors ? because right now it is kind of limited, and feels cramped.
- about the explosion of the Aurora, when and under what circumstances will it explode ?
( http://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/files/2015/03/20150329_SN_CrashShipSmall_4-618x348.jpg )
The Subnautica art makes for great desktop wallpapers.
New,larger rooms have been mentioned by the devs and that is probably in progress
I don't think anyone knows about the explosion (the details of it) but I'm assuming it's more or less at the beginning of the game, sort of like the trailer (though that could be totally wrong)
Definitely what I was thinking, larger rooms. It would be excellent to have a large ball type structure at the top of a tower. Maybe also vertical corridors to build ACTUAL towers. you could run a ladder through them. a singular ladder going up and down a shaft would be way easier than many ladder on top of each other, making it difficult to descend.
-Seamoth upgrades that allow for better handling/turning. I have found it very difficult to point it in the direction I want it to go, almost as if I have to fight it.
-Weapon upgrades for the Seamoth to allow for a stasis rifle or some type of pulse weapon to scatter aggressors for a short time.
It seems a little difficult to imagine that these massive creatures exist and we would have no real way to defend ourselves against them.
this will answer the bases question. http://i.gyazo.com/dc394b43d6401351708e6cc9a115f6b4.png
I imagine the explosion happens as soon as you exit your escape pod.
Well the stasis gun can be charged as it is to shoot a huge stasis bubble. I imagine this would work just as well on that thing.
Though I agree, it would mean you have to exit the Seamoth every time you need to fire, taking more time than it should to do potentially simple tasks. I'm all for a more difficult game, but I prefer balance over difficulty.
I would be relatively disappointed if the stasis rifle could trap the Reaper as frankly, the reaper is far larger than the bubble that is produced and it should be able to wriggle out by moving whichever part isn't inside the bubble-- however, I agree that the player should be rewarded with a particularly good shot that encapsulates the entire creature (or most of it)
but, say, if only the last half or so is trapped the mouth should still be able to lunge and the creature should be able to struggle out of it
The Stasis Rifle can in fact, trap the Reaper as of right now, I tried it and it works.
I think maybe with exploring the Aurora, could come lots of backround story? perhaps some Holo-view things you can activate that would go into more detail and to *why* the human race is trying to colonize other planets?
I agree, in other chats they're also talking about a pokedex type design for analyzing plant and possibly animal species. It would be cool if you could find an intact or maybe slightly damaged interface on the wreck and maybe be able to download logs, videos, information on the planet, etc. to go into lore for those people that like that and then maybe also gain information that would have taken some time to get by yourself.
Also, what if at some point you could actually get a makeshift portion of the wreck operational and leave the planet/start terraforming/ message for backup or help?! I think that would be awesome. Especially if multiplayer could be a thing.
Now, I hope the sound will arrive sooner under water than above it, mostly because it's the sort of sound you'd probably not survive if you were close enough to hear it simultaneously to the blast! :-)
One of my dream games is to find a wrecked spaceship and try to fix it and/or dismantle it to build something else, without a ton of space zombies or creatures keeping you from completing your task. Or without being limited as to what door you can or can not open if you have tools that can cut through/open it.
Inb4 fps drops, and fire alarm 'cause your pc caught on fire
Based on some of the comments from a few members on the dev team, I understand that larger rooms for bases are planned. Would love to see this in this update, but based off the the lack of info on the trello board, it seems like bigger rooms may have been put on pause for the time being. Either way, the work so far seems fantastic.
But something bothering me a lot : are we (player) the last survivor ? Or coop (if implemented) would be the solution to solve this question ? Or will we have NPC instead ? Or nothing if we are REALLY the last one on this remote planet ?
Next hing that will make me super excited : remote/buried alien cities ! (*pop* my bad, I was dreaming again !)
I don't know if I should be happy or stay out of the deeper waters at all
Thus far really awesome work guys, keep it up. This is one of the first early-access games that I participated in and I (as a former Diver) already can say you are doing great. Awesome experience especialle in VR
A little hint maybe, or a request keep that as you like.
I think later when having developed the game a bit further, the Diver/Player himself should not be able to dive below 100m without going to die. That is simply the human limit, even that is only possible with large supplies of oxygen and a special air-helium(or argon)gas-mix, called "trimix". Here is a link for the deatils of deep-diving also called technical-diving:
-> diagram with depth-levels and there is also a good picture as how a technical-diver looks when
geared up, in reality there is no way to go below 40m with the equipment the main character uses
until now.
I think this background-knowledgde will help you to make the experience of the game even better:
Since the game takes place in a far future maybe a shourt period of time in deep water (about 1000m) might be possible, suggest some kind of reinforced deep-diving-suit
(as I read a exoskeleton is already planned for the game)
the lighter version of the exoskeletion may be worn wihtin the seamoth, so you can change the powercell without getting sqashed by the waterpressure.
Or if this would not work with game-dynamics when not being able to dive below 100m without a sub/exoskeleton maybe a flotation-device for the seamoth/cyclops that while triggered lets the sub rise to the surface likt the air-baloon does with the diver already, maybe it would get a key bound while steering of the subs, like "F" for flotation-device" to save the player+sub from being crushed by the rising pressure. (Until now the subs don't sink down when the power is out but since you keep chaning the game to new levels of realism everytime I think you are already planning this feature if not, maybe you think it might be a good addition for the game.
Would be cool to see that level of realism in the final version of the game.
Again thank you for the great work so far, looking forward to see what you got in store for us in the next update
Really enjoying the game and can't wait to see the end result!