Getting tired of all CS/COD players
SWEDEN Join Date: 2012-01-22 Member: 141596Members

Been playing alot of rine matches lately and oboy some people can really whine.
Have been kicked from 2 servers and alot of people complains about my so called "ESP".
Do people really think the stealth upgrade for Kharaas make them 100% invis? Even if they stay still you can still see the "Predators" reflection.
Seems like alot of people dont use their sound correct. ( this was on yellow/red skilled servers )
Almost everyone that QQs about my "ESP" has 80% of their gaming time on a Counter-Strike game or a Call of Duty.
Question is; Are we being invaded by CS/COD players?
Have been kicked from 2 servers and alot of people complains about my so called "ESP".
Do people really think the stealth upgrade for Kharaas make them 100% invis? Even if they stay still you can still see the "Predators" reflection.
Seems like alot of people dont use their sound correct. ( this was on yellow/red skilled servers )
Almost everyone that QQs about my "ESP" has 80% of their gaming time on a Counter-Strike game or a Call of Duty.
Question is; Are we being invaded by CS/COD players?
They aren’t literate enough To read the forums anyway.
And the "invasion" of CS/COD players is either a temporary burst, or only in a small burst. It could also be a bunch of people who bought NS2 on sale and finally realised it existed, and decided to play it. O.O
Yeah yeah, hours != skill. But You do dodge the majority of the rambos and the douches. The people who look for the hours based servers are the ones looking for good games.
It's basically ghetto matchmaking since we never got anything like that.
Is that.. physically possible?!
It's the InternetS, anything is possible.
And after a lucky win of there team ...
.... "EZ"
CSGO kiddy at its best.
Its abit sad that there more of these morons play NS2 lateley.
All this "owned", "Noob", ...
Thank god we dont have much players like that in NS2.
So, would i miss people like i mentioned above?
The good thing is:
These kind of players wont have much fun in NS2.
They play a few rounds, getting rekt and returning to there CS Style games.
Im vote F2 and tell my team to do so , dont fight or talk back with these kids
My advice to you is " Enjoy game , be like water >> Your mind is water , put it in bottle so it will become a bottle of water >> Cut water or do whatever to it >> It still remain "
Keep trainning >> You will get better like my friends here , i have teach and guide him play NS2 and now look at his scoreboard >> He not blame team or lag/ ping
Please put images behind Spoiler tags. Thanks! -Decoy
These people who rage at someone on their team for being "noob" because that person can't run into a room and solo half the enemy team like they can. Because if you can't take on 4 Marines alone as a Skulk and win nearly every time, you're just a **** player right?
Even worse, these people who intentionally look for green rookie friendly servers with low skill players so they can stomp the crap out of everyone, then get that high and mighty elitist attitude of "I'm just pro, get good noob" when they have more kills than everyone in the server combined and people (understandably) complain about them ruining the server (which they are) - I've even suggested to some of them when a white non rookie server is populated that they should go play there, and the typical response is "nah I don't like that server, It's more fun here" - Translation "I just want to stomp on rookies, not play against people on my own level"
The reason NS2 has such a low population in the first place is because of these elitist douchebags ruining the game for everyone around them. That is why nearly every sale is followed by the standard "NS2 has the worst community of any online game I've ever played blah blah" threads.
Was on IBIS last night and met a player that fits this profile, jumped into the chair and started insulting his players from the get go and inciting to be ejected as "If you eject me you lose a good comm but get the best player on the field" egotistic small man syndrome, constantly belittling and pissing everyone off, you could tell in his voice he had a hard time at school, tried to be one of the cool kids but never did quite fit in, angry at the world, "I'm the best" childish kind of shit, felt kind of sorry for him to be honest.
Funny thing is he wasn't the best player there, the best players in my eyes are the humble pros that don't say a word and just get the job done, actions speak louder than words.
If they have played 50-60hours/latest 2weeks in CS/COD (2 common cheat games) they still dont have the right to harras a regular NS2 player.
I see my self as a Rookie with good aim, no clue with the map tactics so i just follow orders like a common grunt and blast kharaas.
Also, I find that its the "Pro" players that tend to be the bigger a**holes most of the time.
If you have new players in your server, help them with the game. If they have a bad attitude, just mute them.
Perhaps we should make a list of servers that fit that profile.
Their ability to shoot and to coordinate with others is all I care about.
Behavior and whether or not they come from the ass ends of human kind are of no concern to me.
It's the internet. Come on, you are bound to run into some kind of sick joke of a person one way or another. Don't blame it solely on CoD or CS, maybe they came from league or WoT or something.
Just deal with it.
I'm sure something else annoys you more than scum of humanity.
ANYONE to play it. ns2 provides a unique experience you wont get anywhere else no matter what game you played in the PAST...this is where its AT! xXx_ns2-4(20)lyfe_xXx
Not at all, last modern warfare I played (not speaking of the wonderful modern warfare 1) 9/10 games would have full blast aimbots. Literally, nine of ten matches you'd play consecutive would have players on full blast aimbot. You could literally go over for 6 hours without a legitimate game.
Never have I ever played such an unsecure/unmoderated game in my life. It's why I refuse to purchase call of duty or support those trashcans again. I'll just leave modern warfare 1 and its devs in a high place in my mind (minus when they ignored the community for it who was begging for updates/maps towards the end and got zero support)
NS2 on the other hand, probably the least amount of cheaters I've encountered in an FPS. Similar to quake - probably because if you cheat in a game like this it's extremely obvious due to how inhumane it would look. But with how advanced cheats in CSGO have gotten, I'm not sure how something similar would look in a game like ns2. Either way, I think it's more obvious in a game which requires such intense tracking - you'd have to be using something really subtle and already be a competitive player to even try to 'hide' it, any noob cheating would be obvious with their poor mouse movements or lack of game knowledge
Not sure why I just went on a rant about cheats lol
Are you kidding?
These kind of players playing some rounds after sales and a week later most of them are gone again.
Cause its not so "EZ" like they yelling after every round and all the "Noobs" are better than then most of the time cause they cant "OWN" like they want to.
Sure there some assholes in NS2, but not that many like in an typical CS/CoD style shooter.